Today is my birthday!

Today is my birthday,Yes I am a Capricorn, with a Scorpio moon and a Sagittarius sun & Pisces node. I am the third generation to be born with  a veil over my head. Wise tales say its good luck in midevil times they said it would keep evils away. Also that the person that had been born like this would save people from drowning. They also have a second sight!

My family’s heritiage is that of medicine women in native american tribes, celtic witches to egyptian people. The only reason I speak of this is because if all my crazy different ancestors didn’t meet each other and procreated for millions of years I wouln’t be here. The band the streets have this song and it always makes me feel so alive…

“For billions of years since the onset of time
Every single one of your ansestors survived
Every single person on your mum and dads side
Successfully looked after and passed onto you life
What are the chances of that like
It comes to me once in a while
And everywhere I tell folk it gets the best smile..”

-The Streets “On the Edge Of a Cliff”

Just think about that when ever your lost and you need help getting back on track because it would not be something so special to just ignore. Spirit has bigger plans for you!

Blessed be and listen to the song its awesome!