Lammas- The First Harvest Festival!

Lammas: August 2, July 31st/Aug 1st

Frey Fest/Lughnasa/Lugnasad/Lammas

This is an Irish Gaelic name for the feast which commemorates the funeral games of Lugh, Celtic god of light, and son of thewheel of the year 3 Sun.  In the mythological story of the Wheel of the Year, the Sun God transfers his power into the grain, and is sacrificed when the grain is harvested.  So we have a dying, self-sacrificing and resurrecting god of the harvest, who dies for his people so that they may live.  Sound familiar?

The power of the sun goes into the grain as it ripens. It is then harvested and made into the first new bread of the season.  This is the Saxon hlaef-masse or loaf-mass, now lammas.  Seed grain is also saved for planting for next year’s crop, so the sun god may be seen to rise again in Spring with the new green shoots, as the sun also rises in the sky.  There are many traditions and customs all over the country that are still carried on at harvest-time today.

Lammas is a festival celebrating the first fruits of harvest, the fruits of our labours, and seeing the desires that we had at the start of the year unfold so rituals will be centred around this.  Lammas is an early Christian festival, “lammas” means loaf mass and represented the first loaves baked from that years crop. These were taken to church and laid on the altar.

It’s a time for bread-making and corn-dollies. Goddesses celebrated around this time include Demeter and Ceres. Trees associated with lammas are Hazel and Gorse and herbs are Sage and Meadowsweet. Colours associated with lammas are golds, yellows and orange for the God and red for the Goddess as mother.

LammasLammas is traditionally first harvest. Look around you and you will see various trees namely Rowan yeilding bright red berries and brambles showing ripening fruits alongwith apple and pear trees. In this day and age when food is mass produced and imported so we get fruits and veg and corn no matter what time of year it is, it is easy to loose touch with the natural cycle of things.

Suggested Activities:

Creating and or decorating ritual items such as a Stang.  Walk through the woods to spend some time meditating in beautiful surroundings.  Making bread, make a wicker man and put all of your bad habits that you want to be rid of inside him and throw him in the bonfire. Making corn dollies.

Simple ritual ideas for Lammas or First Harvest

August 1 in the northern hemisphere marks the great First Harvest, known as Lammas or Lughnasadh in Celtic traditions (down in the southern hem, you lovelies are celebrating Imbolc, or first hint of spring). You know that I love ritual and ceremony and as a working mother, I also need my rituals to be simple. Let me tell you about the holiday first and then recommend some easy ways to celebrate this special day with friends, fellow magicians, loved ones, or as a solitary practitioner.

Lammas, the festival of light and first harvest, falls technically when the sun reaches 15 degrees Leo. This tends to happen on or around August 1, so we use this as a catchall date for celebration. Like all celtic or pagan holidays, this one honors goddesses whose crafts and legends align with the work we’re doing at this time of year. Ceres and Tailtiu (mother of Lugh) are honored now as great forces of agricultural abundance, their blessings manifest in the bounty of food and growth we are about to enjoy in autumn. Our spiritual and emotional crops are ready for first harvest, too – the fruit of those sacred intentions we set in the darkness of winter and early spring.

Lammas is also a holiday of remembrance and releasing, a time of acknowledging the crops that didn’t survive the winter. This day asks us: What do you need to let go of right now so that you can be fully present to the abundance that is ahead of you? We are reminded that not everything survives in the grand cycle of life.

Here are some simple ritual ideas for ways to honor this day, the first turn of the Wheel of the Year toward fall:

1. Gather wheat, stones in colors of the harvest (think oranges, reds, deep umbers) and create a wheel on a round plate or table like you see in the photo. As you place each item, give thanks for what lies ahead. You might offer a few releasing stones as well, like apache or golden obsidian, for those things you are needing to leave behind.
2. The most traditional Lammas practice is the baking of bread (the name Lammas comes from the Old English hlafmaesse or loaf-mass). When we bake bread we use the grain around us to sustain our bodies, honoring and consuming nature’s sacred gifts.
3. Since Lammas is also a festival of light, celebrating the last long days of the year, your ritual can be as simple as lighting a candle. I made one in the shop in shades of yellow, wheat, and white. I recommend you burn a candle in those shades.

Since Lammas is the first of three harvest festivals you can save some of your decorations for the next two celebrations the first is Lammas, then Mabon and last but not least Samhain.

EVERYTHING ABOUT GEMSTONES! Every kind and type explained!

Semi Precious Stones Taken at a craft shop in ...

Semi Precious Stones Taken at a craft shop in Mingora, Pakistan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

From ancient times to civilized times precious and semi-precious stones have always held our fascination. Their beauty is natural and everlasting. Natural Magickians have recognized this beauty and fascination and have used stones in their magick for centuries. They give an extra push of energy onto your desired goal.

Stones are used for many purposes including Meditation, Divination, Healing, magickal oil blends or even crushed in some incense recipes. All gems,stones, crystals hold their own energies or “vibrations”. They respond instantly to the expressed intent of your will. Gem properties are easy for a beginner to master and help build both self confidence and self esteem. There are no rules that you must follow and don’t let anyone tell you that there is! It is a personal journey within yourself and you can learn to use stones in just the right way for you.

You can carry them, burn them, add them to your favorite magickal oil blend, place them around the home, in the car, at the office , anywhere you feel the energies are wanted. We ourselves are still learning all about the wonderous ways of gems and stones. A journey that we hope will never end! Stones predate humans by centuries and can show us our true selves because of that fact. They are symbols for forces far beyond words or cold-hard facts. They are there to show us what is already there within and around ourselves.

There are various uses for the beautiful stones. It is up to you how they are used. This is a mystical journey, no magick is needed other than that of your possession of whichever stone you choose. Get to know each stones properties, learn how these stones can enrich both your personal and spiritual life in unlimited wondrous ways.

10919079_820926061302206_163407303_nCHOOSING YOUR GEMSTONE

One of the most often asked questions about gemstone magick is:
“How do I choose my stone/gem/crystal?”

And the most common answer is:
“Don’t worry. They choose you”

As stated before, stones and gems have their own particular vibration and energy.When you are really serious about finding your stone you will understand this. If you have a chance to plunge your hand into a large barrel of different stones, you will know which ones just “feel” right. Some people experience a feeling of heat when holding a certain stone, others say they feel happy or safe when holding a certain stone. Sometimes its: “It just caught my eye and no matter what I did I couldn’t get it out of my mind.” That’s what is meant by a stone finding you.

A good start in finding the right stone is if you have a goal in mind for the stone. Since there are such a great number of stones available this helps limit your choices. Know the properties of each stone and you will find the one you are looking for; the right shade and shape will become important to you too.

If there is no goal in mind, you just want or need a “special little stone”, see which one jumps out at you, or pass your hand over several stones and feel the energy that comes to you. Try meditating for the right one. Again, knowing the properties of stones may help you in this. The different shapes of the stones will be an impotrtant factor in choosing your stones.


Round shaped gems and stones are a symbol of magick and its workings. The means for the opening of psychic awareness and spirituality. Receptive to all powers. Used in all attraction wishes such as love, money and spirituality.


Square shaped stones are masculine in nature and generally considered to be used for building or creating something new or altering something old. A form of stability and endurance.


Triangles are a sign of the three points of humankind; the mind, body and spirit. Able to discern between the four elements. Used primarily for repelling and neutralizing negativity, and for gathering and releasing of all the energies for your intended desire.


Pear shapes are a combination of both the round and triangle. Used primarily in associations with the element of Water, it is both receptive and projective. A great shape for balancing of emotions or any wish dealing with psychism or Faerie Magick.


Rod shaped or Wand shaped are a sign of masculinity. Also commonly referred to as “phallic”. Projective energies, used primarily for a wish for someone, for the intent to be projected towards another.


Now that you have chosen your stone, it is time for programming it. Programming involves implementing your energy and will into the stone of your choice. However, it is very important to first cleanse the stone. The stones and gems are extremely receptive to vibrations and that includes negative ones. The stone you have chosen may have passed through other hands before reaching you. You must get rid of any other energies the stone may have picked up and make it “yours”.

There are many different methods for cleansing a stone and again it is important to know all you can about your particular stone as some methods may be destructive to some soft stones and gems. The most frequently used method seems to be the one using water and sun.

This method involves holding the stone under running water (spring or well water preferrably) and with the use of visualization, banishing all negative and foreign vibrations and leaving the stone clear with it’s own energies. Instead of drying it with a cloth, place it to dry in the sun. If at night place in the full light of the moon. Both the sun and the moon are powerful sources of natural clear energies.

For stones that are too soft to put under running water, cleanse by passing through the smoke of sage or any other appropriate herb while meditating and focusing on banishing the negative energies and replacing with your own energies.

Another way is to bury the stone of your choice in the earth. Since the earth is the origin of the stone, the natural energies of Mother Earth will cleanse the stone of all negativity. Some say for three days, some say for a week… do whatever feels right to you. Also be aware of the moon when burying your stone. The phase of the moon can play a large part in the effectiveness of the cleansing. Still another way of cleansing a stone is to immerse it in salt water, salt being the symbol of the earth’s energies, and let it dry naturally in the sun.


CROWN (Sahasrara) White Consciousness
THIRD EYE (Ajna) Pure Mind
THROAT (Visuddi) Ether
HEART (Anahata) Air
SOLAR PLEXUS (Manipura) Fire
SACRAL (Svadisthana) Water
ROOT (Muladhara) Earth

The Chakras – meaning wheels in Sanskrit – each relate to different points & are associated with different colours, crystals & gemstones. There are seven primary Chakras, as shown in the above diagram. Place the relevant crystal or gemstone at the Chakra and meditate on that particular point of the body so as to restore or enhance the attributes related to that particular area.

The Crown Chakra is related to spirituality & enlightenment. It is usually used to help with spiritual problems. Colours associated with this Chakra are Clear, White & Purple. Suggested stones to use are Clear Quartz or Amethyst.

The Third Eye Chakra is related to intuition & generosity. It can help heal problems with sight, loneliness, dizziness & uncertainty. Colours associated with the Chakra are Violet, Indigo & Dark Blue. Suggested stones are Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli & Sodalite.

The Throat Chakra is related to communication & harmony. It can help with self expression and, of course, sore throats. Its associated colours are light green and light blue. Suggested stones are Amazonite & Bluelace Agate.

The Heart Chakra is related to love & compassion. It can help with feelings of anger and/or resentment. Its associated colour is green but pink is also sometimes used. Suggested stones are Aventurine and Rose Quartz.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with confidence & self-esteem. Its attributes are for ego, intellect & digestion using the colour yellow. Suggested stones are Calcite & Yellow Jasper.

The Sacral Chakra, sometimes known as the Spleen Chakra, is associated to physical outlet & creativity. It is used to help healing regarding impotence, frigidity, restlessness, jealousy, guilt, bladder & kidneys. Its associated colour is orange and suggested stones are Carnelian & Citrine.

The Root Chakra, sometimes known as the Base Chakra, is realated to sex and stability. It can help with healing problems associated with constipation, fear & low back pain. Its associated colours are black & red and the suggested stones are Haematite, Jasper & Red Garnet.


Why do Crystals & Gemstones have power? There are many theories but one of the most popular is that all crystals have the capacity to absorb energies, emotions & knowledge. The variety in their composition means that each type absorbs different powers & these powers are then naturally imparted to the user or wearer.

How do you use Crystals & Gemstones? Firstly it is very important to cleanse your newly acquired crystal or gemstone even if you found it. This is basically to remove any influences from anyone else who has handled the stone. There is no right or wrong way to cleanse your stone & its best to experiment with different methods until you find one that is right for you.

To cleanse your stones wash each stone separately. If you plan to leave them to soak then use a separate container of water for each stone & please be sure to use clean water for each stone. This may seem obvious to some but you’d be surprised how many people acquire several stones at once & just put them all to soak together in a single container. It’s also important to use a natural container not one made of plastic!
You may then wish to recharge your stone and this involves using the power of the earth, sun & moon. I rinse my stones under running tap water then bury them in some earth, (a plant pot will do) for at least a day, so that they may receive earth energies. I then soak them overnight in tap water with a sprinkle of sea salt followed by placing them outside in sunlight so that they may get re-charged or re-energised by the sun. EVERY full moon I place my stones outside so that they may also receive energy from the moon. Obviously, if I’ve acquired a new stone & the next full moon is a long way off, they don’t get placed outside for moon energies immediately.

It is then important to personalise your stone & get to know it. Take the time to hold each stone and feel it with your hands so that you may become attuned with it.

Should you share your Crystals & Gemstones? Many people do not allow anyone else to touch or handle their stones and I too have some some ‘special’ stones that only I touch. However, I have a large wooden bowl on my coffee table and it always attracts attention from visitors who are often drawn to picking up a stone and rolling it in their hand, like a stress ball. I don’t have a problem with this as I like to think that they may ‘need’ something form whatever stone they’ve chosen.

Should you share your Crystals & Gemstones? Many people do not allow anyone else to touch or handle their stones and I too have some ‘special‘ stones that only I touch. However, I have a large wooden bowl on my coffee table and it always attracts attention from visitors who are often drawn to picking up a stone and rolling it in their hand, like a stress ball. I don’t have a problem with this as I like to think that they may ‘need’ something form whatever stone they’ve subconsciously chosen. My children are also constantly ‘playing’ with my stones and sometimes ask to take a certain stone to bed with them. This is why I periodically repeat the cleansing process and recharge my stones. Having said that, it is important that you treat your stones with respect, care and consideration.

Tumblestones and smaller pieces are great for carrying with you each day or make excellent gifts for friends and loved ones. I have a selection of stones that I change and carry according to my feelings or requirements on a particular day. I also have several pieces of jewellery containing different stones and again change these to suit my needs. For example I may wear a particular stone, or have one close by, whilst writing my E-Books but if I’m planning a romantic evening with my husband then I’ll be sure to change the stones later in the evening.

There are numerous ways to use your stones – You can place them under your pillow or on a bedside cabinet so you can absorb their influences whilst you sleep. If you have an ailing plant place some crystals around it or soak a stone in water overnight and use it to water the plant the following day. Talk to your stones, carry them with you, get to know them and feel their energies working for you and then use them however you feel is most appropriate.
Crystal Wands can be used to recharge your whole body. Hold one in your transmitting hand (left if you’re left handed or right if you’re right handed) with the point pointing towards your fingers. Take the second wand and hold it in your receiving hand with the point facing towards your wrist. You now have a complete circuit and after a short while you should feel a flow of energy passing through your body. You can also use a pair of male & female stones in the same way.
Healing with stones is something that’s been going on for centuries although there is now an increasing interest in Crystal healing. Most healers have their own methods and techniques, which they have developed over a period of time to suit them. I stress again, there is no right or wrong way to use crystals and over time you will develop your own rituals for cleansing and using your crystals.

I also stress again that crystal & gemstone healing cannot replace medical treatment and you should always consult a doctor. Crystal & gemstone treatment is a complimentary therapy and should be used as such – complimentary to any other medical treatment you may require.

Diagnosis can be achieved by holding a wand or point in your receiving hand and moving it slowly over the body. With time you will learn to sense an area that needs healing. There is no need to remove your clothes and most healers will not ask you to remove them. If a healer does ask you to remove your clothes then please bear in mind whether you are comfortable with this as it is in no way necessary but some prefer it.
Treatments are numerous and again vary from healer to healer. Some will choose a set of crystals for you to carry with you day & night, others may use a wand or point. In this case the wand is held lightly, as for diagnosing, but usually in the transmitting hand and pointing towards the area to be healed. However, if something needs to be ‘brought out’ from the area the wand will be held pointing away.

Another, fairly common, method is to surround the affected area with appropriate crystals. If the crystals are pointed they will generally be placed with the point towards the area requiring healing for at least 10 minutes.
Chakra healing is also a method used by some healers.
Choosing your Crystal or Gemstone – Actually, they’ll probably choose you. They pop into your life in mysterious & magical ways. They’ll ‘speak’ to you and sparkle like crazy. Crystals respond to thought & feelings so take your time in looking at them and just see if any ‘jump out’ at you.
Just look, don’t touch and see if you’re repeatedly drawn back to looking at the same one. Try not to let logic decide for you – biggest isn’t always best! Let your intuition guide you & trust that feeling.
What about the facets? Well 1 is the number of beginning, initiating, inspiration, ideas & confidence so a Cabochon would be ideal.
2 symbolises mothering & caring. 2 crystals joined represent partnership & sharing.
3 is for communication, expression & creativity. The holy trinity.
4 = mind, body, spirit & feeling.
5 is for freedom & curiosity.
6 = balance & harmony.
7 is for the mystic and seeker of truth.
8 = Power
9 is for helping to learn the lessons of life.
10 represents the whole – it contains the 1 of I am and the circle of completion.
11 A master number that emphasises the meaning of two 1s but also 1+1=2 which symbolises an ability to care for others.
12 completes a cycle – 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 hours of day and night.
13 is the number of divination.

Crystals will create harmony wherever they are. For instance, if you have a child that can’t sleep at night or wakes from nightmares then try placing a crystal under their bed. Children are very receptive to crystals and their power and mine often pick one up and rub it over their tummy or head if hurting – they even instinctively use a clockwise movement.
If someone is sick try placing a crystal in the room with them.
Try placing crystals around your garden plants or in potted plants & see how much more beautiful & bright they bloom & grow. To specifically energise a garden try placing a crystal in each corner and another in the centre. This creates a type of energy similar to pyramid energy.
After you’ve recharged your crystal in water try pouring it over your houseplants or even give it to your pets to drink. Try putting a bowl of uncharged water out for your dog and one that is charged – after time the dog will ‘choose’ to drink the charged water.
To meditate with crystals try holding it in your left hand. Each time you use the crystal it will store the information form the previous meditations and will help your mind more quickly achieve the meditative state.
Crystals are tools to work with & help to create a harmonious environment but they can only assist and amplify what we can do with our minds, energies & willpower.
Crystals are an integral part of the Earth & the Earth and its inhabitants are crying out for love & attention. I believe the heart Chakra of the Earth is now opening and it is time to listen with our hearts rather than our heads. A time to trust and understand our feelings and intuition rather than logic. Crystals can help us reach this new point of balance. They are here to wake us up & remind us of whom we really are.
We are only just beginning to rediscover the power of crystals & gemstones. They will talk to you if you listen.


Anxiety Charoite, Amazonite, Celestite, Lepidolite, Verdite, Goethite, Alexandrite
Arguments Labradorite
Attraction Zoisite, Opal
Back Problems Unakite, Soapstone
Breathing Larimar, Turquoise
Circulation Ruby, Lodestone, Agate
Confidence Tourmaline, Gold, Sodalite
Digestion Obsidian, Jasper
Eyes Lapis Lazuli, Jade, Haematite
General Healing Peridot, Tourmailine, Clear, Quartz, Calcite, Fluorite
Good Fortune Angelite, Ruby, Tourmaline
Prosperity Diamond, Emerald, Jade, Malachite
Protection Angelite, Aquamarine
PMT Moonstone
Recovery Silver, Turquoise, Malachite
Travel Jade


Since the beginning of time, crystals, gemstones, rocks & mountains have played a vital role. Many have been found in ancient ruins & Pharaoh Tombs & it is said that the lost city of Atlantis used crystal power the same way we use electricity today. Hindu Puranas describe Krishna as living in a city furnished with rubies, emeralds, sapphires & diamonds. Many cultures believed that stones had a life giving force & this eventually led to them being used for healing.

Stones have also played a key roll in various religions. Islam says that the stones spoke to Mohammed and informed him that he was to receive the Quran from Allah. One of the five pillars of Islam says that every Muslim should try to visit Mecca and the Kaaba which is a huge black stone.

Moses received the Ten Commandments on tablets of stone which are believed to have been sapphires. In the book of Revelations describes Jerusalem as ‘the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire, the third chalcedony, the fourth an emerald, the fifth sardonyx, the sixth sardius, the seventh chrysolite, the eight beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh a jacynth and the twelfth an emethyst.’

The Egyptians engraved an eye on lapis lazuli as it symbolised Ra, the Sun God.
The Babylonians & Norseman engraved magical symbols on to stones & used them as Rune oracles – somthing which is still used today as a means of divination.
One of the prayers taught to Bulgarians is ‘The Disciple must have a heart as pure as a crystal. A mind as bright as the sun. A soul as vast as the Universe and a spirit as powerful as God and one with God.

Ancient priests believed crystals to be a God given force that defied all evil.
Aboriginals still use crystals for medicine and value the Rainbow crystals in particular as these hold the energies of the Rainbow Serpent & the Rainbow symbolises the bridge between the two worlds They also believe that a crystal that finds its way to you, that you haven’t bought, has been growing itself since the beginning of time especially for you and should therefore be especially valued.

Cherokee Indians consider crystal to be the most sacred & precious stone for healing purposes. They also still revere their crystal skulls which were also used by the Mayans, Aztecs, Egyptians, Tibetans, etc. They were placed on altars and the word of God was believed to be spoken by them. Many psychics consider these ancient crystal skulls as memory banks of information, much like we store information on computers today.

Precious gemstones & crystals have always exercised a magical influence over humanity including Kings & Queens, Smugglers, etc. – all have been lured & seduced by the beauty of gemstones.


We often use the names of gemstones to describe certain attributes such as pearly teeth, ruby lips, clear as crystal, etc.
The largest diamond ever discovered is part of the British Crown Jewels – the Cullinan diamond.
Greed has often led man to risk everything for the sake of a jewel.
The most ancient jewellery was found in Queen Pu-Abi’s tomb at Ur in Sumeria and dates from the third millenium BC.
The Egyptians believed that an emerald would break if a marital infidelity occurred. They also ground malachite to wear as eyeshadow.
Julius Caesar was said to have been an avid collector of gemstones.
To drink from an amethyst encrusted goblet was believed to protect against drunkenness.
The Ming dynasty favoured semi-precious stones such as amethyst, agate, quartz and jade. White jade was the stone of divinity and symbolized heaven.
In the middle ages a ruby ring worn on the left hand was thought to protect its owner from seduction.
The Maoris handed down the jade tiki as it was believed to contain the wisdom of the ancestors.
Diamonds were used to cut stone as early as 4000BC.
Crystals are believed to be the connecting force between heaven & earth. Often used for scrying or crystal ball gazing to tell the future.
Remember, shapes & symbols of jewellery can affect you as well as the particular crystal or gemstone it’s carrying. Look at the symbols you wear and decide whether they are helpful and if not give them away! You may also find it beneficial to wear clothes of a certain colour, to match, the crystal or gemstone you’re wearing as colour also plays a vital role in healing – but that’s another book!

Colour is probably the most important factor & the more attractive the colour, the higher the value. Eg. Bright, rich coloured gemstones are valued high & those that are too dark, light or dulled are a lesser value as they are less desired. However, this comes down to personal choice.

Phenomena Some gemstones show unusual effects known as phenomena and this usually increases the desirability & value. Eg. Cat’s Eye effect or Chatoyancy is a reflection effect that appears as a single band of light across the surface. It is commonly found in Chrysoberyl, Tourmaline & Tiger’s Eye. Star effect or Asterism is a reflection that appears as 2 or more intersecting bands of light across the surface. This is commonly found in Ruby, Sapphire & Garnet. Colour Change gemstones are those that change colour when viewed under 2 different light sources. It’s commonly found in Alexandrite, Sapphire & Colour Change Garnet.

Inclusions are mostly microscopic & easily seen under magnification. These are natural features of the gemstones & as long as they don’t interfere with the brilliance, sparkle & fire of a gemstone they don’t affect the value.

Carat a gemstones weight is measured in Carats which originates from the traditional use of carob seeds to weigh gems. One Carat is = to 0.20 Grams. This is then divided into 100 smaller units known as Points. Large gemstones are always rarer than smaller ones, so the per Carat prices rise exponentially. Eg. A 3 Carat Diamond will always be worth a lot more than three 1 Carat Diamonds of the same quality.


ARIES Citrine, Agate, Aventurine, Bloodstone, Jade
Mar 21 – Apr 20

TAURUS Jasper, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Jade, Satinspar
Apr 21 – May 21

GEMINI Aventurine, Unakite, Agate, Citrine, Apatite
May 22 – June 21

CANCER Chalcedony, Hematite, Sodalite, Moonstone, Carnelian
Jun 22 – Jul 22

LEO Labradorite, Amazonite, Carnelian, Jasper, Bloodstone
Jul 23 – Aug 23

VIRGO Amethyst, Jade, Amazonite, Carnelian, Jasper
Aug 24 – Sept 22

LIBRA Moonstone, Chrysoprase, Amethyst, Bluelace Agate, Sodalite
Sept 23 – Oct 23

SCORPIO Tigers Eye, Amethyst, Jasper, Unakite, Moonstone
Oct 24 – Nov 22

SAGITTARIUS Sodalite, Obsidian, Smokey Quartz, Chalcedony, Aventurine
Nov 23 – Dec 21

CAPRICORN Smokey Quartz, Opalite, Amethyst, Aragonite, Tigers Eye
Dec 22 – Jan 20

AQUARIUS Rhodonite, Rhyolite, Garnet, Amethyst, Aventurine
Jan 21 – Feb 18

PISCES Turquoise, Bluelace Agate, Calcite, Carnelian, Amethyst
Feb 19 – Mar 20


ABALONE – Confidence, Spirituality, Heart, Muscles, Digestion
ACTINOLITE – Responsibility, Industry, Inflammations, Liver
AGATE – Competition, Eloquence, Fevers, Gums, Circulation. Particularly good for athletes.
AGATE BLUELACE – Composure, Growth, Infections, Inflammations, Fevers. When worn this stone invokes calmness, removing anger and irritation.
AGATE BOTSWANA – Understanding, Recovery, Toxins, Recuperation, Heart
AGATE DENDRITIC – Energy, Balance, Recuperation, Vitality
AGATE MOSS – Renewal, Assertiveness, Heart, Lungs, Skin
AGATE TREE – Coordination, Management, Chest, Stomach
ALEXANDRITE – Growth, Investment, Nerves, Luck, Joy
ALMANDINE – Affection, Inspiration, Heart, Eyes
AMAZONITE – Clarity, Insight, Nerves, Emotions, Growth, Joy, Success, Self-Expression. A great stone for students as it assists clarity or thought & insight.
AMBER – Career, Accomplishment, Chest, Depression, Uplifting, Optimism, Relief from Worry & Stress. This stone is said to carry the warmth of the sun. Like honey it is disinfectant, antiseptic & protective
AMETHYST – Moderation, Devotion, Insomnia, Addictions, Neuralgia, Acne, Peace, Tranquillity, Happiness, Purification, Healing. Softens negative feelings & also reduces electrical energies so is great for placing near your computer, TV or any other electrical appliances. Aids sleep & headaches. The colour contains the passion, truth & love of Christ.
AMETRINE – Resolution, Teaching, Teeth, Metabolism
ANDALUSITE – Moderation, Enlightenment, Memory, Sight
ANGELITE – Bravery, Fortune, Headaches, Infections, Balancing Emotions, Communication, Overcoming Challenges. Protects against worries.
ANHYDRITE – Coordination, Concentration, Lungs, Chest
ANTIMOANY – Intellect, Progress, Colds, Flu, Swellings
APATITE – Emotions, Business, Speech, Bones
APOPHYLLITE – Tranquillity, Honesty, Respiration, Skin
AQUA AURA – Influence, Arts, Dexterity, Throat, Healing
AQUAMARINE – Insight, Love, Growth, Allergies, Calms Nerves, Detox, Self-Expression, Peace, Purification. This stone is said to help you speak the truth.
ARAGONITE – Energy, Activity, Bones, Digestion
ASTROPHYLLITE – Confidence, Insight, Recovery, Reproductive, Intellect
AUGELITE – Contemplation, Justice, Muscles, Digestion
AVENTURINE – Development, Judgement, Eyes, Migraine, Tension, Insomnia, Prosperity. Stimulates healthy growth and assists the development of mental abilities.
AZURITE – Meditation, Spirituality, Suppleness, Liver, Divination, Concentration
BARITE – Decisiveness, Writing, Muscles
BERYL – Determination, Stability, Nerves, Stress, Energy. It is said that this stone brings those that are on a sea journey safely home. Adds potency to love spells & increases energy levels.
BLOODSTONE – Kindness, Circulation, Strength, Courage, Nature, Blood Toxins, Depression, Spine, Wealth, Confidence. Bloodstone is a variety of Jasper & is primarily associated with the bloodstream & is good for regulating a woman’s monthly cycle.
BLUE JOHN – Strength, Renewal, Vigour, Health
BLUE CORAL – Balances, Blocks Negativity. Helps to stop worrying.
BOWENITE – Intelligence, Leisure, Head, Scalp, Tension
BRAZILLIANITE – Sociability, Relationships, Nerves, Skin
CALCITE – Comfort, Inspiration, Cleansing, Bladder, Pancreas, Toxins. Provides comfort & refreshes the system when in emotional crises. Pink/Clear Calcite is especially good for bringing calmness & balance.
CARNELIAN – Passion, Focus, Arthritis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Cuts. Can also enhance sexual energy, assist motivation & benefit the bloodstream. Also, alleviates jealousy.
CASSITERITE – Endurance, Contentment, Cuts, Bruises, Menopause.
CATS EYE – Insight, Security, Headaches, Fingers
CELESTITE – Relaxation, Sympathy, Travel Sickness, Nerves, Stress. Use this stone for a soothing energy. Brilliant for meditation. A great stone if you’re prone to unnecessary worrying.
CERRUSITE – Confidence, Communication, Antivirus, Insomnia, Nerves.
CHALCEDONY – Stamina, Tiredness, Depression, Circulation. A great stone for opening new horizons.
CHALCOPYRIE -Perception, Restoration, Lungs, Hair.
CHAROITE – Assertiveness, Inspiration, Nerves, Cramps
CHIASTOLITE – Stability, Rheumatism, Veins
CHRYSOCOLLA – Expression, Awareness, Heart, Stomach, Blood.
CHRYSOPRASE – Passion, Renewal, Fertility, Ardour, Genitals. Adds fire to physical love! Intensifies friendship, brings prosperity & good luck. Beneficial as a healer.
CHRYSOTILE – Partnerships, Generosity, Veins, Arteries, Skin, Lungs
CINNABAR – Stability, Independence, Appetite, Heart

CITRINE – Renewal, Cleansing, Skin, Diabetes, Circulation. This stone is full of positive influences so is great for helping with anxieties & depression. Also increases psychic power, protects & brings sweet dreams. Opens the door between intuition & logic.

COLEMANITE – Loyalty, Lungs, Muscles
COPPER – Vitality, Purification, Blood, Muscles, Joints. Can amplify the thoughts & feelings.
CORAL – Integrity, Travel, Chest, Creativity
CORUNDUM – Awareness, Confidence, Skin, Eyes
COVELLITE – Communication, Renewal, Ears, Nose, Mouth
CROCOITE – Industry, Sex Organs
CRUPITE – Awareness, Teaching, Circulation, Bladder
DANBURITE – Sociability, Confidence, Muscles
DESERT ROSE – Perception, Commerce, Stress, Recuperation
DIAMOND – Prosperity, Business, Wellbeing, Senses, Bravery, Strength
DIOPSIDE – Love, Commitment, Heart, Lungs, Circulation, Trauma
DIOPTASE – Meditation, Partnerships, Stress, Headaches
DOLOMITE – Optimism, Sports, Limbs, Blood DUMORTIERITE – Patience, Skin, Sickness
EILAT STONE – Spirituality, Balance, Vitality, Wellbeing
EMERALD – Intellect, Prosperity, Headaches, Infections, Thyroid, Skin. Opens the Heart Chakra. The ‘Jewel of Venus’ reveals the truth of a lover’s promise & breaks if they’re false! Helps to develop clairvoyance.
EUDIALITE – Management, Recovery, Sex Organs, Recovery
FLINT – Abstinence, Science, Cleansing
FLUORITE – Caring, Bones, Teeth, Inflammations. A great stone for those in a caring profession such as nursing or healing. Develops spiritual awareness. Brings people together. Grounds excess energy.
FOSSILISED WOOD – Nature, Stability, Nerves, Sharing
FRANKLINIITE – Imagination, Security, Eyes, Hair
FUCHSITE – Productivity, Teamwork, Arteries
GALENA – Dedication, Insomnia
GARNET – Charm, Creativity, Anaemia, Infections, Insomnia. Worn to attract lovers & used by travellers as an amulet. Also has the ability to open the Crown Chakra. Often included in statues of Isis.
GEODE – Fertility, dreams, intensify psychic ability
GOETHITE – Perseverance, Competing, Nerves
GOLD – Generosity, Partnerships, Confidence
GOLDSTONE – Optimism, Development, Stomach, Tension
GRANITE – Stability, Determination, Skin, Hearing
GRAPHITE – Assertiveness, Achievement, Hearing, Spine
HEMATITE – Activity, Stamina, Tiredness, Calming, Travel Stress, Eyes, Blood.
HERKIMER DIAMOND – Stamina, Learning, Energy, Vigour. Special clear quartz that increases the power of other stones, opens the mind & good for dreams
HICKORYITE – Adventure, Flair, Boredom, Negativity, Imagination.
HORNBLENDE – Wisdom, Communication, Balance, Toes, Fingers
HOWLITE – Resilience, Competing, Bones, Teeth
IOLITE – Control, Management, Chest, Addiction
IRNAMITE – Emotions, Judgement, Strains, Muscles
JADE – Benevolence, Providence, Kidneys, Bladder, Digestion, Eyes. Attracts friendship, promotes long life & encourages prosperity. Also used as a travel amulet. Calms the mind & purifies the blood.
JASPER – Attraction, Comfort, Nerves, Blood, Digestion. An excellent energiser.
JET – Sympathy, Healing, Migraine, Negativity
KUNZITE – Vigour, Communication, Balance, Emotions, Skin, Heart. Hiddenite is a variety.
KYANITE – Energy, Finance, Hearing
LABRADORITE – Charisma, Relationships, Arguments, Inhibitions, Feet. Brings out the hidden qualities in the personality. LAPIS LAZULI – Mysticism, Wisdom, Protects Truth, Integrity, Spirituality, Bones, Heart, Eyes. Regarded as a ‘heavenly’ stone. Can enrich both health & wealth.
LARIMAR – Rapport, Meditation, Breathing, Neck
LAVAKITE – Learning, Achievement, Brain, Adaptability
LAZULITE – Purity, Serenity, Sunburn, Teeth
LEPIDOLITE – Restoration, Balance, Nerves, Pessimism, Peace, Insomnia. A relaxing stone
LEUCITE – Clarity, Energy, Nerves, Protection
LODESTONE – Communication, Teamwork, Circulation, Glands
MAGNETITE – Composure, Learning, Heart
MAGNESITE – Enlightenment, Emotions, Fevers, Bones
MALACHITE – Optimism, Recovery, Rheumatism, Asthma, Teeth. Excellent for bringing prosperity to a business. Favoured by gardeners as it makes plants bloom longer. Often used in spells concerning the hearth. Protects & strengthens the Heart Chakra. Clears illusion.
MARBLE – Compassion, Care, Fevers, Renewal
MARCASITE – Ambition, Rapport, circulation, Brain, Eyes
METEORITE – Benevolence, Adventure, Communication, Intuition
MOLDOVITE – Sensitivity, Insight, Hair, Fertility, Renewal
MOOKAITE – Responsibility, Machinery, Stable Health
MOONSTONE – Femininity, Devotion, Dieting, Swellings, PMT. A symbol of female power, attracts lovers, enhances beauty & bestows a long, healthy life. Often used in spells to ensure safe travel. Associated with the Goddess, Diana.
MORGANITE – Intellect, Commerce, Hearing, Vertigo

MOSS AGATE – Identity, Meditation, Lungs, Glands
MOTHER OF PEARL – Providence, Modelling, Skin, Emotions
MTOROLITE – Serenity, Capability, Nerves, Backache
MUSCOVITE – Inspiration, Speech, Muscles, Energy
OBSIDIAN – Achievement, Perception, Stomach, Digestion, Stress. An excellent general healer as it helps create positive influences & provides inner tranquillity. Sends negative thoughts away.
ONYX – Harmony, Spirituality, Hearing, Ulcers, Heart. Used in rosaries as it allows peace of mind & general reflection. Said to strengthen one’s magic & protect against negative magic.
OPAL – Attraction, Theatre, Chest, Creativity, Beauty, Prosperity, Luck, Power
OPALITE – Invention, Management, Fatigue
PAUA SHELL – Versatility, Humour, Tension, Depression
PEACOCK ORE (Bonita) – Charm, Entertainment, Eyes, Brain
PEARL – Assurance, Painting, Tonic, Headaches, Tension
PERIDOT – Career, Whole body, Metabolism, Intuitive Power, Protector, Wealth
PETRIFIED WOOD – Renewal, Hearing, Cultivation
PHENACITE – Intellect, Insight, Stomach, Limbs
PIETERSITE – Organisation, Objectivity, Respiration, Sleep
PREHNITE – Confidence, Business, Mental Energy, Slimming
PURPURITE – Leadership, Prosperity, Finances, Wounds
PYRITES – Awareness, Honesty, Vitality, Recuperation
QUARTZ CLEAR – Purification, Refinement, General, Vertigo, Dizziness. This is probably the most popular of stones & has been used by healers for centuries. It purifies the air, the body, cleanses the system & mind.
QUARTZ ROSE – Love, Forgiveness, Migraine, Headache, Wounds. This is the stone of peace & is closely associated with Venue. It gives joy & happiness in friendship & love & radiates good rapport. Often used in love spells.
QUARTZ RUTILATED – Passion, Contact, Anxiety
QUARTZ SMOKEY – Vitality, Fortune, Depression, Abdomen, Spine. A good luck talisman for competitors. Its protecting & encouraging, provides energy. Often used in spell casting against negative energies.
QUARTZ SNOW – Relaxation, Serenity, Stress, Nerves, Therapy. A ‘soft’ stone for those seeking calmness. Also called Milky Quartz.
RHODOCHROSITE – Friendship, Love, Insecurity, Balance, Eyes, Solitude. A very comforting stone. Helps balance the Sacrum Chakra
RHODONITE – Communication, Restoration, Recuperation, Hearing, Amnesia.
RHODOLITE – Stability, Resolution, digestion, Glands
RHYOLITE – Stamina, Marketing, Chills, Skin
RUBELLITE – Prosperity, Recovery, Heart, Backache
RUBY – Contentment, Fortune, Circulation, Fevers
SAPPHIRE – Love, Partnership, Sleep, Depression, Protection, Power, Inspiration
SARDONYX – Forgiveness, Care, Neck, Hearing
SATINSPAR – Insight, Calm, Disputes, Anger, Spine.
SCAPOLITE – Achievement, Strength, Veins
SCHALENBLENDE – Fortune, Identity, Muscles, Eyes
SCHEELITE – Awareness, Relationships, Colds, Recovery
SCHORL – Practicality, Balance, Liver, Intestines
SEFTONITE – Relationships, Learning, Circulation
SERPENTINE – Meditation, Enlightenment, Stomach, PMT
SIDERITE – Intellect, Loyalty, Bones, Hands
SILICONE – Activity, Attraction, Vitality, Muscles
SILVER – Perception, Investment, Recovery
SMITHSONITE – Consideration, Harmony, Vitality, Digestion
SOAPSTONE – Loyalty, Cultivation, Back
SODALITE – Meditation, Assertion, Blood Pressure, Sleep, Chest. Gives confidence to those that are shy. Used in spells to relieve stress. Helps one to get a new perspective.
SPESSARTINE – Renewal, Confidence, Vitamin deficiencies
SPHALERITE – Integrity, Career, Nerves, Eyes
SPINEL – Energy, Intellect, Stress, Depression, Skin, Slimming
SPIRIT STONES – Vitality, Awareness, Energy, Cleansing
STAUROLITE – Focus, Personality, Spine, Whole body, Forgetfulness. Represents the four elements, bringing everything together.
STEATITE – Adventure, Communication, Digestion, Tendons
STICHTITE – Loyalty, Creativity, Muscles, Chest
STILBITE – Creativity, Understanding, Toxins, Sensory Organs
SUGILITE – Inspiration, Co-ordination, Headaches, Inflammations, Toxins. Used by healers to draw out pain. Brings peace of mind & aids inner vision.
SULPHUR – Intellect, Protection, Skin, Digestion, Arthritis, Rheumatism
SUNSTONE – Insight, Travel, Eyes, Depression. A wonderful re-energiser & health restorer. Used in spells where sexuality is the subject.

TANZANITE – Vitality, Athletics, Bones, Worries
TALC – Affinity, Modesty, Memory, Study
THULITE – Dexterity, Meditation, Hands, Tendons, Concentration. Brings mind & body together.
TIGER IRON – Clarity, Endurance, Movement, Vigour
TIGERS EYE – Insight, Integrity, Asthma, Limbs. A talisman to overcome deceit.
TOPAZ – Assurance, Legal, Infections, Appetite
TOURMALINE – Confidence, Success, General Healing, Good Fortune. Helpful in opening the Third-eye Chakra. This stone is full of joy.
TURQUENTINE – Consolation, Travel, Limbs
TURQUOISE – Environment, Comfort, Respiration, Recuperation, Throat. Expands friendships & protects the home – left in a room it can purify the atmosphere & spread tranquillity. Strengthens all the Chakras. Used in spells to encourage friendship
ULEXITE – Contentment, Industry, Teeth, Worries
UNAKITE – Stability, Enhancement, Muscles, Back-ache, Feet. Gives strength & stability.
UVAROVITE – Vitality, Joy, Throat
VANADINITE – Sociability, Friendship, Lungs, Stomach
VARISCITE – Meditation, Writing, Growth, Digestion
VERDITE – Friendship, Partnerships, Nerves
VESUVIANITE – Intuition, Partnership, Dieting, Depression
VIOLAN – Insight, Vitality, Muscles, Genitals
WILLIAMSITE – Tranquillity, Candour, Lungs, Inflammations
WOLLASTONITE – Moderation, Grounding, Bones, Glands
WULFENITE – Relationships, Invigoration, Digestion
ZEOLITE – Independence, Clarity, Addictions, Toxins
ZINC – Joy, Loyalty, Muscles, Bones
ZIRCON – Clarity, Teaching, Insomnia, PMT. Helps restore a flagging libido.
ZOISITE – Attraction, Entertainment, Fingers, Fertility

Dem Bones- Bones and divination

Hare and Fox Skulls

“Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones
Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones
Dem bones, dem bones gonna walk a-roun’”

– Traditional

Bones are a type of fetish. A fetish is “an object regarded with awe as being the embodiment or habitation of a potent spirit or as having magical potency (source)”. The word fetish originates from the French fétiche which stems from the Portuguese word feitiço meaning “charm” or “sorcery”. Feathers, bones, crystals, and stones are all types of fetishes. Skulls and bones have an appeal to witches who perform spirit work and are a necessary and simple way to connect with spirits of the dead and of animals. Working with bones is not just for necromancers and black magicians. Practitioners who work with bones are a wide range of healers, diviners, shapeshifters, rootworkers, witches, shamans, druids, and pagans.

Cleaning Bones

The safest and easiest way to clean bones is maceration. Remove any remaining skin or flesh and place the bones in a container and completely cover with tapwater. Replace the water every few days with fresh water. You can pour out the smelly water in your garden as a morbid compost tea your plants will love. When the water stops becoming murky and as smelly you are ready for the next step.  Rinse the bones again with plain water and scrub off any remaining tissue. Then submerge the bones in a container filled with hydrogen peroxide. This both sterilizes and whitens bone. It may take a few hours or a few days depending on the size of the bones and the strength of the hydrogen peroxide. Afterward remove the bones and give them one last rinse with water and allow them to dry. They are now ready to work with as you please. Never use bleach. It will cause bone to degrade at a very fast rate and can also cause fatty tissue to become trapped inside the bone resulting in greasy smelly bones that will continue to decompose. Here’s a great pdf of instructions from The Bone RoomPrepping individual skulls and bones using maceration.

Too squeamish to deflesh bones and leave them in a bucket of smelling rotting water? No worries, there are two other methods you can use to avoid that part. The first is to bury the animal. Bury it fairly deep so scavengers don’t smell it and run off with your precious bones. Depending on the size of the animal, skull, or bones you are burying, it will take three months to one year for all the skin and tissue to decompose and just leave the bone(s) behind. To make it easier to dig up a skeleton of a whole animal bury it it in a burlap sack. The bag has to be a natural coarse material and loosely woven in order for the bits to still decompose properly. Once you’ve dug up your bones, wash them with water and follow the same instructions above using hydrogen peroxide. The second alternative method is exposure. Some people have had success leaving dead animals they find on a hot sunny roof to decompose. This is an efficient method if you don’t mind the smell and toss a dark rubbermaid container over top to get the heat, but not the damage from the sun. Once again, the length of time it takes depends on the size of the animal or bone. Please don’t throw a deer on your roof! I’d only recommend this method for parts of a larger animal or whole smaller creatures like birds and squirrels. If you use the exposure method you’d have to live on a farm or in a more rural area. Suburban neighbours tend to frown upon decomposing animals next door.


Reddening Bones

Take red ochre
Fat and tallow
Rub my bones
And say your prayers

“Barrow Song” — Telling the Bees

Reddening bones is a practice found across countries, cultures,  religions, and time. It is mainly performed by peoples practicing ancestor worship, but animal bones can be reddened as well. The process is literally making the bones red. This is meant to mimic the lifeforce, blood, and tissue that have since left the bones and give them life again. To redden human or animal bones you use, mix red ochre with red wine until it forms a paste and let it sit in a jar or bowl covered for a day or two. If you can’t get your hands on red ochre pigment you can substitute with old red brick dust as old bricks contain ochre. Then apply the mixture to the cleaned bones with your hands and cover the whole bone or skull with paste. Leave it on for another day (half a day at least). You can wrap it in plastic to keep the paste wet or spray it now and then with water or red wine to keep it moist. Keeping it moist allows the colour to leech into the bone just like henna into the skin. Then remove the paste and allow any remaining particles to dry. When the skull has completely dried, brush away any remaining red ochre particles. Do not wash the bones, but a gentle polishing with a soft cloth is okay.  Store your newly reddened bones on your altar or in a beautiful box or cloth bag.

Bone Divination:

There’s a thousand things you’ve got to see to believe,
c’mon and lay them bones down at my feet
we’re going to look into your future see what we can see.

“Bangor Mash” — The Devil Makes Three

There are so many different types of bone divination, mostly belonging within a cultural context, that it is better to find a method that resonates with you or is found in the culture you base your magic and practices in. I’d even recommend coming up with your own system. Most bone divination practiced today is performed in Africa and Asia. The amount of lore on bone divination merits an article of its own.  If I did write such an article it would solely be on Scottish bone divination methods. For the time being here are some more varied resources to explore:

Human Bones

The possession and reverence of human bones is most commonly found in cultures who practice a long tradition of ancestor worship. It is still part of the mourning process in some Asian countries today to dig up the bones of your loved ones after a few years, clean them, reassemble them neatly in a box and find them a new home in a tradition called “second burial”. Despite misconceptions, it is not illegal to possess human bones in Canada and the United States. This doesn’t mean grave robbing is legal, but instead that it is legal to purchase human remains or to convince your parents or grandparents to let you have their skull after they die (that is, if you can talk them into it).

Human bones are used in magic and ritual as a fetish or vessel to house the spirit of the dead person and enable them to ground better in this realm so a magical practitioner can better communicate and work with them. The spirits of the dead are not servitors to be bound and ordered around. Instead they are allies to help and guide us. Place your skull or bones in a place of reverence either on an ancestral altar or in a beautiful container like the reliquaries of churches in the Middle Ages. Leave your bones regular offerings. Find out if the spirit has any preferences of alcohol, tobacco, flowers, foods, candies, or objects. You can invite them to share in the essence of your meals ever day at dinner as well. The person the bones belonged to in life can become a familiar spirit to you in your art. They can help you commune with the dead and send messages back and forth. They can travel places you cannot and be your eyes and ears. Always make sure to work with a spirit out of love and respect. If you work with bones not of a family member be sure to build up a friendship with the spirit as you would with a real person. Do not ask too much of them too soon, but instead be consistent in your offerings and communion with them first.

Human bones can also be used in necromancy. Necromancy is a form of divination working with the spirits of the dead. One summons them and presents them with questions about the past, present, or future. It is believed the dead are not bound by time and are excellent oracles and advisers. For more information on working with spirits of the dead see my article on Ancestors in Modern Witchcraft.

Animal Bones

“All shells and bones
the spey-wife enters,

Kathleen Jamie, Atoms of Delight

Animal bones are used in witchcraft and folk magic to commune and work with animal spirits as familiar, guides, and protectors. Like human bones, the bones of animals can be also be used to ground a spirit animal in this realm. Bones act as a spirit vessel for animal familiars to dwell in when you work with them. This doesn’t mean that the spirit lives in the bone(s) all the time, but instead it is their home when you call upon them. Animal bones and skulls can be placed on an altar or carried in a medicine or crane bag to work with them outdoors or on the move.  Animal bones can be used to call upon mythological creatures as well. To do this you need only to combine bones from the different animals that make up the creatures. For example, bind together parts from an eagle and lion to summon a griffon or combine snake, lizard, and the bones or feathers of a bird of prey to summon a dragon.

Animal bones can be incorporated into ritual jewelry for direct contact and easier communion with the spirits the bones belong to. Ritual jewelry using bones is the most practical and direct way of bringing your animal familiars into rituals and spellwork.  If you only have very small bones or a delicate insect to work with than you can place the parts in a glass vial and either use it as a vessel on your altar or attach a chain or leather thong to it to wear around your neck. By wearing animal bones you can take on the attributes and powers of the animal they belong to such as fox teeth for cunning, owl bones for seeing in the dark, or snake bones for the ability to renew and change your life. Bones can also confer an animal’s magical abilities. Many animals are “shamanic” in nature enabling the practitioner to whom they are familiar to adopt their ability to travel between worlds. Such creatures known to travel between the realms of earth, sea, and sky or have extraordinary powers of transformation include frogs, toads, snakes, all birds (especially water fowl), alligators, crocodiles, turtles, beavers, otters, dragonflies, spiders, beetles, butterflies, cicadas, and more.

Animal bones can be used to craft ritual tools. Many traditional rattles are made using skulls, turtle shells, or little bones tied closely together for the sound of their rattling against one another. Bones can also be tied to staffs or stangs, wands, or even sewn onto ritual robes. Animal bones, especially chicken and other bird bones, are used for traditional divination methods in many cultures. This can also be incorporated into European practice by carving Futhark or Ogham runes onto animal bones or using slices of deer antler instead of the usual materials of wood and stone.

Animal bones, hides, and feathers have yet another important use in magic — shapeshifting. These parts can be worn as jewelry or donned as a costume while going into trance to leave your body so either your spirit takes on the form of the animal or you are led to a living (and willing) animal to possess temporarily. Another method of using animal parts for shapeshifting includes making a magical salve or potion with bones, hairs, skin, or feathers to rub on your skin or take internally before attempting to shapeshift. If you are making a salve, include herbs and/or fungi associated with that animal as well as bits of your own hair or nail clippings in the recipe. If you are making a tea or tincture as a potion, make sure to do the same. In my experience tinctures are much more palatable than a tea of bone shavings and hair. For more information see my article: On Shapeshifting.


  1. Andrews, Ted. Animal-Speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small. Llewellyn, 1996.
  2. Andrews, Ted. The Art of Shapeshifting. Dragonhawk Publishing, 2005.
  3. Baring-Gould, Sabine. “Skulls”. A Book of Folk-lore. London: Collins Clear Type Press, 1913.
  4. Searfoss, Glenn. Skulls and Bones: A Guide to the Skeletal Structures and Behavior of North American Mammals. Stackpole Books, 1995.
  5. Thompson, C.J.S. “The Folk-lore of Skulls and Bones”. Hand of Destiny: Everyday Folk-lore and Superstitions. London: Senate, 1932.
  6. Yronwode, Catherine. Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic. Luck Mojo Curio Co., 2002.

Everything about Gemstones their elements, planetary body & More!


Gem.pebbles.800pix (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Folk Names: Red Agate, Blood Agate
Energy: Various (see below)
Planet:: Mercury
Element: Various (see below)
Deity: Aesculapius
Powers: Strength, courage, longevity, gardening, love, healing, protection
Magickal Uses: Generally, this stone is used in spells and rituals involving strength, bravery, longevity, etc. Carry an agate while gardening to ensure a bountiful harvest or healthy flowers. Moss Agate is best suited for this task. Wear this stone to avoid envious thoughts and to remove spite in regards to searching for or strengthening love. Wear as a truth amulet, or to prevent falling. Use in protective spells and rites. Offers protection from sorcery, demons, and fiendish possession. From a medical standpoint, agates can be used to reduce fevers by applying them to the forehead, to refresh the body, and to heal minor health problems. Any agate may be used for the above purposes. The following varieties have other uses as well:

Banded: Energy is Projective and its Element is Fire. Restores bodily energy and eases stressful situations.

Black: Energy is Projective and Element is Fire. A protective stone that can be worn for courage and success in competition.

Black and White: Energy is Receptive and Element is Earth. Guards against physical dangers when worn as an amulet.

Blue Lace: Energy is Receptive and Element is Water. This type of agate can be worn or carried for peace and happiness. When surrounded by burning light blue candles, it reduces household quarrels and calms the psychic atmosphere.

Brown or Tawny : Energy is Projective and Element is Fire. Often used for success in all areas. Also a wealth talisman.

Green: Energy is Receptive and Element is Earth. Often worn to improve the health of the eyes. A woman who drinks the water of a green agate ring is magickally guarded against sterility.

Moss: Energy is Receptive and Element is Earth. An important gardener’s talisman. Also used is rituals involving riches, happiness, and long life. The stone can be worn to help make new friends and to discover treasure.

Red or “Blood” : Energy is Projective and Element is Fire. Used to guard against insect bites and to promote peace.

Powers: Luck, Love
Magickal Uses: This rare and expensive stone draws luck and good fortune, and is used in love spells.

Energy: Receptive
Planet: Saturn
Element: Earth
Powers: Protection
Magickal Uses: Worn as a protective amulet. Placed in the home to guard it, or sewn into children’s hats for the same purpose.

Folk Name: Amazon Stone
Energy: Receptive
Planet: Uranus
Element: Earth
Powers: Gambling, Success
Magickal Uses: Worn by gamblers to attract money and luck. Also used by anyone taking a chance to ensure success.

Energy: Projective
Planet: Sun
Elements: Fire, Akasha (Fifth)
Deity: The Great Mother
Powers: Luck, Healing, Strength, Protection, Beauty, Love
Magickal Lore: Since the stone is actually not a stone, but fossilized tree sap, it is considered to be under the influence of the Fifth element. It was often carved into shapes of animals and worn to evade impotency and sterility. The ancient Chinese believed that the souls of tigers turned into amber when they died. Amber can cure almost every type of internal ailments, including sore throat, deafness, headache, toothache, asthma, digestive ailments, etc. A ball of amber held in the hand reduces fevers. It is connected with The Great Mother because it is considered to contain the animating principle of life. In some Wiccan covens of today, High Priestesses wear neckalces of alternating amber and jet beads. This stones represent the Goddess and God, respectively, and all the influences connected to Them. This is truly an important stone which has been prized for thousands of years.
Magickal Uses: Has been utilized for almost every magickal purpose. Worn around the neck, it acts as a general protector of health. True amber is expensive, but worth it. Amber necklaces are amulets against negative magick and help in protecting children. Amber is used to strengthen spells and to increase effectiveness. Also use to enhance beauty and general attractiveness. Often worn to attract love, and also to increase strength, business success, money flow, etc. Plays a part in attraction spells, much like a magnet; it helps to attract love, money, power, and success. Adding a bit of powdered amber to incenses will increase their effectiveness.


Energy: Receptive
Planets: Jupiter, Neptune
Element: Water
Deities: Bacchus, Dionysus, Diana
Powers: Dreams, Overcoming Alcoholism, Healing, Psychism, Peace, Love, Protection Against Thieves, Courage, Happiness
Magickal Uses: This stone is one of the most popular magickal stones. It has been used for virtually every magickal purpose, and it harbors absolutely no negative side effects, nor any associations with violence, anger, or passion. This stone has abilities to calm fears, raise hopes, lift the spirits and promote thoughts of spiritual reality behind our lives. Wear it to ward off guilt and self-deception, to help overcome addictions (such as alcoholism), to curb over indulgence, to bestow good judgement, and to gain courage. Amethysts are powerful amulets for travelers, and they protect against thieves, harm, sickness, and danger. The Amethyst is a highly spiritual stone which helps with meditative practices. Pre-meditation baths help to attune the practitioner; light a purple candle as you bathe and ring the candle with amethysts. This stone helps to increase psychic awareness and the “sixth sense”. An amethyst is often worn during divination, and sometimes kept with divination tools to heighten their inner energies. Placed beneath a pillow, an amethyst helps to produce restful sleep and pleasant (sometimes prophetic) dreams. It drives away nightmares and insomnia. It also makes sure that the sleeper doesn’t oversleep. The stone also sharpens the consious mind. It improves the memory, enhances mental powers, and quickens the wit.

Amethysts are often utilized in love magick because it is a stone of true emotional love. It is a stone specifically prescribed for men to attract women. This stone was once thought to be a stone of chastity, although this idea is quickly becoming archaic.

This stone is also used by people involved in lawsuits to ensure that right is done. It is also used in prosperity magick and has long been thought to bring success to businesses because of its Jupiterian influences.

When emotionally upset, go to a place outside where you can be alone. Hold an amethyst in your receptive (non-dominant) hand and pour out all your negative and hurtful feelings from your body through your arm into the stone. Send the hurt and pain into the stone with all your might. When the stone is full of negative energy, throw it away from your as hard as you can. Cry out as you do this. As you release the stone, release the pain. Know that it is in the stone and outside of you. Calm yourself, then thank the Earth for its help. Never again bring the stone into your life.

Energy: Projective
Planet: Saturn
Element: Fire
Powers: Protection, Luck
Magickal Uses: Apache Tear is carried as a good-luck charm and a protective amulet. The Apache Tear is actually a piece of translucent Obsidian, therefore they have the same properties. See the Obsidian listing for more uses.

Energy: Receptive
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Powers: Psychism, Peace, Courage, Purification
Magickal Lore: This stone, a variety of beryl, is associated with sea-goddesses of long ago. Aquamarine beads were found in the mummy pits of ancient Egyptian pyramids.
Magickal Uses: The Aquamarine, as its name suggests, is a stone associated with the sea and the element of Water. This stone is cleansed by Sea Witches in ocean water on the night of the Full Moon; land-locked folks can fill a blue container with water and sea salt, drop the stone in, and let it sit overnight.

The stone is worn or carried to enhance the use of psychic powers. It reduces the hold of the conscious mind on the psychic one. Due to its water influences, it can be used in purification rites and spells. A tincture can be made from this stone; place an aquamarine in a glass of water. Put it outside, if possible. Let it sit in moonlight for three hours, then retrieve the stone and drink the water for purification and heightened psychic awareness.

Aquamarines exchanged between the bride and groom smooth the path of their interactions, since it is a stone which helps to calm and soothe emotional problems. The Aquamarine is also an excellent protective amulet during sea travel. Even if you’re flying over water, this stone will protect you. The Aquamarine also is worn to ensure good health, to halt fear (by strengthening courage), and for alertness of the mind. Medically, this stone relieves toothache and cures illnesses of the stomach, throat, and jaw.

Energy: Projective
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Power Protection
Magickal Lore: Asbestos was seen as a magickal stone because it could be burned without being consumed. It was used to make wicks for ancient Greek temple candles which burned continuously. It was used for protection against black magick and the evil eye.
Magickal Use: Because of its bad publicity and utter misuse, this stone is no longer considered to be safe. Surprisingly, however, asbestos that is associated with quartz and polished is known as tiger’s eye.

Agates 1

Agates 1 (Photo credit: Tjflex2)

Energy: Projective
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Powers: Mental Powers, Eyesight, Gambling, Money, Peace, Healing, Luck
Magickal Uses: Green Aventurine is worn to strengthen the eyesight. It is also utilized to increase perception, to stimulate creativity, to enhance intelligence, to bring luck in gambling, and to attract money. It is an all-around lucky stone, and is useful in calming troubled emotions and speeding healing.

Folk NamesLapis Linguis, Lapis Lingua
Energy: Receptive
Planet:  Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Psychism, Dreams, Divination, Healing
Magickal Uses: This stone has long been used to increase psychic powers. Place a piece of azurite beneath your pillow for prophetic dreams, or hold/wear one while divining the future. A simple divination technique using azurite: Place the stone between two lit white candles in a darkened room, and hold it in your hands until it is warm while clearing your mind. Close your eyes and feel the stone’s energies. Then open your eyes and gaze at the stone until messages or answers come through. Also use azurite in healing magick.

Energy: Receptive
Planet: Moon
Deities: Poseidon, Neptune, Tiamat, Mara
Associated Herbs: Seaweed
Powers: Psychism, Healing, Love, Energy, Anti-Gossip
Magickal Lore: Beryl spheres were used long ago for scrying, just as crystal balls are used today. In fifth-century Ireland, scryers who used these spheres were called specularii. Dr. Dee’s famous crystal housed in the British Museum is made of beryl. Ancient peoples also used beryl in rituals designed to bring rain. 16th century magicians prescribed wearing beryl to win all arguments, and yet to be amiable, well-mannered, and understanding. In the 13th century, an image of a frog was carved into beryl and carried to reconcile enemies and to attract friends.
Magickal Uses: Like aquamarine, beryl is worn or carried for protection during sea travel. Also like aquamarine, it is exchanged between lovers to strengthen the relationship. This stone is also used to prevent fascination (deliberate psychic manipulation) by evangelists or salespersons. Beryl is used to make its bearer unconquerable, fearless, optimistic, and happy.

Beryl can be worn or placed on the altar during Full Moon rituals because of its lunar influences. It is also utilized to find lost things; hold a beryl in your hand and visualize the object. Still the conscious mind and let your psychic mind reveal its location. Beryl can be used to halt gossip and when worn during study, it helps the conscious mind to retain information.

Medically, beryl is considered to be an excellent remedy for liver ailments, swollen glands, and diseases of the eyes.

Folk Names: Heliotrope, Hematite (a different stone)
Energy: Projective
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Associated Herb: Heliotrope ( Heliotropum europaeum)
Powers: Halting Bleeding, Healing, Victory, Courage, Wealth, Strength, Power, Legal Matters, Business, Invisibility, Agriculture
Magickal Lore: This stone has been used in magick for three thousand years. It was used in ancient Babylon to overcome enemies and ancient Egyptians used it to open doors, break bonds, and cause stone walls to fall. Bloodstone was popular with soldiers because of its power to stop bleeding. Bloodstone was utilized to prevent injury, or as magickal first aid. It was also worn to cure fevers, to promote blood health and cure blood-related illnesses, and as a general health-giving talisman. Farmers in the Middle Ages wore bloodstone during planting to increase the yield of crops. It was believed that if a bloodstone was smeared with fresh heliotrope flowers and worn or carried, it would dazzle the eyes of other people and therefore render the bearer invisible. Bloodstones were also engraved with the figure of bats in the 13th century and worn by magicians to increase the effectiveness of spells and rites. Women hung a bloodstone on the arm to prevent miscarriage and later on, it was hung on the thigh to ease childbirth.

A folk name for bloodstone was hematite, although these are two different stones. Read more about this in the Hematite listing.
Magickal Uses: Wear bloodstone to increase physical strength, to win competitions, to promote longevity and courage, to calm fear, and to eliminate anger. It has been used in spells designed to secure victory in court. It is also utilized in spells involving wealth, money, and business because of its color. Carry in the purse or pocket, or place in a cash register to attract wealth.

Folk Name: Iceland Spar
Energy: Various (see below)
Planet: Various
Element: Various
Powers: Spirituality, Centering, Peace, Love, Healing, Purification, Money, Protection, Energy
Magickal Uses: This stone has the unique quality of double refraction; draw a line on a piece of paper, then place the calcite over it. The line will appear to be doubled. This property causes calcite to be used in spells in order to “double” the power of the rite.

Clear Calcite : Energy is Receptive, Planet is the Moon, and Element is Water. Use this stone in spirituality rituals, and as a focus of contemplation in meditation.

Pink Calcite : Energy is Receptive, Planet is Venus, and Element is Water. This stone is calming, centering, and grounding when held in the hand. Use it in love rituals.

Blue Calcite : Energy is Receptive, Planet is Venus, and Element is Water. Blue Calcite is a healing stone when worn on the body, or placed between burning purple or blue candles. This stone can be worn or used in purification rites.

Green Calcite : Energy is Receptive, Planet is Venus, and Element is Earth. This stone brings money and prosperity into the household; this can be expediated by placing it between burning green candles every morning for a few minutes.

Orange Calcite : Energy is Projective, Planet is Sun, and Element is Fire. This is a protective stone which lends energy to the body when held.

Energy: Projective
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Powers: Protection, Peace, Eloquence, Healing, Courage, Sexual Energy
Magickal Lore: Carnelian was worn on the hand in ancient Egypt to still anger, jealousy, envy, and hatred. In Renaissance times, the carnelian was engraved with the image of a sword or a warrior and placed in the home to guard against lightning and storms; It was also carried as a talisman against enchantments.
Magickal Uses: This stone is worn by shy and timid people to lend them courage. This stone is excellent to use in public speaking; it strengthens the voice, provides self-confidence, and gives eloquence to the speaker. This stone can also be used to counteract negative thoughts and to confer patience. Carnelian guards against others who try to read your thoughts. It also stimulates sexual impulses, strengthens astral vision, and halts nightmares when worn to bed.

Healthwise, carnelian prevent skin diseases, insanity, nose-bleeds and all other blood diseases, and as a general health inducer.

Energy: Projective
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Powers: Wealth, Beauth, Gambling, Protection, Healing
Magickal Lore: The ancient Assyrians believed the cat’s eye caused invisiblity, most probably due to its dazzling appearance.
Magickal Uses: Possession of this stone guards the owner’s wealth, prevents financial ruin, and restores wealth lost prior to possession of the stone. This stone is excellent for gamblers. A cat’s eye money spell; take a bill of the highest denomination you have, and rub it all over with the cat’s eye. Then, wrap the bill tightly around the stone and tie up the bill with green thread. Carry it in your pocket. Don’t spend the bill until the spell has worked.

A cat’s eye set in a silver ring is worn for mental health, protection, insight and luck. It also dispels depression, gives pleasure, and should be worn during financial speculation. Because of its eyelike appearance, this stone is worn to relieve diseases of the eyes.

Energy: Receptive
Planets: Venus, Neptune
Element: Water
Powers: Compassion, Eloquence, Healing
Magickal Uses: This stone is worn or carried to create eloquence and to promote compassion for the Earth and its beings. Celestite can also be used to relieve headaches and tension in the body because it removes stress from the physical body.

Energy: Receptive
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Powers: Peace, Anti-Nightmare, Travel, Protection, Lactation, Luck
Magickal Lore: In the 16th century, chalcedony was prescribed by magicians to dissolve illusions and fantasies; it was pierced and worn around the neck. In Renaissance times, this stone was engraved with the figure of a man with his right hand upraised and worn for success in lawsuits, health, and safety. In Italy, mothers wear beads of white chalcedony to increase lactation.
Magickal Uses: Chalcedony banishes fear, hysteria, depression, mental illness, and sadness. It also promotes calm and peaceful feelings. This stone drives away nightmares, night visions, and fear of the dark when placed beneath the pillow. Chalcedony is also used for beauty, strength, energy, success in all undertakings, and lactation. This stone protects its bearer during times of political revolution, while traveling, from physical attack, and negative magick. It also prevents accidents. An arrowhead carved from chalcedony is worn or carried for luck.

Energy: Receptive
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Peace, Wisdon, Love
Magickal Lore: Chrysocolla was once held in the hand to drive off unreasonable fear and illusions.
Magickal Uses: This stone is worn to grant the power of discretion and increased wisdom. It is also a stone of peace that soothes the emotions.

A simple chrysocolla love spell: hold the stone in your hand and visualize it attracting love to you. Then, place the stone in a small red or pink cup half filled with water. Place three red roses into the cup. Add fresh roses as the others fade.

Energy: Receptive
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Deity: Vesta
Powers: Happiness, Luck, Success, Friendship, Protection, Healing, Money
Magickal Lore: In the 13th century, chrysoprase was engraved with the image of a bull and worn as an amulet of protection.
Magickal Uses: Chrysoprase is worn to lift the spirits, to banish greed, envy, selfishness, tension, and stress, and to prevent nightmares. It is also worn to attract new friends and for luck, eloquence and success in new undertakings. A small piece carried with you at all times attracts money.

Chrysoprase’s healing powers include strengthening the eyes, staunching blood, and relieving the pain of rheumatism.

Energy: Projective
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Powers: Anti-Nightmare, Protection, Psychism
Magickal Uses: Citrine is a form of quartz that is worn at night to remove fear, to prevent nightmares, and to ensure a good night’s sleep. This stone is also used to aid in bringing about psychic awareness.

Energy: Receptive
Planet: Saturn
Element: Earth
Power: Money
Magickal Uses: Coal is considered to be a good attractant of money, therefore it is carried in the pocket or kept with money. Speculators in the stock exchange in London often carry a piece of coal with them for luck.

Energy: Receptive
Planet: Venus
Elements: Water, Akasha
Deities: Isis, Venus, The Great Mother
Associated Metals: Silver, Copper
Powers: Healing, Regulated Menstruation, Agriculture, Protection, Peace, Wisdom
Magickal LoreCoral comes from two Greek words meaning “daughter of the sea.” In the Meditteranean, coral was thought to be like amber; to contain the life essence of the Mother Goddess. Temples were often built of lava rocks and coral, and coral was placed on graves to guard the deceased. Women in Italy wore red coral near the groin to help regulate and predict menstruation; it was thought that the coral would turn lighter during the flow, and would get darker afterwards. However, if a man saw this coral, it would lose all its power. A popular use for coral in ancient Egypt was to powder it, mix it with seed and sow it over newly planted fields. This protected the crops from bad weather and insects. It was also hung on fruit trees to increase their yield. Coral earrings were worn in Rome by women to attract men. Coral was also used in 16th century Venusian love incenses.
Magickal Uses: Coral, when worn so it is visible, is a protective amulet. It guards against “the evil eye, demons, furies, succubi, incubi and phantasma,” as well as accidents, acts of violence, poison, theft, possession, and sterility. Coral also effect inner changes; it dispels foolishness, nervousness, fear, depression, murderous thoughts, panic, and nightmares. It gives its bearer reason, prudence, courage, and wisdom. Placed beneath the pillow, it ensures peaceful sleep by preventing disturbing dreams. Coral is also a house luck-attractant; take a piece of coral and touch it to every door, window, and wall in the house while moving in a clockwise direction. Coral protects sea travelers because of its ocean influences. It guards against shipwreck and shark attacks.

Coral has been used to protect children. Given to a child as a gift, it ensures their health in the future. Infants wear coral pendants or beads to ease teething pain. It has been put in rattles or placed in a child’s room to protect him or her.

Coral’s healing powers include curing indigestion, digestive tract pains, eye complaints, and to staunch blood. Red coral is worn to alert its wearer of ill health by paling in color.

Folk Names: Cross-Stones, Fairy Crosses
Energies: Projective, Receptive
Powers: Elemental Magick, Elemental Power, Luck
Magickal Lore: Cross Stones are apparently a form of andalusite and are found in coarse crystals. Broken or sliced open, they show a symmetrical cross pattern of alternating light and dark colors. Shamans included a piece of this stone in their medicine or power bags. It is a favorite item to exchange with others.
Magickal Uses: Because of this stone’s shape, it is worn or carried when practicing elemental magick or by those who wish to balance the four elements within themselves. It is worn, carried , or placed on the altar for power during all magickal rituals and for luck.

Folk Names: Crystal, Witch’s Mirror, Star Stone, Iris (because of its prismatic effect), Zaztun(Mayan)
Energies: Projective, Receptive
Planets: Sun, Moon
Elements: Fire, Water
Deity: The Great Mother
Associated Metals: Silver, Gold, Copper
Associated Herbs: Copal, Mugwort, Chicory, Sage, Sweetgrass
Powers: Protection, Healing, Psychism, Power, Lactation
Magickal Lore: This stone was once thought to be solidified water, so it was often used in rainmaking in Australia and New Guinea. Cherokee shamans kept the stone wrapped in buckskin when not in use, and they “fed” it deer’s blood at regular intervals. Most Wiccans wear quartz, often with silver, during Full Moon rites. Crystal spheres are often placed on the altar during lunar rituals. Its cold temperature represents the sea. Some Wiccans also place two quartz crystals on the altar to represent the God and Goddess. Quartz was symbolic of the spirit and intellect of human beings. In Renaissance times, most scrying spheres were made of beryl, but quartz was also used. It was sometimes half-covered with pure gold and set on a base of ivory or ebony. in 19th century Europe, crystal spheres were placed beneath the pillow to create a link with its used and therefore enhancing its effectiveness.
Magickal Uses: The use of quartz crystals in healing, altering consciousness, and magick have made them enormously popular. This stone can substitute for any other stone through visualization. Crystal spheres for divination are very expensive, but are worth their price. They do not need to be perfect, or free of marks and inclusions. Simply gazing into a natural crystal point can produce psychism. A crystal sphere can be exposed to the light of the Full Moon to strengthen its powers. Crystals can also be made into pendulums when hung from a silver chain. There are two ways to interpret its answers;

1. Circling in either direction: yes, or favorable
Side to side: no, or unfavorable

2. Circling clockwise: yes, or favorable
Circling counterclockwise: no, or unfavorable
Side to side: no answer

Wearing or carrying a quartz crystal increases psychism, and placed beneath the pillow, it offers psychic impulses in the form of dreams and peaceful sleep. Tumbled quartz stones are often painted with runes and used as divinatory tools. Quartz crystals are excellent power amplifiers for magick. 13 crystals (for the 13 Full Moons) or 21 crystals (13 Full Moons plus 8 sabbats) can be used to construct the magick circle. Situate the crystals with the points facing inward for religious ritual, meditation, or general magick. Face the point outward for defensive or protective magick. Tumbled quartz can be used as well. A crystal garden can be made by filling an earthenware bowl with white sand (you could probably use salt, too) and placing the crystals in it, points upward.

There are many forms of quartz:
Blue Quartz : Energy is Receptive. A peace and tranquility stone.
Green Quartz : Energy is Receptive. Use in prosperity workings to increase money or provide an “easy life”. Stimulates creativity.
Herkimer Diamonds : Energy is Projective. These are small, double-terminated quartz crystals which substitute for diamonds in magick.
Rose Quartz : Energy is Receptive. Use to stimulate love, to open the heart chakra and to promote peace, happiness, and fidelity. Wear a heart shaped rose quartz to attract love.
Rutilated Quartz : Energy is Projective. An energy stone which can be worn or placed on the altar to increase the effectiveness of magick.
Smoky Quartz : Energy is Receptive. Elevates the mood and is used for grounding. Overcomes depression and other negative emotions.
Tourmalated Quartz : Energy is Projective. This quartz, penetrated by black tourmaline crystals, is used to stimulate astral projection.

Energy: Projective
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Associated Metals: Platinum, Silver, Steel
Powers: Spirituality, Sexual Dysfunction, Protection, Courage, Peace, Reconciliation, Healing, Strength
Magickal Lore: In India, women wear unblemished white diamonds with a slightly black hue to ensure male children and to conquer infertility. In ancient Rome, the diamond was set into steel rings and worn with the stone touching the skin to produce bravery, daring, victory, and courage. Magicians of ancient India set diamonds into platinum or silver rings for victory in battles and conflicts.
Magickal Uses: This stone, when worn, promotes spirituality, self-confidence, fidelity, physical strength, protection, peace, reconciliation between quarreling lovers, and restful sleep and it aids in mediation. It helps in relieving sexual dysfunction, as well as being a cleansing, purifying, and releasing stone in this matter. This stone also helps to dispel nightmares and is used in scrying.

Energy: Receptive
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Deities: Isis, Venus, Ceres, Vishnu
Associated Metals: Copper, Silver
Powers: Love, Money, Mental Powers, Psychism, Protection, Exorcism, Eyesight
Magickal Lore: This stone is representative of the Earth. A curious use for emeralds comes from India, where ancient writings prescribe wearing the stone during sleep to halt nocturnal emissions. Emerald was used in protection magick all over the world. It was given to “possessed” people to exorcise the evil entity, or the stone was bound to a person’s left arm with string to guard them while traveling. People often used it to strengthen the memory.
Magickal Uses: Emeralds are often used in business spells to promote sales and increase public awareness of its establishment. This stone can be used to increase understanding, produce eloquence, and to enhance awareness of psychic faculties. Its soothing color makes it a popular gazing stone to relieve tired, bleary, or weak eyes, to relax the optic nerve, and to restore normal sight. For best results, the stone should be set in silver or copper.

Folk Names: Thunderstone, Elf-Shot, Fairy-Shot, Elf-Arrow, Adderstone.
Energy: Projective
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Associated Metal: Silver
Power: Protection, Healing, Divination
Magickal Lore: The Irish set flint knives in silver to guard against fairies. Scandinavians sometimes honored flint knives as family “gods”. Beer and melted butter were poured over them (hmm…). It is used in divining gold, water, gems, and other underground treasures.
Magickal Uses: Items made of flint are protective amulets and are particularly potent when placed above a door. A flint knife can be placed on the altar or held in protective rituals. A modern flint spell to cure headaches; strike a flint several times and visualize the pain traveling out of your head, into the sparks and disappearing with them.

Energy: Projective
Powers: Mental Powers
Magickal Uses: This stone is relatively new to the New Age community, but it is becoming more popular. However, it does not have a long history of magickal use and its influences are still being discovered. Fluorite seems to be good for the conscious mind; it helps in straightening your thoughts and reducing emotional involvement in a situation in order to gain a more accurate perspective. It also strengthens the bearer’s analytical abilities, quells strong emotions, and soothes desperation, depression, and anger. Fluorite is helpful in theorizing and assimilating information. Some use fluorite to strengthen the effects of other stones.

Folk Names: Sponge, Witch Stone, Ammonite, Snake Stone, Draconites
Energy: Receptive
Element: Akasha
Powers: Elemental Power, Past-Life Regression, Protection, Longevity
Magickal Lore: Because fossils are the remains or impressions of ancient life, it is linked with Akasha. Fossils represent time, eternity, and evolution.
Magickal Uses: Fossils are generally used as protective objects, and also as amulets to increase the life span. They can be placed on the altar as symbols of the Earth and the ambiguty of time, as well as to increase the power of magick. Sand Dollars are linked to the pentagram because of their natural five pointed design. Fossils are often used to help recall past lives. A simple ritual for past-life regression:

Perform at night, and wear a quartz crystal to prevent being disturbed or magickally harmed. Meditate upon the fossil. Next, in a room light only by candlelight, hold the fossil in your receptive hand; still your mind, breathe deeply, and awaken your psychic mind. Feel your present life slip away. If you relive a life or experience that is disturbing, drop the fossil and you will return to the present.

Energy: Projective
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Powers: Healing, Protection, Strength
Magickal Lore: Garnets were worn to repel insects in the 13th century. Garnets were carved with the figure of a lion and carried to guard the health, especially while traveling. Garnets were also thought to drive off demons and night phantoms. This stone was often exchanged between parting friends to symbolize their affection and to ensure that they met again.
Magickal Uses: Garnet is worn to enhance bodily strength, to tap into extra magickal energy, for protection and to repel negative energies. It is often prescribed as a protection against thieves. Medically, garnets are used to relieve skin conditions (especially inflammations) and to regulate the heart and blood.

Folk NamesAetites, Echites, Aquileus, Eagle Stone, Thunderegg
Energy: Receptive
Element: Water
Deity: The Great Mother
Powers: Meditation, Fertility, Childbirth
Magickal Lore: Geodes were thought to be favored by eagles in the Middle Ages because they placed them in their nests. Because they are round and contain crystals, they are egg symbols.
Magickal Uses: Geodes can be used in meditation as a contemplative object. This stone can be placed on the altar to concentrate the powers of the stones within it. They are also charged and placed in the bedroom to increase fertility and promote conception. Geodes are recommended to be carried or worn to attract love and avoid miscarriage. 

Folk Name: Volcano Spit
Energy: Projective
Planet: Saturn
Element: Fire
Powers: Healing, Grounding, Divination
Magickal Lore: Ancient peoples called hematite what we now know is bloodstone, so all ancient texts making references to hematite actually refer to bloodstone. Today’s hematite apparently “bleeds” when worked on a lapidary wheel. Hematite also possesses an odd ability to “heal” itself. If you make a small scratch on its surface and rub your finger over it, the scratch may disappear.
Magickal Uses: Hematite is often used in drawing illness from the body, grounding, stabilizing, focusing on the physical plane, and divination. A scrying spell: Light a red candle in a darkened room and sit before it. Hold a large piece of hematite so the candle flame is reflected on it. Gaze at it and visualize a question; the answer will come to you.

Folk Names: Holed Stones, Holy Stones, Odin Stones
Energy: Receptive
Element: Water
Deities: Odin, The Great Mother
Powers: Protection, Anti-Nightmare, Health, Psychism, Eyesight
Magickal Lore: Holey Stones were often hung on the bedpost to prevent nightmares. As a protective amulet, they were worn around the neck, placed in the house, or hung from the front door. According to the Eddas, Odin transmuted into a worm and slipped through a hole in a rock to steal “the mead of poetry.” This is probably how it got its folk name. Wise Women in England rubbed a child’s body with the stone to remove the disease.
Magickal Uses: Holey stones are stones with naturally occurring holes, not ones you have drilled yourself. This stone is often used for protection. Hanging it where a pet sleeps guards it. To enhance psychism, go to a wild, lonely place at night and look through the hole with one eye; you might see visions or ghosts. Looking through the hold is also said to improve eyesight.

Folk NamePiedra de Hijada (Spanish, “Stone of the Flank”)
Energy: Receptive
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Kwan Yin, Maat, Buddha
Powers: Love, Healing, Longevity, Wisdom, Protection, Gardening, Proseperity, Money
Magickal Lore: Jade has been used to fashion musical instruments because when it is struck, it produces a resonant tone. It is a sacred stone in China, where Altars of the Moon and Earth were made from jade. Jade carved in the shape of two men was exchanged between male friends as a token of friendship. It was also carved into a butterfly and worn to draw love and was a frequent engagement present. Jade bowls were also popular because it was believed that the stone’s energy entered the food before it was eaten.
Magickal Uses: Use jade to attract love, for healing, to prevent disease, for longevity, to improve the health of plants while gardening, to draw money, for protection, and to gain wisdom. It also strengthens the mind and helps reasoning.

An old spell for protection: Take a perfectly square piece of jade and carve the numbers 1, 8, 1, and 1 into it, one number in each corner. Mount the stone in pure gold. As the Sun rises, turn to face it. Breathe on the amulet 3 times, then say “Thoth” 500 times (a little excessive maybe?). Wait until sunset, then breathe on the amulet three times again and repeat “Thoth” 500 times. Then, the amulet is finished. Tie a red thread around it and carry it with you to guard against others imposing their will on you.

Folk NamesGug (ancient Assyrian), Rainbringer
Energy: Various (see below)
Planet: Various
Element: Various
Powers: Healing, Protection, Health, Beauty
Magickal Lore: American Indians have used jasper in rain-attracting rites, giving it the name “Rainbringer”. It was also used for divination. A green jasper carved with the image of a dragon surrounded by rays was worn by the ancient Egyptian king Nechepsus to strengthen his digestive tract. Red jasper engraved with images of lions or archers was carried to guard against poison and to cure fevers.
Magickal Uses: Generally, Jasper is worn or carried to promote mental processes, to restrain dangerous desires or whims, to protect against physical and nonphysical dangers, to relieve pain and guard mother and child during childbirth, and jasper arrowheads are worn for luck.
Red Jasper : Energy is Projective, Planet is Mars, and Element is Fire. This is a good protective stone which is used in defensive magick to return negativity to the original sender. It is also worn in healing and health spells, and young women wear it to promote beauty and grace.
Green Jasper : Energy is Receptive, Planet is Venus, and Element is Earth. A healing amulet and health talisman. Wear to halt hallucinations, to promote restful sleep,, and to be more sympathetic towards others. Ring a green candle with this stone to ward off ill health.
Brown Jasper : Energy is Receptive, Planet is Saturn, and Element is Earth. Wear this stone for centering, grounding, and to focus on the physical plane. It is good for use after heavy magick ritual and psychic or spiritual work.
Mottled Jasper: Energy is Projective, Planet is Mercury, and Element is Air. Wear this stone for protection against drowning. It is said to be even more potent in this use when carved with an equal armed cross, which represents the powers of the 4 elements, foundation, and control.

Folk Names: Witches’ Amber, Black Amber
Energy: Receptive
Planet: Saturn
Elements: Earth, Akasha
Deity: Cybele
Associated Herbs: Lavender, Sage
Powers: Protection, Anti-Nightmare, Luck, Divination, Health
Magickal Lore: Jet is magickally paired with amber and shares many of its qualities. Ancient Greek worshippers of Cybele, goddess of growth and plants, wore jet to obtain her favors. Sea witches and fisherman’s wives burned jet in the household as an incense to guard their husbands. During the Middle Ages, it was carved into images of beetles and worn for protection.
Magickal Uses: Jet is fossilized wood. Jet absorbs energies, especially negative ones. It is a powerful household protectant. Jet is a good traveler’s amulet. Use this stone to guard against nightmares, to ensure restful sleep, to strengthen psychic awareness, to protect children, to maintain proper energy flow within the body, and to promote health.

Energy: Receptive
Planets: Venus, Pluto
Element: Earth
Powers: Relaxation, Peace, Grounding
Magickal Uses: Kunzite is a fairly “modern” stone of which no mention is made in ancient texts. It also happens to be quite expensive. A quarter sized piece bought in 1988 cost $9.00. It is usually pink or lilac, but the best quality seems to be the lilac. This stone is used to induce relaxation, release tension, to gain peace, attract love, calm fear, and for grounding and centering. It can be added to car protection amulets and a piece can be put on your desk or near your work station to de-stress. Many of this stone’s secrets are still undiscovered.

Energy: Receptive
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Isis, Venus, Nuit
Associated Metal: Gold
Powers: Healing, Joy, Love, Fidelity, Psychism, Protection, Courage
Magickal Lore: Lapis Lazuli has long been associated with royalty. Some believe that, because of the pyrite within it, the stone is ruled by both Venus and Mars. However, this proably has little basis considering the pyrite concentration is minimal and sometimes nonexistant.
Magickal Uses: This stone can be used for healing, de-stressing, improving conditions of all human planes (i.e., mental, physical, spiritual), focusing energy toward a magickal outcome, promoting spirituality, encouraging fidelity, strengthening psychic awareness, for protection of children and adults, and for courage. Medically, this stone allievates fevers, blood diseases, and strengthens eyesight. It is a good meditative stone which relieves depression and stimulates gentleness.

Energy: Projective
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deity: Pele
Powers: Protection
Magickal Lore: In Hawaii, lava rocks were used to create heaiu, which were center of religious and magickal activity. They had different functions; some were healing centers, some were devoted to fishing deities, and others were the domain of the war god Kukailmoku. Tourists who have taken lava rocks without first asking permission from Pele and leaving an offering have endured great metaphysical hardships.
Magickal Uses: There are two types of lava; A’a, which is rough and chunky, and Pahoe’hoe, which is smooth. A small piece of lava carried or placed on the altar is protective. If you suspect that you are under psychic attack, bathe in salt water. Then, take 9 or 13 lava rocks and sit on the ground facing East. Beginning there, place each stone a few feet away from you to form a circle that encloses you. Visualize the rocks sending up sprays of lava that repel and return the negative energy to the sender.

Folk Names: The Peace Stone, Stone of Peace
Energy: Receptive
Planets: Jupiter and Neptune
Element: Water
Powers: Peace, Spirituality, Luck, Protection, Anti-Nightmare, Psychism, Love
Magickal Uses: A calming stone which is good for relieving the stress of everyday life. This stone soothes anger, hatred, and negativity, promotes spirituality, increases psychic awareness, drawing love, and aiding in reconciliation.

Folk NameMalaku, (Greek, “Mallow”)
Energy: Receptive
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Associated Herb: Mallow
Powers: Power, Protection, Love, Peace, Business Success
Magickal Lore: A piece of malachite is carried to warn the bearer of danger. Legend says it will break into pieces to warn of peril.
Magickal Uses: Malachite can be used to lend extra energy to magick, and it protects against negativity and physical dangers, prevents falls, expands the ability to love, calms emotions, promotes tranquility, ensures sleep, dispels depression, draws customers, and increases your ability to obtain good deals and sales. It is the salesperson’s stone.

Folk NameNicomar
Energy: Receptive
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Powers: Protection, Success
Magickal Uses: This stone is used in protective spells. Some magicians use a slab of marble for the top of their altars, and altars made entirely of marble are good places to perform protection spells. Marble tables and fixtures in the home are protective. It can be carried for this purpose. It is also used in spells involving personal success.

Energy: Projective
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Powers: Divination, Protection
Magickal Uses: This stone is carried for general protection. To expand psychic awareness and determine future events; Take a piece of mica about an inch or so square. Hold the stone in full moonlight while visualizing yourself having total control over your psychic powers. Catch the glow of the moonlight on the stone and gently move the stone in your hands. Let its shimmer drowse your conscious mind.

Energy: Receptive
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deities: Diana, Selene, Isis, all lunar goddesses
Associated Stone: Quartz Crystal
Associated Metal: Silver
Powers: Love, Divination, Psychism, Sleep, Gardening, Protection, Youth, Dieting
Magickal Lore: Some say the the moonstone’s power changes with the moon phases (i.e. most powerful at the Full Moon).
Magickal Uses: Moonstones are receptive and love-drawing. It also has the ability to work out problems between lovers. Moonstones are often placed beneath the pillow to ensure restful sleep. This stone is also associated with gardening and protection. It protects during travel, especially on or over water. Moonstone rings can be worn while swimming for protection. These stones are worn during divination and to produce psychism, as well as to renew or maintain youth, to lose weight. A weight loss spell: three nights before the Full Moon, stand nude before a full-length mirror in bright light. Study your body carefully. See the areas you wish to reduce and visualize a new, slimmer, in-control you. Then, hold a moonstone in your projective hand while continuing to visualize. Rub the moonstone over the problem areas of your body and visualize the fat melting away. Draw it across your head to help control unhealthy eating habits. Carry this moonstone with you at all times and when you feel the urge to eat something unhealthy, place the stone in your receptive hand, breathe deeply for ten seconds, and push the image of that food out of your mind. Then, eat something healthy. Remember, magick doesn’t solve everything; you must back up this spell with sensible eating and regular exercize.

Energy: Receptive
Planets: Moon, Neptune
Elements: Water, Akasha
Associated Metal: Silver
Powers: Protection, Wealth
Magickal Lore: Mother of pearl is the iridescent interior of some mollusk shells. It is best to collect it yourself since commercial mother of pearl is obtained by killing the animal. It relates to the ocean, depth, and movement.
Magickal Uses: Mother of Pearl is placed on newborn babies to protect them. It is also useful in spells involving wealth, money and riches. A spell: empower some mother of pearl with your need for money, then anoint it with seawater, patchouly, or cedar. Place a silver coin or another piece of silver next to it. Wrap green paper or a dollar bill tightly around it and the silver with green string. Place this talisman on your altar between two green candles. Burn the candles for 10-15 minutes while visualizing, then carry the charm with you.

Energy: Projective
Planet: Saturn
Element: Fire
DeityTezcatlipoca (Aztec, “Smoking Mirror” or “Shining Mirror”)
Powers: Protection, Grounding, Divination, Peace
Magickal Lore: Flat, square mirrors made of obsidian were used as scrying mirrors. They may still be in use today. It was also used to make knives, spear points, and arrowheads. It is often known as flint when used in these ways, and obsidian arrowheads have magickal properties.
Magickal Uses: This stone is excellent for grounding, centering, protective rituals, and for scrying. A protection ritual involving obsidian is to surround a white candle with four arrowheads, with each pointing to one of the directions. This guards the place where it is set up. Obsidian spheres are still made in Mexico, and can be used instead of quartz crystal.

Folk Names: Chrysolite, Chrysolithus, Lumahai
Energy: Receptive
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Associated Metals: Gold, Lodestone
Powers: Money, Protection, Love, Luck
Magickal Lore: Olivine has recently been found in meteorites and has a volcanic origin. Some say that olivine and peridot are the same stone.
Magickal Uses: Olivine can be used to draw money, for business success, for protection (more potent when set in a gold ring), to guard against thieves, to encourage optimism, to attract love, and to bring luck.

Energy: Projective
Planets: Mars, Saturn
Element: Fire
Deity: Mars
Associated Stone: Diamond
Powers: Protection, Defensive Magick, Reducing Sexual Desires
Magickal Lore: In the past, onyx was thought to be the manifestation of a demon imprisoned in the stone. It woke up at night and terrorized anyone near it. The image of the head of Mars or a figure of Hercules was engraved on an onyx for courage.
Magickal Uses: This stone is used for protection and defense against negativity consciously directed towards you. It can be worn in battles, conflicts of any kind, or while going down a dark street at midnight. Onyx has also been used to reduce sexual impulses, but care should be taken when it is used in this manner. Sexual repression can lead to mental and physical illness, antisocial behavior, religious delusions, and even murderous tendencies. Be careful! When used correctly, it can be helpful, but never use it carelessly.

Energies: Projective, Receptive
Planets: All
Elements: All
Deity: Cupid
Associated Herb: Bay
Powers: Astral Projection, Psychism, Beauty, Money, Luck, Power
Magickal Lore: These stones were once used to create invisibility when wrapped in bay leaves and carried.
Magickal Uses: The opal contains the colors and qualities of every other stone, so it can substitute for any stone with visualization. Opals can be used during astral projection (for protection and to facilitate the process), to recall past lives, to develop psychic powers (opal earrings are ideal for this purpose), for luck, and to bring out inner beauty. A spell: Place a round mirror on the altar so you can see your face while kneeling. Place two green candles on either side of it. Light them and empower the opal with your need for beauty. While holding the stone, gaze at your reflection and visualize the face and body you desire. Then, carry or wear the opal and resolve to improve your appearence.
Fire Opals are often used in drawing money or customers to a place of business.
Black Opals are thought of as power stones by magicians. They are worn in ritual jewelry to increase the amount of power raised and released from the body during magick.

Folk NamesMargan (ancient Persian), Neamhnuid (Gaelic)
Energy: Receptive
Planet: Moon
Elements: Water, Akasha
Deities: Isis, Aphrodite, Freya, Venus, Lakshmi, Diana, Neptune, Poseidon; all ocean deities, although pearl is more female-oriented; also associated with sky goddesses
Associated Metal: Silver
Associated Stone: Ruby
Powers: Love, Money, Protection, Luck
Magickal Lore: Pearl is the product of a living creature; because the oyster is killed to get the pearl, some believe that those who sell and wear pearls will pay a heavy debt. Pearls symbolize the Moon, Water, the center of creation, and the universe. Cultured pearls, however, are thought to be less magickall potent. In early Saxon religion, pearls were thought to be the congealed tears of Freya. The Chinese thought that pearls were raindrops swallowed by oysters; in Chinese belief, pearls fell from the sky when dragons fought in the clouds (storms). Dragons and pearls are closely linked.
Magickal Uses: Pearls have been used in love magick; they are worn or carried to spread love, and Indian women wear them to ensure a happy marriage. A simple money spell involves a pearl (an inexpensive one). Hold it in your hand; attune with the pearl and give thanks to the oyster, then visualize money coming into your life and spending it wisely. Still visualizing, throw the pearl into any moving body of water (I don’t think the toilet counts). Pearls are also used to protect against shark attacks and house fires, and to attract luck, lengthen life, promote fertility, drive off demons, preserve health, and to instill courage and physical strength. Black and bluish-tinted pearls are used to bring luck to the owner (but not the oyster). Pink pearls are worn to bring about a comfortable life. Hindus use yellow pearls to bring wealth, and red pearls promote intelligence.

Energy: Receptive
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Associated Metal: Gold
Powers: Protection, Health, Wealth, Sleep
Magickal Uses: Peridots set in gold are good amulets for protection against enchantments, night terrors, illusions, and the evil eye. This stone is worn for general healing purposes (especially healing of insect bites and liver problems), to attract love, to calm anger, to soothe the nerves, to dispel all negative emotions, to promote sleep, to relieve depression, and to attract wealth. Magickal uses associated with olivine also apply to peridot.

Energy: Receptive
Element: Akasha
Powers: Longevity, Past-Life Regression, Healing, Protection
Magickal Uses: Petrified wood is a fossil and therefore ruled by Akasha. Like all fossils, it aids in extending life and recalling past lives. It is also carried as a protective amulet. It guards against drowning and sets up barriers against negativity.

Folk NameInyan-sha (Sioux: Inyan, “rock”; sha, “red”)
Energy: Projective
Planets: Mars, Sun
Element: Fire
Associated HerbKinnickkinnick (red willow bark)
Magickal Lore: A Sioux legend: A great flood inundated the praries. A few people managed to escape by climbing a hill, but the flood drowned them. The hill collapsed on the people and formed a pool of blood. The pipestone is the solidified remains of that pool, and it is therefore sacred because blood is a substance of life. Its red color also makes it sacred because red is the color of blood. To the Sioux, red is the color of the North and symbolic of the Earth and the blood of its people. The pipestone not only symbolizes them, it is them. Pipestone was and is still used to make sacred pipes (hence the name pipestone) in which red willow bark is smoked during rituals.
Magickal Uses: Pipestone is only found in Minnesota. If you are fortunate enough to obtain some, it can be placed in medicine or power bags or on the altar. Pipestone is a sacred object and should be treated as such to respect the ways of the Sioux and Omaha people.

Energy: Projective
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Powers: Easing Childbirth, Banishment, Protection
Magickal Uses: A banishing spell: Hold a piece of pumice and visualize a problem you wish to be rid of (not a person, witches don’t work that way). Send the energy which is behind the problem into the stone. Visualize it pouring into the pores of the stone like thick black smoke. Then throw the pumice into a body of water. Because the pumice floats, it strengthens your ability to “rise above” the problem. If you don’t have access to water, fill a large basin or bucket with water and perform the ritual. When finished, pour the water (stone and all) onto bare earth. Pumice can also be empowered to be a “sponge” which absorbs negativity. It can be placed on the altar during protective magick.

Energy: Projective
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Powers: Energy, Peace, Love
Magickal Uses: Use rhodocrosite to lend extra energy during physical activity, to soothe the body and emotions, to de-stress and to draw love. It can be placed or worn in a bath to aid relaxation.

Energy: Projective
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Powers: Peace, Anti-Confusion
Magickal Uses: Wear rhodonite to be come, to remove confusion, doubt, and incoherency, and to shut down the psychic centers, and promote balance within the bearer.

Folk Name: Carbuncle
Energy: Projective
Element: Fire
Deities: Buddha, Krishna (nothing to do with those Hare Krishna guys, though)
Powers: Wealth, Protection, Power, Joy, Anti-Nightmare
Magickal Lore: This stone was used as an offering to Buddha and Krishna. It is thought that dreaming of rubies indictates coming success in business or money matters, or a good harvest if the dreamer is a farmer or gardener. This stone grows dark when danger or negativity approaches the owner, or when illness threatens. Rubies were often used as tools of scrying. In the 13th century, rubies were used as wealth-increasing stones, especially effective when engraved with a dragon or snake. In ancient India, possession of rubies helped the owner to accumulate other precious gems. The ruby was thought to protect against all foes, wicked spirits, negativity, plague, fascination, and famine.
Magickal Uses: The ruby strengthens psychic defenses, guards the home against storms and negativity, protects trees from lightning and violent storms, increases magickal energies available during ritual, ensures restful sleep, dispels nightmares, produces joy, strengthens will power and confidence, repels fear, and increases the body’s warmth. Star rubies are potent scrying tools. Gaze at the crossed lines of light.

Energy: Receptive
Element: Earth
Deity: Aphrodite
Associated Herb: Ti (Cordyline terminalis)
Powers: Purification, Protection, Grounding, Money
Magickal Lore: Salt is connected with life and death, creation and destruction, and the feminine aspect. Salt was frequently offered to deities because of its scarcity and purity. It was used as currency is parts of the world. Salt was often a substitute for blood where it was called for in ancient rituals (and if a spell you come across calls for blood, don’t you dare cut yourself or someone else! Apple cider is another substitute. Besides, harming others screws up your karma).
Magickal Uses: Salt is a wonderful purification substance, as well as for grounding and cleansing. Adding salt (Earth) to Water mixes the two elements and combines their influences. Sprinkling empowered salt in the corners of each room in the house, visualizing it burning and sterilizing negativity, is good for protecting a home. Tasting salt brings you firmly to Earth and closes off your psychic centers (avoid salt in your diet if you’re working to increase psychic awareness). Rock salt is used in money attracting talismans and spells. Carry some salt in a green bag for awhile to focus your energies and attention, especially if you tend to focus too much on the spiritual and neglect the physical.

Folk Names: Holy Stone, Star Sapphire, Astrae
Energy: Receptive
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deity: Apollo
Powers: Psychism, Love, Meditation, Peace, Defensive Magick, Healing, Power, Money
Magickal Lore: The Greeks associated the sapphire with Apollo, and it was worn while consulting oracles. According to manuscripts of the late 1300’s, this stone cools anger. It was once thought to scare away devils and evil. Another ancient text states that it can be worn in rituals to strengthen the magician’s ability to tap into and send forth power. Sapphires were once engraved with an astrolabe to increase wealth.
Magickal Uses: Sapphire has many uses. It stimulates the third eye, promotes fidelity, attunes feelings between lovers, banishes envy, draws love, aids in meditation, returns negative energies to their sender, guards the owner from captivity, banishes fraud, protects the health in general, and attracts money. Medically, sapphires strengthens the eyes, reduces fevers, and halts nosebleeds when pressed to the forehead. Star sapphires are considered to be more magickally potent than ordinary ones.

Energy: Projective
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Powers: Love, Protection, Courage, Facilitating Childbirth
Magickal Lore: In the 1300’s, sard was engraved with the image of a grapevine (male energy) and ivy (female energy) and worn by women for good fortune and to draw love. This stone was given to women in labor to aid in childbirth. Sard is considered to be more magickally effective for women than men.
Magickal Uses: Because it is red and ruled by Mars, sard is used in protective rituals and in banishing negative spells. It also promotes courage and strengthens self-confidence and the body’s personal power.

Energy: Projective
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deity: Mars
Associated Metals: Silver, Platinum, Gold
Powers: Protection, Courage, Martial Happiness, Eloquence, Peace, Luck
Magickal Lore: In ancient Rome, sardonyx was engraved with a figure of Hercules or Mars to promote fearlessness. It was also once engraved with an eagle’s head, set in silver, platinum, or gold, and worn for luck.
Magickal Uses: This stone is used in protective rituals and promotes courage and good relations between lovers and married couples. It ends domestic strife and aids in communication. It is worn or carried, especially by lawyers and public speakers, for eloquence. It can also be worn in court to ensure that the bearer’s testimony is clear and consise. Worn or placed near the heart, it relieves depression and despondency and produces peace and joy.

Energy: Receptive
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Powers: Reconciliation, Energy
Magickal Uses: This stone was named for the ancient Moon goddess Selene. It is exchanged between lovers for reconciliation and worn to lend energy to the body.

Folk NameZa-tu-mush-gir (Assyrian)
Energy: Projective
Planet: Saturn
Element: Fire
Powers: Protection, Lactation
Magickal Lore: Seals made of this stone were carried in ancient Assyria so the gods and goddesses would send double blessings. It was also worn around the neck by nursing women to regulate their milk supply.
Magickal Uses: Serpentine’s main use is guarding against poisonous creatures (i.e., snakes, spiders, bees, scorpions) and troublesome reptiles and insects.

Energy: Receptive
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Healing, Peace, Meditation, Wisdom
Magickal Uses: This stone is often mistaken for lapis lazuli, but it lacks the iron pyrite. This stone heals emotionally related diseases caused by stress nervousness, anger, and fear. Wear or rub over the body to dispel fear and guilt, to still the mind, relax the body, and calm inner turmoil. This stone helps to promote wisdom and is good for use in meditation.

Folk Name: Titanite
Energy: Projective
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Powers: Mental Powers, Spirituality
Magickal Uses: When found, this stone is used to improve the mind and processing information, and for studying, theorizing, and debating. Sphene is also worn to promote spiritual enlightenment during meditation.

Energy: Projective
Planet: Pluto
Element: Fire
Powers: Energy, Money
Magickal Uses: Spinel can be worn or used in rituals to lend energy to the body and to attract riches and wealth. It can also be worn to boost physical strength during periods of exertion.

Energy: Stalagmites: Projective, Stalactites: Receptive
Element: Earth
Magickal Lore: Stalactites hang from cave roofs and stalagmites project up from cavern floors. They were thought to be petrified earth, and it was common practice by tourists 100 years ago to break them off as souvenirs. Small stalagmites and stalactites were carried in small bags to guard against negativity and evil. Its phallic shape probably contributed to its projective properties, but any other projective stone can be substituted for these stones. Don’t destroy the beauty of a cave just for magick.

Folk Names: Fairy Cross, Fairy Tears, Staurotide, Cross Stone
Elements: All
Powers: Protection, Health, Money, Elemental Powers
Magickal Lore: Staurolite comes from the Greek word stauros, meaning “cross”. People in Brittany thought they fell from the sky and worn them as charms. The crosses within these stones symbolize the intersection of physical and spiritual planes, the combination of projective and receptive energies within ourselves, sexual intercourse, and the four elements.
Magickal Uses: Staurolite is worn or carried for protection against negativity, disease, and accidents. It can be empowered and placed in the car for the last purpose. It can also be worn to draw wealth, increase the sex drive, and to control the elemental forces when set in electrum as a ring or pendant.

Energy: Receptive
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Water
Powers: Psychism, Spirituality, Healing, Wisdom
Magickal Uses: This stone is worn or carried to facilitate psychic awareness, for healing, during meditation to increase awareness of the spiritual world, and to obtain wisdom.

Folk Names: Sulphur, Sulfer
Energy: Projective
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Powers: Protection, Healing
Magickal Lore: Sulfur was often burned in ceremonial magick to drive off demons and devils. It was believed that positive forces were attracted by sweet scents, and negative forces were repelled by foul ones. It was also burned to protect animals and dwellings from fascination.
Magickal Uses: Sulfur is often prescribed for colds, rhuematism, and bodily pain; it is usually put in a small red bag and worn around the neck. Pieces of sulfur are also put on the altar during protective rituals or in the home as a general magickal ward.

Energy: Projective
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Associated Stone: Moonstone
Associated Metal: Gold
Powers: Protection, Energy, Health, Sexual Energy
Magickal Lore: In Renaissance times, this stone was associated with the Sun due to its colors. It was set in gold and worn to bring solar influences into the magician. There are at least two stones named sunstone; a form of translucent quartz with an orange hue, and a form of feldspar which resembles an orange opal. The former stone is Oregon sunstone, and the latter comes from India and was the only sunstone used in ancient magick. This stone is magickally linked with moonstone.
Magickal Uses: Sunstone is protective, and gives extra physical energy to the body in times of stress or illness. It stimulates sexual arousal and increases sexual energy when worn near sexual regions. To spread protective energies throughout the house, place it in the home before a white candle. This stone, when placed in a bag of healing herbs, is strengthened.

Energy: Projective
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Associated Metal: Gold
Powers: Money, Protection, Courage, Energy, Luck, Divination
Magickal Lore: Roman soldiers wore tiger’s eye engraved with symbols for protection during battle.
Magickal Uses: Tiger’s eye promotes wealth and money, protects against all dangers, strengthens convictions, and creates courage and confidence. This stone is beneficial for the weak or sick and promotes energy flow through the body. Tiger’s eye can be used for divination when held in the hands outside on a sunny day. Gaze at the stone and still your conscious mind. It is also a past-life regression tool.
HAWK’S EYE: Also called “blue Tiger’s Eye”, this stone promotes psychic energy and can help one hold his/her temper. It is a rare stone, and quite beneficent to those who possess it.

Energy: Projective
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deity: Ra
Associated Metal: Gold
Associated Stone: Tiger’s Eye
Powers: Protection, Healing, Weight Loss, Money, Love
Magickal Lore: The stones now known as olivine and peridot were once called topaz. Topaz was used in the past to create invisibility.
Magickal Uses: Topaz specifically guards against envy, intrigue, disease, injury, sudden death, sorcery, negative magick, and lunacy. It is more effective when set in gold and bound to the left arm. It also can be worn to relieve depression, anger, fear, greed, frenzies, and other disturbing emotions. This stone also brings wealth, money, and love. It guards against fire and accidents in the home, and it fends off nightmares and stops sleepwalking when placed beneath the pillow. Topaz helps to relieve the pain of rheumatism and arthritis, as well as to regulate the digestive system. It is also good for weight loss.

Energy: Various (see below)
Planet: Various
Element: Various
Powers: Love, Friendship, Money, Business, Health, Peace, Energy, Courage, Astral Projection
Magickal Uses: When tourmaline is rubbed to create friction, one end becomes positive and the other negative.
Pink Tourmaline : Energy is Receptive, Planet is Venus, Element is Water. Wear this stone to draw love and friendship, and to promote sympathy towards others.
Red Tourmaline : Energy is Projective, Planet is Mars and Element is Fire. Also called Rubellite, this stone is worn to lend energy to the body, to promote courage, and to strengthen the will. It is used in protective rituals.
Green Tourmaline : Energy is Receptive, Planet is Venus, Element is Earth. Use this stone to draw money and business success, and to stimulate creativity.
Blue Tourmaline : Energy is Receptive, Planet is Venus, and Element is Water. Wear this stone (also known as Indicolite) to de-stress and for peace and restful sleep.
Black Tourmaline : Energy is Receptive, Planet is Saturn, Element is Earth. Use this stone for grounding purposes, to represent the Earth in spells, and protection from negativity. You may also find this stone under the name Schorl.
Watermelon Tourmaline : Energies are Projective and Receptive, Planets are Mars and Venus, and Elements are Fire and Water. This stone is worn to balance the male and female energies within the body. It also attracts love and works best when used by balanced people.
Tourmalated Quartz : Energy is Receptive and Planet is Pluto. Wear or place beneath the pillow to promote astral projection. Also, you can obtain a sphere of this stone and gaze at it. Still your mind and project your astral body into it.

Folk NamesFayruz (Arabic, “Lucky Stone”), Turkey Stone, Turkish Stone, Thyites (ancient Greek), Venus Stone, Horseman’s Talisman
Energy: Receptive
Planets: Venus, Neptune
Element: Earth
Deities: Hathor, Buddha, The Great Spirit
Associated Metal: Gold
Powers: Protection, Courage, Money, Love, Friendship, Healing, Luck
Magickal Lore: Turquoise is a sacred stone to many Native American tribes. It has been used with coral to create sand paintings and placed in tombs to guard the dead. The Pueblos laid turquoise under a floor as an offering to the deities when a house was built. It was also attached to bows to ensure accurate shots.
Magickal Uses: Turquoise is a protective stone. Turquoise carvings of horses and sheep are kept by Navajos to guard against negative magick. A turquoise ring guards against the evil eye, disease, serpents, poison, violence, accidents, and all other dangers, and it promotes courage. Horse riders mount turquoise in gold and wear it to prevent falls, and they attach a second piece to the bridle or saddle to protect the horse. It is a good amulet for travelers, and it aids in gaining wealth. Given as a gift, it bestows wealth and happiness upon its receiver. Turquoise is also used in love magick; it is used to promote martial happiness. It also attracts friends, increases beauty, and creates joy and even-temperedness. Turquoise is a lucky stone which brings good fortune.

This is a healing stone which strengthens the eyes, alleviates fevers, and reduces headaches. Turquoise rings and pendants are worn to promote and protect health. It is said to prevent migraines.

Energy: Projective
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Associated Metal: Gold
Powers: Projection, Beauty, Love, Peace, Sexual Energy, Healing, Anti-Theft
Magickal Uses:
Clear (or White) Zircon : A magickal substitute for diamond that is worn for protection, clear thinking, and to promote mental processes. Here’s an odd ritual: kiss this stone. The stone will remain clear if you’re chaste, but it will turn black if you are not.
Yellow Zircon (Jargon, Jargoon, Ligure) : Wear to increase sexual energy and to attract love. Carry to drive away depression, to increase alertness, and for business success.
Orange Zircon (Jacinth, Hyacinth) : Wear to increase beauty, to still fears and jealousy, and to guard against injury while traveling. Place in the home to guard against theft or keep with valuables for this purpose. Set it gold to double its power.
Red Zircon (Hyacinth) : Red Zircon increases riches if worn, and it guards against injury. It is a protective stone which vitalizes the body, heals, draws pain from the body, and lends extra energy in times of physical stress.
Brown Zircon (Malacon) : Use for grounding, centering, and in wealth and money spells.
Green Zircon : Use in money spells.


Release Your Inner Clairvoyant

Everyone has the ability of clairvoyance, which means ‘clear seeing’, this is viewing with your psychic eye, this enables you to see into the past, the present or the future. You are perceiving energies that are not tangible, and by opening your third eye you are able to embrace a different type of vision. Through clairvoyance you will have the opportunity to perceive things before they happen and will be able to tap into the astral plane, through clairvoyance you can receive information from your spirit guides.

We are all born clairvoyant, although some are able to naturally use this ability, others need to work on it. Most people involved in companies and businesses, especially the stock exchange, will often say they acted on gut instinct, or it felt right to take a certain step. There is no logic associated with these feelings, it is just an inner knowing, without realising it you actually use your psychic ability often in your life. Think of how many times you have said, or done something that felt right, you were actual listening to your psyche and acting upon it.

Have you ever watched babies giggling at something that adults can’t see, they are clear seeing, babies are also able to see people’s auras. Mothers are psychic where their children are concerned and seem to have an uncanny instinct as to what their children are doing, or know instinctively if they are in trouble.

There are various types of psychic energies, and each person is different in the way they tune in, there are different ways you can receive information, it all depends on where your psychic strengths lie. For some it is quite natural to sense the presence of a ghost, or receive information from a long lost relative. A medium has the ability to relay information from a departed soul and often they are able to describe the person they are receiving the information from, they are hearing words and this is called clairaudience. Some are able to tune into ghosts by sensing their presence, this is called clairsentience, they are often able to reveal detailed information about the spirit.

When you are beginning you will likely find that you are clairvoyant, you will see images in your mind’s eye, and get a sense of what you are seeing, it is much the same as having a feeling that someone is going to phone you and then they do, or an image of someone falling down pops into your head, and it happens. There are probably many times in your life when you knew something was going to happen and you put it down to coincidence, you were actually tapping your psychic ability. Another way of triggering your psychic ability is to use tools such as tarot cards, the imagery of the cards can help inspire and stimulate your abilities. Runes can also help you to open up clairvoyantly and can be used as a catalyst in opening up your psychic channels.

There are no defined rules to learning how to develop psychically, but by using clairvoyance in your day to day life, you will find decision making easier, and be less likely to make mistakes. It will help you in making wise decisions handling finances, or in choosing the people to spend time with.

Those whose psychic ability occurs spontaneously are often fearful of what they see and feel. And it often takes some getting used to. They may have vivid images in their mind’s eye of something that is going to take place, and it happens, this can be quite unnerving to the uninitiated. They might hear noises in the night, or sense a presence and not know what is happening, this is their clairvoyant abilities surfacing, and it is necessary to learn how to channel the psychic energy so that it doesn’t overwhelm them. Some people have dreams that are precognitive, others have images, others hear, and some sense that it is important that they do, or not do, a certain thing. However the information is received it is all the same, it is the channeling of energy, and everyone has a different way of accessing and using the messages they receive.

Anyone can develop their psychic abilities and use them to enhance their life, there is nothing to fear and it can be a wondrous journey, approach with a sense of humour and with a joyous spirit. If you are keen to learn about clairvoyance, the chances are that you have had some experiences that you had no answers to, either as a child or as an adult. It takes an empathetic person to actually work in the field, as you are often dealing with very sensitive people, but if this path appeals, work on your abilities and decide exactly how you want to proceed. For instance as you progress you may want to use the tarot cards, or do numerology, or astrology. There are many ways that psychic ability can be used and it all depends on what type of journey you are on, and what inspires you.

When you begin your psychic journey it is a good idea to keep a journal, this can be part of your book of shadows. I believe to enhance your abilities you can’t go past beginning with psychometry, this is where you hold an item, such as a watch, ring, pair of glasses, bunch of keys, or piece of jewellery, belonging to someone else, and you sit very still holding the item and concentrating on only that. Breathe deeply and allow the item to reveal images and messages to you, or it could be that you have a strong feeling about something, or you feel cold, hot, or tired, grumpy, happy, elated, nervous. Whatever you see, hear, feel, sense, reveal this to the person the item belongs to, however silly you think it is, just say it, something that doesn’t make sense to you, will likely make sense to someone else. After you have tried this several times you will have an idea of how you are receiving the information, you may get images of actual events that are to take place, or be told of what is going to happen. You may sense certain things, you may receive images that are symbolic, you will not know exactly what it is you are seeing, hearing, feeling, sensing, until you have tried psychometry on several occasions.

I began by going to a meditation class for the first time, after the group of eight had meditated, we were asked to exchange jewellery, watches, or rings, with the person to our left. I was handed a ring by a lady, as I sat holding it I received an image of a white fluffy kitten and a man handing it to the lady, she assured me she didn’t have any animals, nor did she care to have any. We carried on with the reading and I saw other images which I revealed to her. I thought no more about this until the following week, when a very exuberant lady almost bowled me over with her effusive hug, she told me that two days after the class, which happened to be her birthday, an old friend turned up and gave her the most adorable kitten, it was love at first sight. Items hold a history of the person they belong to, and can give information about a person’s past, present or future. Energies of what has taken place, or is about to take place in the person’s life is held within an object. A record is kept of what they have done, are doing, or are going to do.

Some people progress faster than others, and of all the things you can do to develop psychically, you will find that meditation, followed by psychometry is the most effective way to begin. It helps you to open up to the energies that are flying around all the time, it is like being quiet so that you can hear someone whisper something to you. By meditating, relaxing your active mind, and becoming still, you are able to perceive things that you would not, when your mind is very active.

Next time you go to the art gallery, look at the painting and see if you can get a sense of the artist who did the painting, if they have painted a portrait, try to tune into the subject and see what comes to mind. Everything carries an energy, a door handle that many people have touched, a sugar bowl, a spoon, salt and pepper shakers, a chair that someone sits in regularly. Even a car’s steering wheel, whatever people touch, carries a vibration, an energy that is you become aware, you can tune into quite naturally. The next time you speak with someone, see if you can go beyond what they are saying, and sense what they are feeling.

From psychometry you can try reading people, first try this with friends, you could even have a regular meditation class and work with others who are interested in metaphysical matters, you read people without holding anything. You look past them as though you are looking at their aura, and you will find, as reveal to them what is coming to you, when doing this approach with an open mind and don’t take yourself too seriously, you can have fun as you learn. After you have practiced reading your friends, you can try reading people when you are out in public, maybe when you are next sitting having a cup of coffee in a shop, or sitting on a train, or in a taxi, eating out, or just walking along. Energy is bouncing around you all the time, and if you tune in, you will find that you can receive all sorts of information just be being more alert. In a way it is like trying to find a radio channel, you keep turning the switch until you find the right frequency, which them allows you to hear the music clearly. What you are trying to do is to find your particular frequency, once you do this you will learn how to turn it on and off, and will be able to open yourself up when you choose, and close yourself off when you choose.

I would suggest that when you begin your psychic work, you designate an area within your home where you will be working, you can practice your psychic enhancement, and meditate here as well, it can be a room in your home, or an area where you can work comfortably. For your workspace you will require a table, it need not be elaborate, place a cloth of your choice over the table, (which is your altar) velvet is a nice choice, especially black or purple. Two candles in candle holders, at either end of the table, also have some incense that you can light each time you work. You will need four coloured candles, representing the four elements, green represents north and the element earth, the red candles represents south and the element fire, blue represents west and the element water, the yellow candles represents east and the element air. Place these candles north, south, east and west, on your table and light them each time you work. Have an oil essence burner and something that is alive, such as flowers or a plant. Choose a set of tarot cards that you like and have a set of rune stones, place crystals of your choice on your altar and place your tarot cards and rune stones to the left of your altar, next to the candle. Keep your essential oils in a container on your altar, begin with rose, jasmine, gardenia and lavender and add to these dependent on your taste, do the same with your incense, choose the fragrances that appeal to you. Place a crystal ball, with stand, in the center of your altar. Use a smudge stick before you begin any psychic work then light your incense, candles and oil essence.

Your first step before you begin any psychic work, is to open your chakras, these are your inner energy centers. Begin by sitting comfortably, breathe in deeply and exhale fully, keep doing this until you feel totally relaxed, then visualise the colour red which is at the base of your spine, this is your base chakra the beginning of your energy flow, visualise a vibrant red glow, you may notice a warm tingling sensation, see this light moving up your spine to the next chakra which is orange, this is your sacral chakra. See the red light merge into the orange light and continue moving up, next you have the colour yellow which is your solar plexus chakra; envisage the orange chakra merging with the yellow chakra. Visualise the yellow chakra merge with the heart chakra, which is green, visualise the green light merging with the blue, of your throat chakra, this merges with the third eye chakra, which is purple. The final chakra is the crown chakra and this is violet, envisage the purple third eye chakra merging with the violet crown chakra. Imagine light bursting from the top of your head and pouring out to the universe. As this takes place you should feel a wonderful sense of peace and be completely at ease and ready to meditate, before beginning your psychic work.

The base chakra is the four petal lotus located at the base of the spine, the body/mind connection is the building of cells, blood, nails, bones and teeth and the element earth, this chakra relates to your will to live and your connection to the earth. The sacral chakra is the six petal lotus and the mind/body connection is the lymph glands, bladder, reproductive organs and the kidneys, this chakra opens you to the flow of energy between you and your partner. The solar plexus chakra is the ten petal lotus and the mind/body connection is to the nervous system, stomach, digestion and instincts, it helps you to balance the material and spiritual world. The heart chakra is the twelve petal lotus and affects the skin, thymus, circulation, heart and chest, it promotes your ability to give and receive love. The throat chakra is the sixteen petal lotus and the mind/body connection, is self-expression, neck and voice and is known as the chakra of communication. The third eye chakra is the ninety six petal lotus and the body/mind connection affects the pituitary gland, face, ears and eyes, this chakra affects your intuition and psychic ability and helps you move beyond the conscious energy. The crown chakra is the thousand petal lotus and the mind/body connection creates a bond with the universal energies, it is the chakra of awakening and enlightenment.

When you finish your psychic work sit quietly and visualise closing yourself off, you do this by sitting and visualising the crown chakra closing, next the third eye chakra, followed by the throat chakra, next the heart chakra, then the solar plexus chakra, followed by the sacral chakra, and finally the base chakra, next take three deep breaths.

The next thing for you to try is remote viewing, when you lose something, such as your keys, wallet or purse, instead of moving around your home looking for the item, sit quietly meditate for a few minutes then visualise all the places you were thinking of looking and you will find that more often than not by doing this you will very likely find the item. Because as you look with your mind’s eye you may get an image of the place where the item is. Remote viewing works more often than not when you are searching for something.

Before you begin any psychic work light a smudge stick and incense and swirl the smudge stick in a clockwise motion in the area you will be meditating, and working in, hold the smudge stick and swirl it over your altar, you are creating a protective area in which to practice.

Another way you can become more attuned psychically is to keep a dream diary next to your bed, and as soon as you wake in the morning write down everything you remember about your dreams, and how you felt in your dreams. The more you do this the more in touch you become with energies beyond the five senses.

Practice your clairvoyant skills on a daily basis if you are able, pick up items and read the energies emanating from them, the more you do this the easier it will become for you to pick up psychic messages.

Clairsentience and Clairvoyance

Clairsentience, is you tuning into universal energies, this is when you touch something and have a feeling, such as going an antique shop and picking up an item that sends a shiver up your spine, or touching an old book and feeling emotional, this can also happen when you go to a museum. What you feel or sense, is your psyche giving you a direct message.

Clairvoyance and Psychometry

With psychometry the energy is trapped within an object and you are able to tune into the energies contained within, such as thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas of those who have handled the object. This can be a very revealing activity and is something that anyone can learn to do. Information can be gathered from an item that belongs to someone on the earth plane, and from someone who is deceased.

Clairvoyance and Psychokinesis

This is where you can hold a crystal on a chain and with your mind move the object from left to right, from side to side, or in circles, the object is responding to the promptings of the unconscious mind. This helps you to strengthen and enhance your psychic abilities.


As you practice you will find that you begin to see auras, some are very bright and vivid, others are dull, and some are barley there, much depends on the energy of the person you are reading. Everyone has a continual energy field and when you are well, happy and in sync with your life, it will be bright and glowing. If you are feeling down and out of sorts it will be dull and heavy, the more you work with psychic energies the easier it will be to see the auras of others. A person’s aura can reveal if they are stressed, tired, lacking confidence. An aura can be seen around the person, or can be seen with the mind’s eye, it all depends on how you personally develop psychically. The aura can reflect the mood and personality of a person, the most visible aura is around the head and when you begin is likely to be seen as a white glowing light. People’s aura changes constantly and the aura reveals the mood of a person, different colours can represent different moods. A red aura is to do with passion, movement, change and sometimes, anger, lust or stubbornness. Orange relates to abundance, creativity, fertility, independence, joy, confidence, eccentricity, low self-esteem unsociability, each colour in the aura spectrum has a positive and negative connotation, it depends on the mood of the person being read for. A yellow aura relates to expertise, adaptability, logic, financial ability, or jealousy and emotional distance. Green relates to a lover of beauty, fidelity, healing, travel, empathy, or possessiveness, sentimentality, dependency on others. A blue aura relates to harmony, powerful leadership skills, justice and knowledge, emotional balance or over-reaction, pedantic, rules and regulations, can oscillate with decision making. A purple aura relates to spiritual powers, imagination, psychic abilities, a visionary or unrealistic, someone who lives in a fantasy world. A pink aura relates to the quintessential peacemaker, a healer, teacher, nurturer, or someone who has undefined principals, over-anxiety, and a martyr. A brown aura is revealing, security, a trustworthy person, a good financial manager, a stable person, or someone who is materialistic, or someone who is overwhelmed by life. A grey aura represents someone who is tactful, adaptable, likes to remain under the radar, someone who is flexible, or secretive, inability to commit. By being aware of the meaning of the aura colours, when you are doing a reading you will be able to sense whether there is a positive or negative energy.

Past Lives

As you are learning to expand your clairvoyant abilities you may also believe in, and be interested in tapping into past lives. Past lives can help you to better understand the life you are now leading, past-life work can help people who have destructive or unworkable, habits or behaviors in this lifetime. Even a relationship you are currently in may be associated with a past life.

It is thought that we have many lifetimes, and are associated with the same people over and over, in a variety of ways. You may have an overwhelming connection with someone and feel you have known them before, the connection is instinctive, this could be mother, father, brother, partner, child, friend. You can often identify those that you have this type of connection with. Or it can work in the opposite way and you find people that you take an intense dislike to and you don’t know why, past-life work can reveal why this is so. There may be places in the world that you are drawn to and you don’t know why, you may be drawn to a church, or particular area, or country. It may be that there are certain times in history that you have an emotional response to, or an aversion. There may be places that leave you feeling sad, or places that make you feeling unquestioningly happy. You can use a crystal ball to help you to tap into past lives, as a crystal ball transmits clairvoyant energies.

Try sitting in your meditation space with your crystal ball, first meditate then sit and stare into the crystal ball, allow your mind to wonder, keep gazing into the crystal ball and see what appears in front of you, it may be that you see a person or place, or a historic time may come to mind. When using the crystal ball it is for focus, when you see something it will be in your mind’s eye. You will find with practice that you will be able to piece together people and places, and a story will begin to unfold. Try using different essences and incense as your sense of smell can trigger past life memories, fragrance can act as a channel through time and can help you to connect. Try using hyacinth, frankincense, lotus, lilac, jasmine, rose, honeysuckle, mint, cinnamon, lavender, mimosa, sandalwood, juniper and cedar.

Light a candle before you begin and use any of the essences in an oil burner, you may also mix fragrances, and see which you respond to. So after you have smudged your area, lit your candles and incense, meditated, you are then ready to focus on your crystal ball. Count backwards to twenty, let the smell of the essences permeate your senses, focus on the crystal ball with the intention of tapping your past lives and receiving information to help you in this time.

Some people believe that we travel through different lifetimes with a family of souls who follow us through each lifetime and play different roles. You can right thing down as they come to you, also you may wish to try this with a friend and each look into the others past life, the same as if you are doing a psychic reading with an item, or using tarot cards or runes.

Another way of tapping your past lives, is to visualise a silver cord in front of you, it stretches from the left to the right, the left is past, this right is the future, you imagine travelling along your past timeline to before you were born and tap the previous lives, you may have images or feelings, the essence you are burning may be triggering heightened senses. You may also tap into your future and your future lives, you visualise yourself travelling along to the end of this life and beyond and see what comes to mind and what you feel. You can also ask the question “what was I doing one hundred years ago”, or “what will I be doing a hundred years from now. Have a pen and paper ready, or have a friend who will write down what you are seeing and feeling, this can be a very liberating experience, and can make sense of things you can’t make sense of.

Clairvoyance and Ghosts

The more you work on your clairvoyant skills, the more likely you are to see ghosts and be able to receive messages, words may pop into your head, or ideas come to mind, there are all different types of ghost, some are restless, some lost, some quite content to live in the home they were happy in. Only by allowing your clairvoyant skills to develop will you be able to see what type of psychic you are and how you receive your information. It may be that you have natural skills as a medium, and the spirit world is your forte, you will only know where your strengths lie, through practice. It could be that you will be a messenger for people’s long lost relatives, and you may receive information to pass on.

Begin by preparing your sacred space, cleansing it with a smudge stick and with incense, and meditating from there you can start your psychic journey, if you decide you wish to embark on this journey with interested friends, or interested acquaintances, try to meet regularly to meditate, and practice your psychometry, your people reading skills, your aura reading, and your journey into your past and future lives. You can progress in any way that you feel most comfortable, and allow yourself to be flexible, begin and progress with love and light.

Herbal Magic For Witches

Druid Temple

Druid Temple (Photo credit: Wondering Grubb)

Herbal magic

Herbs have been used by witches for eons, Myrrh was burned on a daily basis by the ancient Egyptians this was done as an offering to the gods, and there were many stories told about people and gods being transformed into trees.

Irish moss, holly, hazel, daffodil, orange, star anise, poppy, violet, wood rose, strawberry, apple, rosemary, moss and cotton are just some of the plants that are considered lucky, these and others will always be part of a witch’s arsenal.

To protect the home have some white heather in your kitchen. Witches also love to use hydrangea flowers in their magic spells, and for protecting the home sprinkle oregano around the outside while chanting, “I am protected”.  Mistletoe can be worn or placed around the home for protection also. The Druids burned elder for blessings and elder was often hanging over people’s doors and windows. The following are plants used by witches;

Ague root; known as, unicorn root

Arisaema; known as, dragon tail

Bistort; known as, dragonwort

Calliandra eriphylla; known as, fairy duster

Calochortus albus; known as, fairy duster

Calypso bulbosa; known as, fairy slipper

Cat tail; fairy woman’s spindle

Ceratopteris spp; known as, water sprite

Cowslip; known as, fairy cup

Daemomorops draco; known as dragon’s blood

Datura; known as, ghost flower

Devil’s bit; known as, unicorn root

Disporum smithii; known as, coast fairy bells

Dracaena spp; known as, dragon’s blood

Elecampane; known as, elf dock

Elm, known as, elven

Epipogium aphyllum; ghost orchid

Eucalyptus papuana; known as, ghost gum

Foxglove; known as, fairy fingers

Juncus effuses, known as, unicorn

Lavender; known as, silver ghost

Molukka bean; known as fairy’s eggs

Moringa ovalifolia; known as, phantom tree

Mohavea confertiflora; known as, ghost flower

Peristeria elata; known as, ghost orchid

Polpompholyx; known as, fairy aprons

Primula malacoides; known as, fairy primrose

Ragwort; known as, fairy’s horses

Rosemary; known as, elf leaf

Toadflax, known as, dragon bushes

Wood sorrel, known as, fairy’s bells

Zephyranthes; known as, fairy’s lily

On Midsummer’s Day, the 24th June the Druids traditionally cut mistletoe as the plants powers were at their most potent on this day. Many witches still follow this tradition, as it is believed that it has healing and divinatory properties. Another plant to be used as this time is Saint John’s wort which is used for healing. Vervain is a multipurpose plant also harvested on Midsummer and used for divination, healing and protection. The plants mentioned can be harvested at other times of the year, but Midsummer is said to be when they are at their most potent. Some witches harvested chicory on Midsummer’s Day to use for invisibility purposes. Wood betony can be placed under the pillow to stop nightmares, or placed in an amulet to be worn for protection.

Many witches gather thirteen times a year when the moon is full, this gathering is called an Esbat this is also a time for them to practice powerful magic, they would each bring an offering with them. Most witches have an herb garden inhabited by fairies and other spirit creatures, and as they spend time tending their garden they often find that they are inspired to make magic.

Botanomancy which is the practice of divination using herbs is an ancient method of magic practiced by witches, they would burn plants and trees and read the message in the ashes.

The Druids held rituals associated with trees and plants, they used vervain and mistletoe for divination, for healing and for protection. Witches of long ago would sprinkle incense on a fire and watch how the incense smoke drifted to give them a yes or no answer to a question, if the smoke emanating from the incense drifts to the right this is yes, if the smoke drifts to the left the answer is no. If the smoke breaks up this means take care of your finances, if the smoke clusters and moves upwards this is a good sign for new enterprise, and financial gain. If the base of the smoke is very thin and wider at the top you are urged to move forward with care and show caution with money. Choose carefully the people you spend time with. If the smoke of the incense breaks in two it means you should slow down and give yourself some time to meditate, you may be taking on too much and are overwhelmed.

In ancient Greece the petals and leaves of roses were used to foretell the future, a rose with a concave shape is for answering a yes or no question, the diviner holds the rose petal and meditates, then press both hands together in a clapping motion. A burst petal is a yes answer and a whole petal is a no answer.

A form of divination that psychic witches use when a couple want to know their fate, is the taking of two acorns on the night of a full moon, the initials of one partner is written on one acorn, and the initials of the other partner is written on the other acorn. The acorns are placed six centimeters apart then placed in a cauldron filled with water, their movements are observed. If they move towards each other the couple will stay together, if they move apart, the couple will not stay together. If the acorns don’t move at all the message given is to ask the question at a later date as their fate is not yet clear.

There is a superstition that requires you to take a root of ribwort and place it beneath a stone, to then leave it overnight, you do this when the moon is full. If there is marriage for you within twelve months, the initials of the one you are to marry will be found on the plant’s root. Another way of divining your marital future is to pick twelve sage leaves during the evening of Halloween, and on the twelfth leaf you will see the face of your future partner. If no face appears, it means you will not be marrying within the next twelve months.

To find out if your lover has been faithful to you, take a bay leaf during the evening a full moon, prick your lover’s name upon the leaf with a pin, when this is done place the leaf under your pillow before you go to sleep. In the morning look to see if the leaf has turned brown, if it has you will know that your lover is faithful to you. If the leaf is the same colour, there is deception around you.

If you sleep with ivy leaves, mistletoe or myrtle under your pillow, and you are unattached,   you will dream of your future partner in marriage. Or on a Saturday night at midnight you can take seven leaves from a holly plant, tie the leaves in a handkerchief, or a piece of square fabric, and place the handkerchief under your pillow before going to sleep, this will also encourage you to dream of your marriage partner to be.

Wizards often divine the weather by counting the berries on a holly tree, if the tree is abundant with berries the weather will not be good and there will be many storms, if there are few, the weather will be mild.

All witches are adept at tea leaf reading and this art has been practiced for hundreds of years. Make a pot of tea and turn the teapot once to the right and twice to the left, you then pour the tea into a teacup, when you have finished drinking the tea, swirl the cup clockwise and tip the cup upside down on a napkin. The leaves are then examined and the shapes deciphered, such as if you see a heart you know that romance is in the air, if two hearts are together there is to be a marriage ceremony. If a dagger shape is seen this means you should take care of your health, the shape of the moon foretells change to very soon take place in the querants life. The shape of the snake is warning you to be careful of who you spend time with there is deception around you, a bird spells a journey to come, a cat represents someone who is not being honest with you, and a dog represents time spent with a close friend. Dots are telling you that there is money to come, a star, or horseshoe is indicative of luck to come your way. If a triangle or a pyramid is seen something utterly wonderful is to take place in your life, these are extremely fortuitous signs, you can expect great success. Many symbols in teacup reading are symbolic, like any form of divination some things that are divined are symbolic and others are actual, how a reading progresses depends on the ability of the psychic reader. Witches sprinkle tealeaves around the house for luck and protection, and if tea is spilled it indicates good luck. Very strong tea suggests that a new friend is on the horizon. If the top is left off the teapot accidentally it suggests a stranger in your midst.

All witches will tell you that it is bad luck for more than one person to pour from a pot of tea, bubbles on top of your teacup means you will have financial luck. If the bubbles are near the side of the cup you can expect romance. There is a tealeaf reading article in Witcheslore that will give you more details on how to do a tealeaf reading. When making a pot of tea a witch will always tell you to stir the tea clockwise, witches often foretold a child or twins and whether a woman would soon find herself pregnant, an adept tealeaf reader is able to give time with a certain degree of accuracy. Never throw you tealeaves away, always tip them into your garden.

A witch uses mugwort for psychic clarity and to help them connect to the astral realms, when making mugwort tea the goddess Bast is called upon to bless the tea.

For centuries witches have been healing with plants, flowers and herbs, such as using foxglove as an astringent and for a sore throat, it can also be carried on the person or sprinkled around the home for protective purposes. Mugwort tea is useful if you wish to have prophetic dreams, it is also an aid in astral travel, if taken before retiring for the night it is a useful gateway to other dimensions. Dandelion tea helps to call the spirits, and is an aid in foretelling the future as it helps heighten psychic abilities. Peppermint tea can be used in healing spells and if sprinkled around the home keeps away evil spirits, it is also useful when casting happiness spells.

For health and wellbeing, carry any of the following, rosemary, vervain, ginseng root, angelica, the blackberry bush was used for healing in the Middle Ages and it was thought that if rubbed onto a person they would be magically cured of whatever ailed them.

If witches wanted to cure an ailment they strung together thirteen garlic cloves, and wore them for thirteen days and nights. A mixture of thyme and essential oil, if rubbed on the chest, is said to help chest inflammation.  Elder twig has been used by witches over the centuries as an antidote for rheumatism and peppermint tea is often used for nausea. To relieve joint pain, witches have healed using tea made from willow bark.

As witches often cast wart on the nose spells they use dried bean rubbed into the rubbed onto the wart, or they chant the following to help the war disappear.

Wart away wart to go

Be gone be gone

Magic mine power strong

Wart be gone by midnight hour

It will be done

It will be done

It will be done

Magic mine power strong

Wart away

Wart be gone

In ancient times plants were used that could not be used in this day and age, such as the poisonous belladonna plant which many sorcerers used to help them connect readily to the astral plane. Witches often used belladonna in their flying ointments and, they also used belladonna to help them have clearer psychic vision. It was often placed above the front door in peoples home and used for protection. As witches work with powerful energies they always have belladonna hanging over their front door for its exceptionally powerful protection properties.

Many of the old sorcerers, magicians and witches used henbane, it produced vivid imagery and helped with psychic visions, many deeply involved in divination practices used henbane. This like belladonna is a poisonous plant, and was used in flying ointments. Witches made enchantments out of henbane and if the witch was particularly powerful, the enchantment was used to make people fall in love.

A witch’s pantry would not be complete without the mandrake plant with its magical properties, it is used in spell casting and in enchantments, it is suitable for love spells and for protection spells, it can help psychic visions and attract love. It is also used for fertility spells, and when used as a love enchantment it heightens desire. Mandrake was added to ointments in ancient times and used to give witches the ability to fly, it was also used to create an invisibility spell. When using the mandrake there is a mental connection with the witch casting the spell, and only the witch casting the spell can uproot the mandrake plant for magical use. The mandrake has historically been used for dark magic.

The highly poisonous hemlock plant brought many sorcerers to their fateful end as they experimented with this toxic plant. Many witches have used hemlock for the purpose of astral projection and divination.

Wolfbane has been used for centuries in an amulet for protection again a vampire, a wolfbane amulet was used by witches when casting a powerful invisibility spell.

Hemp is an ingredient that has been used to enhance psychic powers, for invisibility and for shape shifting, and to rid people of evil spirits.

Sorcerers and witches alike have used angelica root to ward off evil spirits, and it is especially potent if mixed with lavender and placed in a small bag in the home. Buckeye nuts are used as a lucky charm and were carried by those who wished to improve their financial viability. Hang devils pod above your front door if you wish to keep away evil spirits.

For extremely powerful protection, good health and luck, carry an amulet with salep root oil inside, this good luck charm has been prepared by witches and used by gamblers over the centuries.  Witches smear Wolf’s bane inside an amulet and wear is as a protection against those who would use witchcraft against them.

Garlic was used as a protection during childbirth, and if placed under a woman giving birth, it is said to keep both the baby and mother, safe from harm.

If you want to secure the affections of someone, you can bake a loaf of bread with rye in it, the rye seeds will secure the love of the one you present it to, once the object of your affection has eaten it. Another love food is pimento, when put in food and served to an individual, they will then develop romantic feelings for them. Place an onion in an unused pot and chant to it each day at sunset and as each day passes, your intended romantic partner, will be drawn to you and have romantic feelings for you. You may chant the following;

Growing growing your love does grow

Love blossoms your heart for me

I am the one for you

Merlin watches chants for us

I call and you hear me now

We are to be

And so it is

Growing growing your love does grow

You are to give your heart to me

We are to be

Witches often made an aphrodisiac for those who came to them, it contained the fresh roots of an asparagus, boiled in red wine and if a person and their partner drinks the wine, they will have romantic and sensual yearnings towards each other. Witches were often called upon to make powerful love amulets for people. The witch would place beans in a small container chant her magic and then it was then carried by a man or woman and would arouse sensual feelings. It had more power if both partners carried the enchanted beans on their person. If vervain is gathered during a new moon and placed under the pillow before going to sleep it will ensnare the affections of the one you are thinking about, if there is no special person you can focus on love and draw it to you.

If you wish to make an astrological herb garden you can section a planting area into seven sections, the Sun, the Moon, the planets Saturn, Venus, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter. Plant the following in the Sun section, on a Sunday, do it when the moon is full, saffron, angelica, lovage, rosemary, chamomile, lovage. Plant the Moon section on a Monday when the Moon is new, saxifrage, moonwort and purslane. In the Mars area plant on a Tuesday during a half Moon, horseradish, rhubarb, basil, garlic. In your Mercury area, plant on a Wednesday during a new moon, fennel, lavender, parsley, dill and caraway. For your Jupiter section, plant on a Thursday during a new moon, chervil sage, asparagus and borage. For the section dedicated to the planet Venus begin planting on a Friday, when the moon is full, mugwort, strawberry, vervain and violets. On a Saturday during a half Moon you can plant, mullein, Solomon’s seal, comfrey and bistort.

To build a beautiful garden of love and magic, the following herbs can be planted on a night when the Moon is full, daffodil, hibiscus, gentian, geranium, gardenia, coriander, basil, Adam and Eve, catnip, cherry, gentian, love seed, jasmine, lavender, poppy, valerian, vanilla, yarrow, willow, pansy, peppermint, lemon verbena, love seed, maidenhair, strawberry, thyme, hibiscus and hyacinth.

If you want to draw love into your life, place the root of an orchid plant in a jar, add some rose oil and seal the jar recite the following twice;

Venus planet of love let true love be

Love is mine it is to be

Love will be bound for you and me

This special love is meant to be

So it will be

Intense love there is to be

Overwhelming love is to be

Leave the jar out in the night for three weeks then open it, take the orchid root from the jar and place it next to the bed, before going to sleep touch the root and recite twice for three nights in a row, this is said to bring powerful love into your life. Another powerful love enchantment is the burning of wood aloes on a Saturday night during a new moon, you think deeply of lover coming into your life before the next new moon.

A spell for wealth, take three gold coins and wrap them in gold paper, tie with a gold ribbon and place them in the soil beneath a lucky bamboo plant, do this only when the moon is full, maintain the plant with tender loving care to help it become strong and sturdy. Witches often use the hop plant to draw prosperity and good luck, it was hung in the doorway of the kitchen, many people would go to the witch to have the plant enchanted before using it, a witch’s chant will make the plant more powerful. The hop plant has been used by witches for centuries as a healing remedy, hops was mixed with incense and burnt to help heal maladies and to ward off nightmares, it was also used to treat insomnia. Black candle mixed with salt and burned, was used by sorcerers and witches alike to help people who had difficult financial or legal matters, it was said to help things turn in their favour. Before legal matter, or any undertakings to do with money or the law, the burning of dried galangal was practiced by witches.

If you wish to attract spirits to your garden, you can plant the following, thistle, sweet grass, lavender, dandelion and wormwood, mix these with various flowers and plants and each evening go into your garden and chant to the nature spirits. You may think of someone who has passed away and call on them to visit you.

Spirit light spirit bright

May you enter my garden this night

Come hither laugh and sing

I call you to be

Open arms to embrace

Spirit light spirit bright

May you enter my garden this

Let it be

The following will ward off unwanted spirits, you can burn a sage stick, plant holly around your home, hang fennel in the doorways, burn the root of dried ginseng root, you many carry fennel seed on your person, in a tiny bag tied with a black ribbon, you can also hang St. Johns wort over doorways, or carry it in a small bag tied with a black ribbon. To ward off evil spirits place a bag of cinquefoil, tied with a black ribbon, under your pillow, it will keep the bad spirits away and ensure you have a restful night’s sleep.

To keep your home and family safe you can plant a garden of protection with the following, marigold rose, rosemary, thistle, willow, radish, mugwort, lavender, hazel carnation, cactus, basil, clove, aloe vera, bloodroot, mandrake, raspberry, oak, parsley, mint, lily, mulberry, lilac, ivy, juniper, fennel, wolf’s bane and snapdragon.

If you want to break a hex you can’t go past the hydrangea, as it has natural protection properties, it can be placed around the home, carried in a mojo bag or grown in your garden. If you feel you have been hexed or you are having bad luck you can place the hydrangea in a vase and place seven drops of pure lavender essence keep next to your bed, and if you wish you can chant the following on a Friday evening after 8pm.  Chant twice.

I am released

Be gone from here

I am enchanted

I am serenity

You cease to be

Light surrounds

Be gone from here

So be it

A good way to protect yourself from the evil of others is to sprinkle wormwood around your home , this will help deflect any hexes or magic perpetrated by other witches and send the energy back to them. You can also carry for protection, a mojo bag with wormwood anointed by rose essence,

If you wish to create a garden of nature spirits you can plant the following, and as you are planting imagine the fairies, elves, gnomes, and a myriad of other creatures inhabiting it, you can also use this as a wishing garden, when you wish do it when the sky is dark, if you make your wish during the new moon, the energies will be more powerful at this time. Nature spirits love the following, lavender, vervain, petunias, daisies, foxglove, carnations, pansies, primroses, petunias, foxglove, cosmos, hollyhock, yarrow and petunias. Nature spirits also love apple trees, ash, holly, silver birch and blackthorn. As fairies love the water, mainly so they can gaze at their beautiful reflection, you may wish to include a bird bath in your garden, they would also be drawn to a fish pond. You may wish to use statues of fairies, gnomes, elves, pixies and all manner of other magical creatures.

All witches have the following in their garden, bird of paradise, sunflowers, beech, bamboo, dandelion, hazel, sandalwood, violet and buckthorn, witches often make good luck and wish spells for people, as they stand in this area of their garden.

If you wish to ensure a good night’s sleep, place anise seeds in a bag and tie with a white ribbon, place the bag under your pillow, witches have been using anise to help them have pleasant dreams, for centuries.  As a protection, the leaves of an anise plant may be scattered around your bedroom.

For prophetic dreams and to be protected against nightmares, place leaves from an ash tree under your pillow before going to sleep, be sure to write in your dream book as soon as you wake. Or you can include your dream journal in your book of shadow. Two bay leaves under the pillow have long been used to ensure prophetic dreams. Dried buchu leaves mixed with lavender essence, and put in a small bag with a red ribbon and placed next to the bed, will help you to have prophetic dreams.

If you place a root of the bracken tree under your pillow you will wake in the morning with an answer to a problem you have been having. The bracken, when placed around the home and carried, will offer protection from the negativity of others.

Burn cedar incense as a protection against bad dreams, it also helps to strengthen your psychic powers, if you tie a cedar branch to your bed, or place it under the bed, it offers protection from evil forces and hexes.

For prophecies of love, a bag of cinquefoil under your pillow, or under your bed, will create dreams of the man, or woman you are to be with. For prophetic dreams of any nature, place some heliotrope leaves under your pillow before you go to sleep. Holly leaves can be placed under the pillow and they will induce prophetic dreams, remember to write your dreams down as soon as you wake.

For a restful night’s sleep burn some jasmine incense and place some jasmine flowers under your pillow. Lemon verbena placed in a bag and left under your pillow will also ensure a good night’s sleep.

All witches know that by placing a mandrake root next to the bed, you will be protected from harm, and your psyche will be heightened. Marigold placed next to the bed, or under the pillow, helps to induce prophetic dreams, marigold can also be used for protection. Mimosa works to ensure you will have prophetic dreams and will help to strengthen your psychic ability.

Mistletoe has been used for love for centuries, but if you place it beneath your pillow at night it will help keep always nightmares. Mugwort placed under your pillow will be sure to give you a dream filled night, it is quite potent and induces a vivid dream state, write your dreams down in the morning. Prophetic dreams can also be induced by placing peppermint leaves under your pillow, you may also drink peppermint tea, if it is to your liking.

If a rose is placed under the pillow it is said that you will dream of the one who is to be your partner in life. Place St. Johns wort under your pillow and dream of your future partner. Rosemary under your pillow and next to your bed to be protected from any manner of harm.

Within everyone’s home and garden there can be magic and by understanding the workings of herbs and plants your creative juices can flow, be the witch you have always wanted to be and become empowered by your creativity. Take the time to familiarise yourself with herbs and plants and bring a little magic into your life every day. Always take care to understand the properties of herbs and plants before you cook and ingest them.