Acacia- A magical plant!

(Acacia senegal) Also known as gum arabic, gum senegal and gum acacia; produced by a tree that grows in North Africa. The species of acacia that produces gum arabic and gum acacia are so closely related that one can be used for the other.
o.8438[1]Parts Used – flowers, leaves, stems, root, bark, resin, seeds, and essential oil

Magical Uses – (Herb and Oil) Burn for altar offerings or purification; aids psychic powers, meditation, platonic love, psychic awareness; purification; inspiration; wisdom; visions; anointing; protection; prophetic dreams; spirituality; money. A sprig place over the bed wards off evil.

Ritual Uses – In India, the wood is used as fuel in scared fires, and also in building temples. Acacia is an excellent choice to build a small chest or sacred box. It should be handmade and used only to store your ritual tools.. If unable to obtain enough to build the box, the powdered herbe may be used to consecrate the containers you use for sacred items.

Other Uses – The dried gum can be burned as incense, the leaves and wood can be infused to create sacred water for aspurging. This gum is water soluble and when dissolved in boiling water, clarifies and makes a very good adhesive that is used, among other things, to make scented beads and pomanders.
Acacia can be used for blessing any sacred space.

Yule-Winter Solstice is coming!!!

Winter Solstice is coming!!

The date varies from December 20 to December 23 depending on the year in the Gregorian calendar.  Yule is also known as the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere and the summer solstice in the southern hemisphere due to the seasonal differences.


Yule, (pronounced EWE-elle) is when the dark half of the year relinquishes to the light half. Starting the next morning at sunrise, the sun climbs just a little higher and stays a little longer in the sky each day. Known as Solstice Night, or the longest night of the year, the sun’s “rebirth” was celebrated with much joy. On this night, our ancestors celebrated the rebirth of the Oak King, the Sun King, the Giver of Life that warmed the frozen Earth. From this day forward, the days would become longer.

Bonfires were lit in the fields, and crops and trees were “wassailed” with toasts of spiced cider.  Children were escorted from house to house with gifts of clove spiked apples and oranges which were laid in baskets of evergreen boughs and wheat stalks dusted with flour. The apples and oranges represented the sun.  The boughs were symbolic of immortality (evergreens were sacred to the Celts because they did not “die” thereby representing the eternal aspect of the Divine). The wheat stalks portrayed the harvest, and the flour was accomplishment of triumph, light, and life. Holly and ivy not only decorated the outside, but also the inside of homes, in hopes Nature Sprites would come and join the celebration. A sprig of Holly was kept near the door all year long as a constant invitation for good fortune to visit tthe residents. Mistletoe was also hung as decoration.  It represented the seed of the Divine, and at Midwinter, the Druids would travel deep into the forest to harvest it.

The ceremonial Yule log was the highlight of the Solstice festival. In accordance to tradition, the log must either have been harvested from the householder’s land, or given as a gift… it must never have been bought. Once dragged into the house and placed in the fireplace it was decorated in seasonal greenery, doused with cider or ale, and dusted with flour before set ablaze by a piece of last years log, (held onto for just this purpose). The log would burn throughout the night, then smolder for 12 days after before being ceremonially put out. Ash is the traditional wood of the Yule log. It is the sacred world tree of the Teutons, known as Yggdrasil. An herb of the Sun, Ash brings light into the hearth at the Solstice.

A different type of Yule log, and perhaps one more suitable for modern practitioners would be the type that is used as a base to hold three candles. Find a smaller branch of oak or pine, and flatten one side so it sets upright. Drill three holes in the top side to hold red, green, and white (season), green, gold, and black (the Sun God), or white, red, and black (the Great Goddess). Continue to decorate with greenery, red and gold bows, rosebuds, cloves, and dust with flour.

Many customs created around Yule are identified with Christmas today.  If you decorate your home with a Yule tree, holly or candles, you are following some of these old traditions.   The Yule log, (usually made from a piece of wood saved from the previous year) is burned in the fire to symbolize the Newborn Sun/Son.

Deities of Yule:  All Newborn Gods, Sun Gods, Mother Goddesses, and Triple Goddesses. The best known would be the Dagda, and Brighid, the daughter of the Dagda. Brighid taught the smiths the arts of fire tending and the secrets of metal work. Brighid’s flame, like the flame of the new light, pierces the darkness of the spirit and mind, while the Dagda’s cauldron assures that Nature will always provide for all the children.

Symbolism of Yule:
Rebirth of the Sun, The longest night of the year, The Winter Solstice, Introspect, Planning for the Future.

Symbols of Yule:
Yule log, or small Yule log with 3 candles, evergreen boughs or wreaths, holly, mistletoe hung in doorways, gold pillar candles, baskets of clove studded fruit, a simmering pot of wassail, poinsettias, christmas cactus.

Herbs of Yule:
Bayberry, blessed thistle, evergreen, frankincense holly, laurel, mistletoe, oak, pine, sage, yellow cedar.

Foods of Yule:
Cookies and caraway cakes soaked in cider, fruits, nuts, pork dishes, turkey, eggnog, ginger tea, spiced cider, wassail, or lamb’s wool (ale, sugar, nutmeg, roasted apples).

Incense of Yule:
Pine, cedar, bayberry, cinnamon.

Colors of Yule:
Red, green, gold, white, silver, yellow, orange.

Stones of Yule:
Rubies, bloodstones, garnets, emeralds, diamonds.

Activities of Yule:
Caroling, wassailing the trees, burning the Yule log, decorating the Yule tree, exchanging of presents, kissing under the mistletoe, honoring Kriss Kringle the Germanic Pagan God of Yule

Spellworkings of Yule:
Peace, harmony, love, and increased happiness.

Deities of Yule:
Goddesses-Brighid, Isis, Demeter, Gaea, Diana, The Great Mother. Gods-Apollo, Ra, Odin, Lugh, The Oak King, The Horned One, The Green Man, The Divine Child, Mabon.

Plants, Herbs, and Dark Magic

It was believed that witches made a pact with Satan, and many plants and herbs were considered evil especially if they had a name associated with the Devil. There are plants believed to bring about evil or bad luck, especially if they are planted near the home or bloom out of season. A bunch of primroses or daffodils numbering thirteen, was believed to affect the fertility of chickens and geese. Blossoming blackthorn brought into the house is the harbinger of illness or death, broom brought into the house will bring bad luck. Bad luck is brought into the home with any plant, tree, or shrub that blooms out of season, in particular fruit bearing ones. Yew should never be brought indoors as according to folklore it would result in the death of a family member and if it was brought into the home at Christmas a family member would meet their death before the following Christmas. If parsley is given as a gift if will bring with it bad luck, and if a hydrangea is planted near the house or brought indoors daughters will remain unmarried. It is said that cutting down a healthy tree, especially an oak tree (sacred to the ancient Druid priests), is a most unfortunate thing to do and bad luck will follow.

To those who wish to protect themselves against malevolence, they wear or carry a mojo bag filled with one or more protective herbs. The protective herbs are – lavender, castor beans, henna, angelica, anise (aniseed), betony leaves, pennyroyal, sage, rue, lime tree twigs. These herbs can also be sprinkled around the home, they can also be hung in windowsills or doorways, be place under the bed or under the pillow. Many involved in occult practices believe in the evil eye and herbs can be used to combat the power of the evil eye. The evil eye was known as the mal occhio, the belief is that someone is born with this power over others. There are certain plants with the name of the Devil, and the using of these plants magically and medicinally by witches, most of whom were healers, automatically linked them with the Prince of Darkness.

Alaskan ginseng – devil’s club

Alstonia scholaris – devil’s tree

Asafoetida – devil’s dung

Bachelor’s buttons – devil’s flower

Belladonna – devil’s cherries

Bindweed – devil’s guts

Cassytha spp – devil’s twine

Celandine – devil’s milk

Colicroot – devil’s bit

Datura – devil’s apple

Dill – devil away

Dodder – devil’s guts/devil’s hair/hellweed

Elder – devil’s eye

Elephant’s foot – devil’s grandmother

Fairywand – devil’s bit

False hellebore – devil’s bite/devil’s tobacco

Fern – devil’s bush

Field convolvulus – devil’s weed

Grapple plant – devil’s claw root

Hedge bindweed – devil’s vine

Henbane – devil’s eye

Hieracium aurantiacum – devil’s paintbrush

Indigo berry – devil’s pumpkin

Jimsonweed – devil’s apple/devil’s trumpet

Lambertia formosa – mountain devil

Mandrake – Satan’s apple

Mayapple – devil’s apple

Mexican poppy – devil’s fig

Mistletoe – devil’s fuge

Parsley – devil’s oatmeal

Periwinkle – devil’s ivy

Pricklypear cactus – devil’s tongue

Puffball fungus – devil’s snuffbox

Queen Anne’s lace – devil’s plague

Viper’s bugloss – bluedevil

Wild yam – devil’s bones

Yarrow – devil’s nettle

Succisa pratensis (devil’s bit), was used to treat many of the ailments that the devil and his minions perpetrated on mankind. That humans had found something to treat the ailments that the devil had afflicted then with, angered the Devil, causing him to take a bite out of the root of the devil’s bit. This is the reason for the ragged appearance of the plants roots.

Those who wanted to protect themselves from daemons, sorcerers, and any venomous creatures, in medieval Europe used particular herbs to ward off evil. One of the most popular herbs was oregano which was carried in the form of a herbal amulet, by carrying this the Devil could neither tempt nor harm a person. Many inquisitors  while torturing witches, burned oregano believing the smoke was effective in stopping the Devil from assisting his witches.

Parsley had Satanic connotations, and due to its slow germination parsley seed was said to go seven times to hell in order to obtain the Devil’s permission to grow. People were very superstitious about parsley, with many believing that if parsley seeds failed to germinate the individual who had planted the seeds would die within a year. Monkey puzzle trees were planted in or near graveyards in England, thus preventing the Devil from entering burial grounds and taking the souls of the dear departed.

To protect yourself against bad luck and illness, place yarrow on your doorstep, this will keep the Devil at bay, and protect you from negativity and evil spirits, you will also be protected against black magick and evil spell casting. Hanging elder over the doors and windows acts as a deterrent to the Devil, keeping your home safe from dark magick. Holly was used in the Middle Ages, people believed they would be protected from the Devil and his evil doing.

In Britain those who feared the power of Satan protected themselves by wearing an amulet filled with St. John’s wort, others stitched St. John’s wort inside their clothing. On St. John’s Eve, springs of St. John’s wort were gathered by people wishing to protect themselves from the Devil’s evil and keep their homes safe. It was hung over doorways and windows, it was also placed under beds. For protection and to drive away evil, it was said that St, John’s wort should be gathered on a Friday, made into an amulet and hung around the neck. In the 17th century children were made to wear a piece of mistletoe on a necklace, this was done to protect them against evil spirits and the Devil. There was much superstition in the 17th century, in order to protect themselves against demonic possession people carried mistletoe charms and placed them in and around their homes.

Hoodoo is a mix of African religious beliefs, European folklore and Native American herb lore, it is a tradition attributing power through magickal means, hoodoo is not connected to any form of theology or religion. The practice of hoodoo is known as conjure, conjuration and root work.

Angelica Root – Hoodoo practitioners use the root of the angelica to ward off evil, to break jinxes, to bring good luck, to ensure good health and wellbeing. Angelica root is carried in a blue mojo bag, with a pinch of lavender flowers and anointed with three drops of peaceful home oil, this brings peace, tranquility and calm to a person’s home, it also practices those married against infidelity and strengthens bonds.

Buckeye Nuts – Buckeye nuts are carried in the pants pockets by men, promising good fortune in sexual matters. The buckeye nuts are carried in mojo bags to prevent and cure arthritis, rheumatism and migraines. Gamblers use buckeye nuts to bring them luck, a hole is drilled in the nut, it is filled with mercury and sealed with wax. Gamblers carry their buckeye charm in a mojo bag, as well as a silver dime, it is anointed with any luck attracting occult oil, a favourite is fast luck, this is carried by the gambler who is about to place a bet. The luckiest day to prepare the charm is on a Wednesday during a planetary hour of Mercury, as the day and hour corresponds to one who governs games of chance and sleight of hand.

Devil’s Shoestring – The devil’s shoestring protects against evil and poisoning, it stops people from spreading gossip, wards off crossings and helps someone find or maintain employment. Devil’s shoestring is a favorite of those who are inveterate gamblers. The devil’s shoestring is made into an amulet and is especially helpful to those with a passion for gambling.

High John the Conqueror – For any situation High John the Conqueror can be used it is a multi faceted herb to be used as a charm or amulet. The root was name after an African king sold into slavery outsmarted his captors.  High John the Conqueror is used to attract money, increase strength, protect against evil, gain confidence, overcome difficulties and attract good luck. It breaks hexes, helps depression, enhances male libido, male practitioners of hoodoo use it to seduce women. High John the Conqueror is an occult oil used for money making purposes as well as to enhance male sexual prowess.

Lucky Hand Root – This is the name given to several species of orchids, the ingredients are added to a mojo bag for gambling luck, to protect from illness, to aid employment and bring about success. It is also said to increase personal power, and when added to High John the Conqueror its power to bring luck and abundance has no equal. Lucky hand root is sold under the name lucky hand oil, gamblers rub it on their hands before they play with the belief the cards or dice will be lucky and that the oil will hoodoo the game in their favour. Gamblers sprinkled powdered lucky hand root on their money before they began the playing, this was known as marking the money and gamblers felt this would ensure a win. It was also thought to be an especially potent protector when used in an amulet.

On the 3rd May each year, Witches and Pagans gather rowan twigs and leaves for magickal spells and amulets, this day is known as Rowan Tree Day. They decorate their homes and altars with sprigs of rowan to bring blessings and protection of the goddess and her horned consort. It is believed that on this day fires made of rowan wood possess the power to summon spirits, this is a day of magickal energies.

On the 24th May each year, St. John’s wort is burned to repel evil spirits and protect against sorcery. In Pagan tradition it was considered lucky to use a gold coin or a stag’s horn to dig the plant up, magickal energies peak on this day. Legend has it that anyone who picks or eats blackberries on this day will have bad luck. The 31st October, is Halloween has a custom of placing a candle inside a hollowed out pumpkin, this is done to ward off demons and evil spirits who walk the earth on this night.

How to make Thieves Oil from Home!

There is a wonderful story behind Thieves oil.

During the plague a band of thieves were stealing from the ill, dying and dead. When caught and questioned as to why they never got ill despite being in very close proximity to those with the disease they revealed that they were spice merchants and had developed a special blend of herbs and spices which helped to protect them from the plague when rubbed on their throats, ears, noses and hands.

Thieves oil is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-septic and anti-fungal and can be used as a hand sanitizer, rubbed on the chest and neck and used as an air purifier to protect from cold, coughs and flu.

Thieves oil is named as such because it is rumored that the original blend was given to the King of England after a band of thieves who had been stealing from the ill, dying and dead during the plague, were caught. Demanding to know how they stayed well even after being intimately close with those who were infected, the thieves explained that they had been spice merchants and traders pre-plague and had developed this blend of herbs and spices, and rubbed it on their throats, ears, noses and hands before going out on their raids.

You can buy Thieves Oil online, but I prefer to make my own – much more economical and I never have to re-order because one “batch” lasts a long, long time!

  • 1 Tablespoon (15 ml) Clove Essential Oil

  • 1 Tablespoon (15 ml) Lemon Essential Oil

  • 2-1/2 teaspoons (12.5 ml) Cinnamon (Cassia) Bark Essential Oil

  • 2 (10 ml) teaspoons Eucalyptus Essential Oil

  • 2 (10 ml) teaspoons Rosemary Essential Oil

  • A carrier oil of your choice*

  • Dark-colored bottles with droppers (I have the 1-ounce size, some with regular screw tops and a few dropper tops)

*The carrier oil I tend to prefer is Sweet Almond Oil because it’s easily available, is safe for newborns on up and I always have it on hand for use as a massage oil, carrier oil or just after-bath oil for those sensitive-skinned ones living among us.   It also sinks into the skin easily without being greasy, and can be used at 100% dilution.  Other carrier oils you can use at 100% dilution include grapeseed and apricot kernel or if you want to blend carrier oils, try 10%  avocado or jojoba, mixed in, among others.

In a glass measuring cup, measure out all of the essential oils.

It ends up making around an eighth of a cup of essential oil blend.

But remember, these are essential oils we are talking about.  They are POTENT and are almost never, ever used without being diluted into either a carrier oil or in water.  An eighth of a cup of undiluted essential oil blend is A LOT.  It has lasted me over a year and I’ve given a few (diluted) bottles away.  Just saying.

How to use Thieves Oil

I use Thieves Oil, if not daily, then at least several times a week. I keep two bottles handy at all times : one undiluted (or, “neat”) and another diluted with my favorite carrier oil (I tend to favor almond or jojoba oil) for use topically.  Please make sure that your undiluted and your diluted bottles are CAREFULLY and CLEARLY marked as such!

To dilute your Thieves Oil for use topically, simply blend :

12-30 drops of essential oil blend with 2 Tablespoons of carrier oil, or up to 5 drops per teaspoon of carrier oil,

You can use your DILUTED Thieves Oil, topically :

  • As a hand sanitizer

  • Massaged onto the bottom of the feet to ward away cold and flu

  • Massaged onto the small of your back and the back of your neck to minimize aches and pains during cold and flu season

  • Rubbed into the chest, neck and ears to ward away the cold and flu and help open up the sinuses

  • Dab a drop on your temples to help ward away a headache

  • Dab a drop on an insect bite to make it stop itching

You can use your UNDILUTED Thieves Oil by adding :

  • 1-9 drops in a bowl of just-boiled water or a humidifer for room purification

  • 1 drop per ounce of water for use as an all-purpose disinfecting spray (you can also use this as a room or fabric/mattress spray at this ratio)

  • a few drops mixed in to your steam vacuum or steam mop water,

  • a few drops mixed with baking soda to use as a disinfectant scrub (sinks, bathtubs, etc.),

  • a maximum of 8 drops in a bath or shower (less for children, more for adults)

  • 8 drops to a diffuser to clean the air (I do this all the time during cold and flu season)

  • 5-10 drops in your washing machine to disinfect toys, sheets, etc.

  • add a drop or two to a soft cloth to clean and disinfect items like cell phones or computers

Make sure to err on the low side of dilution for children or pregnant women**, and on the higher side for adults.

Make sure that you clearly label your essential oil blends and keep them away from children. Yes, they are safe to use, sparingly on children***, but they should be administered by the hands of a knowledgeable adult.

I’ve seen stories online from people who use Thieves Oil for all manner of things from a foot bath when dealing with athletes foot (due to it’s anti-fungal properties), mixed with vinegar as a mouthwash (do NOT ingest) and even for clearing up mold in the home.  I haven’t tried any of these options, I don’t necessarily support or recommend them, but they are out there if you are interested.

Plant and Herb Magic from A to Z

Plant magic is an age old tradition dating back to ancient Egyptian times, plant magic has been used for many purposes such as healing, self empowerment, love spells and protection, each plant has its own magical properties and strengths and can be used to add power to any kind of spell, plant magic will have the desired result regardless of the strength of the caster due to the fact the plants themselves have high levels of magical properties contained within. With its multiple uses and the speed and effectiveness of its power plant magic is one of the most popular arts used today.

Witches are not the only ones who have been using herbs and plants for healing, nowadays it is common practice in most alternative medicines to use a variety of herbs and plants for healing, most dietary products or heath food supplements used today are based around certain plants and herbs, Eucalyptus for a sore throat, coffee beans for a headache.

A simple method to enhance any spell is to sprinkle specific herbs into the flame of a candle during your ritual this will add extra power to your spells. Other magic that can be done with herbs is leave small amounts of herbs around your home this can remove negative energies, offer protection, bring happiness, promote good heath and bring a peaceful energy within. Once a common practice was to carry a charm bag with a variety of herbs to bring about many things such as a protection or to attract love. It is an old lore that the best time to perform plant magic or collect herbs is at night especially under the full moon it said the plants and herbs are at their most powerful at these times.

Over the years the witches began to use codes in their workings, hence now you hear off eye of newt and tongue of dog which are codes for very simple and attainable flowers and plants. The witches would have a great old laugh about the unsuspecting fool who stumbled upon their recipes and went on searching for the ingredients, battling for a lions hearts, a bulls horn, a mother’s milk and an Englishman’s foot. The most famous reference of using plants and codes is William Shakespeare’s play Macbeth
he quotes

Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the cauldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat, and tongue of dog,
Adder’s fork and blind-worm’s sting,
Lizard’s leg and howlet’s wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

Though he is not talking about animals he’s referring to simple plant and herbs.

All herbs have a particular vibration and are mixed in such a way that when they are used they bring the body into balance, as all ailments occur when your body is out of balance, the possibilities when using herbal magic is unlimited, or only limited by your imagination. It is also important when using herbs to use your intuition, to be guided by what is right for you, much like the crystal chooses you, so are there certain herbs that will work well with your biological makeup. If you are ingesting herbs such as in herbal tea make sure that you know that the herb you are using is actually edible.

Edward Bach, the well known Bach flower remedialist, maintained that all flowers and plants have a frequency and it is important to choose the correct frequency for your particular ailment.

Create a magical spiritual garden for yourself and practice the witches traditional magic using the plants and herbs from your garden, write in your “Book of Shadows” and create recipes for healing, love, happiness and abundance. Learn to understand how each plant and herb is used and how to use them in your magic practices. You will begin to feel the energy of each flower and plant that you use and be able to understand the alchemy of each one, you will gain hours of pleasure from your magical garden, the lore of each herb and plant must be understood to create your powerful magic. The power of plants and herbs enhance the power of your spells and rituals, you will be able to make love potions, money spells, happiness and luck spells, healing spells. The mere act of keeping a living plant helps to increase your energy and the correct herb can be used for particular magic rituals.

The main methods of using plants and herbs for protections are carrying a small amount of the plant or herb in a small container it can be carried in a handbag, pocket, or in a locket or pouch, the herb or plant can also be boiled and the water with the help of a small watering can, be sprinkled around the home. A sprig placed under your pillow or bed for protection and to induce restful sleep.

Plant and herb magic has been used for decades and it is again enjoying a resurgence as people want to use more natural therapies, you will naturally attune to the herb that is right for you at any particular time. Your plant and herb magic practices will become more powerful, potent as you begin to understand the frequency of each plan and herb you use, you need to learn and understand the smell, texture and properties of all the ingredients you will be using and never use anything until you have first got the go ahead from a medical practitioner as plants and herbs can also be used in conjunction with more mainstream medicinal practices. You can also use plant and herb magic with the magic properties that crystals contain.

Always use your magic with a positive intent, good powerful white magic comes from a benign intent when wielding your magic wand, as you mix herbs you are putting in energy just as you would when practicing Reiki healing.

Below is a list of herbs, plants and their secret names. Followed by Plants, Herbs and their magical properties

Plants, Herbs and their secret names.

An Eagle
A Man’s Bile
Bat’s Wings
Bear’s Foot
Beggar’s Buttons
Beggar’s Tick
Bird’s Eye
Blood from a Head
Blood from a Shoulder
Blood Leather
Blood of a Goose
Blood of an Eye
Blood of Ares
Blood of Kronos
Blood of Hephaistos
Blood of a Titan
Blood from a Head
Bloody Finger
Blood of Hestia
Bone of an Ibis
Bull’s Blood
Bull’s Foot
Burning Bush
Butcher’s Broom
Calf’s Snout
Cat’s Foot
Chocolate Flower
Crow’s Foot
Cuckoo’s Bread
Cucumber Tree
Cuddy’s Lungs:
Devils Dung
Devil’s Bit
Devil’s Plaything
Dew of the Sea
Dog’s Mouth
Dogs Tongue
Dove’s Foot
Dragon Wort
Dragon’s Blood
Earth Smoke
Elf’s Wort
Enchanter’s Plant
Englishman’s Foot
Erba Santa Maria
Everlasting Friendship
Eye of Christ
Eye of Newt
Eye of the Day
Eye of the Star
Eye Root
Fairy Smoke
Fairie’s Finger
Fat from a Head
Flesh and Blood
From the Belly
Felon Herb
Five Fingers
Fox’s Clote
Frog’s Foot
From the Belly
From the Foot
From the Loins
Gazel’s Hooves
Goat’s Foot
Golden Star
Gosling Wing
Graveyard Dust
Great Ox-eye
Hair of Venus
Hairs of a Hamadryas Baboon
Hare’s Beard
Hawk’s Heart
Heart of Osmund
Herb of Grace
Hind’s Tongue
Holy Herb
Holy Rope
Horse Hoof
Horse Tongue
Hundred Eyes
Jacob’s Staff
Jew’s Ear
John’s Bread
Jupiter’s Foot
Joy of the Mountain
Jupiter’s Staff
King’s Crown
Knight’s Milfoil
Kronos blood
Ladies’ Meat
Lad’s Love
Lady’s Glove
Lady’s Mantle
Lady’s Slipper
Lady’s Tresses
Lamb’s Ears
Lion’s Hairs
Lizard’s Tail
Maiden’s Hair
Mother’s Heart
Mouse’s Ear
Mouse’s Tail
Negro Head
Old Man’s Beard
Ox’s Eye
Queen’s Delight
Pig’s Tail
Pig’s Snout
Priest’s Crown
Rabbit’s Foot
Serpent’s Tongue
Semen of Ammon
Semen of Ares
Semen of Helios
Semen of Herakles
Semen of Hermes
Semen of Hephaistos
Semen of Horus
Shepherd’s Heart
Snow Drop
Snake’s Head
Snake’s Milk
Snake’s Tongue
Sparrow’s Tongue
Squirrel’s Ear
Stag’s Horn
Tears of a Baboon
Tree of Heaven
Unicorn’s Horn
Weasel Snout
Wolf Claw
Wolf Foot
Wolf’s Milk
Turnip Sap
Lady’s Mantle
Germander Speedwell
Bear’s Breeches
Reindeer Moss
A Mulberry Tree’s Milk.
Tamarisk Gall.
Wild Lettuce
Elder sap
Irish Tops
Ground Ivy
Wild Geranium
Wild Geranium
Common Plantain
Great Mullein
Snap Dragon
Conoglossum Officinale
Wild Geranium
Common Plantain
Germander Speedwell
Mustard Seed
Common Daisy
Indian Pipe
Five-leaf grass
Bulbous Buttercup
Ash Weed
Ox-eye Daisy
Maidenhair Fern
Dill Seed.
Great Mullein
Heart of Wormwood.
Royal Fern
Hart’s Tongue Fern
Yerba Santa
Common Agrimony
Hart’s Tongue Fern
Great Mullein
Fungus on Elder or Elm
Great Mullein
Black Haw
May Flower blossom.
Nine Hooks
American Valerian
Spira Root
Turnip leaves
Breast Weed
Maidenhair Fern
Shepheard’s Purse
Hawk Weed
Common Stonecrop
Vegetable Ivory
Fringe Tree
Leopard’s Bane
Field Clover
White Hellebore
Shepheard’s Purse
Bulbous Violet
Blooming Splurge
Adder’s Tongue Fern
Knotweed (grass)
White Plantain
Club Moss
Dill Juice
Chinese Sumach
False Unicorn
Yellow Archangel
Club Moss
Bugle Weed
Kansui Root

Plants and their Magical Properties


Magical properties: Plants will keep you safe from any evil influences and protect you from accidents within the home.


Magical properties: Put anise seeds in a small cotton bag and place under your pillow this will ward off nightmares, just as a dream catcher does; if you use anise leaves in your sacred space and inside your magic circle when practicing your magic or meditating, the leaves will protect your sacred space from anything untoward.


Magical properties:  By holding, or carrying on your person, a piece of ash you will always be protected on or near water, ash can also be hung in doorways and ward off malevolent spirits. You can sprinkle ash around the outside of your home for protection, place the ash in the four directions of earth, air, fire and water, placing a talisman of each in each of the four directions.


Magical properties: Basil has potent love properties and is used when casting love spells.


Magical properties: Always use blackberry when casting money spells as it contains properties of abundance. Blackberry can also be used for protection from malevolent energies and for health protection.

Black Cohosh

Magical properties: Black Cohosh is used in love spells, and helps foster determination, courage and faith in self when carried.

Blood Root

Magical properties: This particular root draws love to you, on all levels and helps to create a position vibration and repels negativity, place around your home, above doorways and windows. If you are single and looking for romance place some on your bedside table with a rose quartz next to it and two red candles.


Magical  properties: Catnip is a magnet for positive energies and luck, if can also be used in love spells in conjunction with the placing of a rose quartz and red rose petals.


Magical properties: All witches know to use chamomile in their money spells, chamomile used well, creates abundance, if you want to remove a curse, spell or negative feeling, use chamomile first steeped in warm water then sprinkled with basil.


Magical properties: For any official purposes, help or guidance you can’t go past Cinquefoil, place a small bag of Cinquefoil under your bed to ensure a restful night’s sleep, the five properties of the leaves attributed to love, health, power, money, intelligence and wisdom.


Magical properties: The powerful scent has healing properties and has been used by witches for centuries.


Magical properties: Elder will protect you from all types of negativity, place on windowsills, in doorways, the berries can be carried on your person, if you place in a pot, or flower bed it will bring you prosperity, elder wood is also used for wand making.


Magical properties: Fennel will repel all evil spirits, it is good luck to grow it around the home as a form of protection. Hang it at windows and doorways for protection, carry with you for protection.


Magical properties: If you have Hawthorne in, or around home you will repel ghosts, Hawthorne also draws fairies into your garden.


Magical properties: Hazel twigs in your home, strategically placed, will protect your home from damage due to inclement weather and fire. Brides were often given hazel nuts for good luck.


Magical properties: Always use a red Hibiscus flower when making love potions it is associated with good fortune and love.


Magical properties: Holly will protect you from all things earthly or otherwise, plant around your home for a ring of protection, and carry holly for luck. A love potion can be made using holly leaves, rose petals, a rose quartz and two red candles, light the candles and visualize the object of your desire do this for five minutes then blow out the candles and drink a full glass of water, wash your hands when you finish. Using a cloth you can place holly leaves in and put under the bed to ensure a restful night’s sleep.


Magical properties: Lavender is the perfect plant to use in love spells, to attract love rub lavender on your clothes, lavender under your pillow will give you a restful night’s sleep.


Magical properties: If you are in an executive, or position of power or influence, bathe in a hot bath with Marigold to help you further your career. By stringing Marigold around your home you will be sure to keep out evil spirits. It also works on unpleasant or unwanted visitors by repelling them.


Magical properties: Mint is the perfect herb to use when you are planning to travel it is also used for prosperity spells. Benign spirits are drawn to mint when it is placed in your sacred circle or upon your magic alter.


Magical properties: It is said that if you carry Mistletoe it will help fertility and protect you from all ills. To repel evil spirits burn mistletoe, and by placing mistletoe under or on your bed it will ensure a good night’s sleep and enhance dreams.

Morning Glory

Magical properties: Morning Glory seeds under your pillow will work like a dream catcher and prevent nightmares, and by growing it in the garden Morning Glory will draw happiness and tranquility.


Magical properties: Witches have always used Nettle to remove a curse and return it back from where it came, have a pot of freshly cut Nettle under the bed of someone who is unwell it helps in the recovery.


Magical properties: Place Oak twigs around your home as protection it can also be placed within the home, Acorns place in the window will protect the home from lightening and floods, it will also ward off illness. Acorns on windowsills when the moon is full will draw money to you.

Passion Flower

Magical properties: Passion Flower brings tranquility to a household that is experiencing difficulties or tensions, by carrying it, it breeds hospitality and good social relationships. Under your bed or pillow it aids in having a restful night’s sleep.


Magical properties: Perfect for healing, often taken for upset stomachs and works particularly well for nausea, place under the pillow for a good night’s sleep, it can aid in you having precognitive dreams.


Magical properties: The rose has been used in love spells for centuries, it brings harmony and warm feelings, roses in your garden welcome all manner of magic beings. Place rose petals around the home for an ambient environment and to reduce tensions and upsets.


Magical properties: When you are practicing your craft place a vase of snapdragons for protection, snapdragon on your altar and reflected in a mirror repel curses and send them back from where they came.

St. John’s Wort

Magical properties: St. John’s Wort can be worn to help physical healing, and to banish evil spirits, it also helps to brighten you up if worn when you are having emotional difficulties.


Magical properties: Grow Sunflowers in your garden and bring them into your home for good luck and a lightness of spirit.

Below is a complete list of plants, Herbs and their magical properties

Herbs and their magical properties A-Z

Acacia : Protection, Psychic Powers, Money and Love Spells
Adam & Eve Roots : Love, Happiness
Adders Tongue : Healing
African Violet : Spirituality, Protection
Agaric : Fertility
Agrimony : Protection, Sleep
Ague Root : Protection
Alfalfa : Prosperity, Anti-Hunger, Money
Alkanet : Purification, Prosperity
Allspice : Money, Luck, Healing
Almond : Money, Prosperity, Wisdom
Aloe : Protection, Luck
Aloes, Wood : Love, Spirituality
Althea : Protection, Psychic Powers
Alyssum : Protection, Moderating Anger
Amaranth : Healing Heartbreak, Protection, Invisibility,
Anemone : Health, Protection, Healing
Angelica : Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Visions
Anise : Protection, Purification, Youth
Apple : Love, Healing, Garden Magic, Immortality
Apricot : Love
Arabic Gum : Spirituality, Purify Negativity and Evil
Arbutus : Exorcism, Protection
Asafoetida : Exorcism, Purification, Protection
Ash : Protection, Prosperity, Sea Rituals, Health
Aspen : Eloquence, Anti-Theft
Aster : Love
Avens : Exorcism, Purification, Love
Avocado : Love, Lust, Beauty


Bachelor’s Buttons : Love
Balm, Lemon : Love, Success, Healing
Balm of Gilead : Love, Manifestations, Protection, Healing
Bamboo : Protection, Luck, Hex-Breaking, Wishes
Banana : Fertility, Potency, Prosperity
Banyan : Luck. Happiness
Barley : Love, Healing, Protection
Basil : Love, Exorcism, Wealth, Flying, Protection
Bay : Protection, Psychic Powers, Healing, Purification, Strength
Bean : Protection, Exorcism, Wart Charming,
Reconciliation, Potency, Love
Bedstraw, Fragrant : Love
Beech : Wishes
Beet : love
Belladonna : Astral Projection, Visions **TOXIC**
Benzoin : Purification, Prosperity
Bergamot, Orange : Money, Success
Be-Still : Luck
Betony, Wood : Protection, Purification, Love

Birch : Protection, Exorcism, Purification and Cleansing
Bistort : Psychic Powers, Fertility
Bittersweet : Protection, Healing
Blackberry : Healing, Money, Protection
Bladderwrack : Protection, Sea Spells, Wind Spells,
Money, Psychic Powers
Bleeding Heart : Love
Bloodroot : Love, Protection, Purification
Bluebell : Luck, Truth
Blueberry : Protection
Blue Flag : Money
Bodhi : Fertility, Protection, Wisdom, Meditation
Boneset : Protection, Exorcism
Borage : Courage, Psychic Powers
BrackenBrazil NutBriony : Image Magic, Money, Protection
Bromeliad : Protection, Money
Broom : Purification, Protection, Wind Spells, Divination
Buchu : Psychic Powers, Prophetic Dreams
Buckthorn : Protection, Exorcism, Wishes, Legal Matters


Cabbage : Luck
Cactus : Protection, Chastity
Calamus : Luck, Healing, Money, Protection
Camellia -Riches
Camphor : Chastity, Health, Divination
Caper : Potency, Lust, Luck
Carawy : Protection, Lust, Health, Anti-Theft, Mental Powers
Cardamon : Lust, Love
Carnation : Protection, Strength, Healing
Carob : Protection, Health
Carrot : Fertility, Lust
Cascara Sagrada : Legal Matters, Money, Protection,
Cashew : Money
Castor : Protection
Catnip : Cat Magic, Love, Beauty, Happiness
Cat Tail : Lust
Cedar : Healing, Purification, Money, Protection
Celandine : Protection, Escape, Happiness, Legal Matters
Celery : Mental Powers, Lust, Psychic Powers
Centaury : Snake Removing
Chamomile : Money, Sleep, Love, Purification
Cherry : Love, Divination
Chestnut : Love
Chickweed : Fertility, Love
Chicory : Removing Obstacles, Invisibility, favors, Frigidity
Chili pepper : Fidelity, Hex Breaking, Love

China Berry : Luck, Change
Chrysanthemum : Protection
Cinchona : Luck, Protection
Cinnamon : Spirituality, Success, Healing, Power,
Psychic Powers, Lust, Protection, Love
Cinquefoil : Money, Protection, Prophetic Dreams, Sleep
Cloth of Gold : Understand Animal Languages
Clove : Protection, Exorcism, Love, Money

Daffodil : Love, Fertility, Luck
Daisy : Lust, Luck
Damiana : Lust, Love, Visions
Dandelion : Divination, Wishes, Calling Spirits
Datura : Hex Breaking, Sleep, Protection
Deerstongue : Lust, Psychic Powers
Devils Bit : Exorcism, Love, Protection, Lust
Devils Shoestring : Protection, Gambling, Luck, Power, Employment
Dill : Protection, Money, Lust, Luck
Dittany of Crete : Manifestations, Astral Projection
Dock : Healing, Fertility, Money
Dodder : Love, Divination, Knot Magic
Dogbane : Love
Dogwood : Wishes, Protection
Dragons Blood : Love, Protection, Exorcism, Potency
Dulse : Lust, Harmony
Dutchmans Breeches : Love


Ebony : Protection, Power
Echinacea : Strengthening Spells
Edelweiss : Invisibility, Bullet-Proofing
Elder : Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Prosperity, Sleep
Elecampane : Love, Protection, Psychic Powers
Elm : Love
Endive : Lust, Love
Eryngo : Travelers Luck, Peace, Lust, Love
Eucalyptus : Healing, Protection
Euphorbia : Purification, Protection
Eyebright : Mental Powers, Psychic Power


Fennel : Protection, Healing, Purification
Fenugreek : Money
Fern : Rain Making, Protection, Luck, Riches,
Eternal Youth, Health, Exorcism
Feverfew : Protection
Fig : Divination, Fertility, Love
Figwort : Health, Protection
Flax : Money, Protection, Beauty, Psychic Powers, Healing

Fleabane : Exorcism, Protection, Chastity
Foxglove : Protection
Frankincense : Protection, Exorcism, Spirituality
Fumitory : Money, Exorcism
Fuzzy Weed : Love, Hunting

Galangal : Protection, Lust, Health, Money,
Psychic Powers, Hex-Breaking
Gardenia : Love, Peace, Healing, Spirituality
Garlic : Protection, Healing, Exorcism, Lust, Anti-Theft
Gentian : Love, Power
Geranium : Fertility, Health, Love, Protection
Ginger : Love, Money, Success, Power
Ginseng : Love, Wishes, Healing, Beauty, Protection, Lust
Goats Rue : Healing, Health
Goldenrod : Money, Divination
Golden Seal : Healing, Money
Gorse : Protection, Money
Gotu Kola : Meditation
Gourd : Protection
Grain : Protection
Grains of Paradise : Lust, Luck, Love, Money, Wishes
Grape : Fertility, Garden Magic, Mental Powers, Money
Grass : Psychic Powers, Protection
Ground Ivy : Divination
Groundsel : Health, Healing

Hawthorn : Fertility, Chastity, Fishing Magic, Happiness
Hazel : Luck, Fertility, Anti-Lightning, Protection, Wishes
Heather : Protection, Rain Making, Luck
Heliotrope : Exorcism, Prophetic Dreams, Healing,
Wealth, Invisibility
Hellebore, Black : Protection ****TOXIC***
Hemlock : Destroy Sexual Drive ***TOXIC***
Hemp : Healing, Love, Vision, Meditation
Henbane : Love Attraction ***TOXIC***
Henna : Healing
Hibiscus : Lust, Love, Divination
Hickory : Legal Matters
High John the Conqueror : Money, Love, Success, Happiness
Holly : Protection, Anti-Lightning, Luck, Dream Magic, Balance
Honesty : Money, Repelling Monsters
Honeysuckle : Money, Psychic Powers, Protection
Hops : Healing, Sleep
Horehound : Protection, Mental Powers, Exorcism,

Horse Chestnut : Money, Healing
Horseradish : Purification, Exorcism
Horsetail : Snake Charming, Fertility
Houndstongue : Tying Dog’s Tongues
Houseleek : Luck, Protection, Love
Huckleberry : Luck, Protection, Dream Magic, Hex Breaking
Hyacinth : Love, Protection, Happiness
Hydrangea : Hex Breaking
Hyssop : Purification, Protection

Indian Paint Brush : Love
Iris : Purification, Wisdom
Irish Moss : Money, Luck, Protection
Ivy : Protection, Healing

Jasmine : Love, Money, Prophetic Dreams
Jobs Tears : Healing, Wishes, Luck
Joe-Pye Weed : Love, Respect
Juniper : Protection, Anti-Theft, Love, Exorcism, Health

Kava-Kave : Visions, Protection, Luck
Knotweed : Binding, Health

Ladys mantle : Love
Ladys slipper : Protection
Larch : Protection, Anti-Theft
Larkspur : Health, Protection
Lavender : Love, Protection, Sleep, Chastity,
Longevity, Purification, Happiness, Peace
Leek : Love, Protection, Exorcism
Lemon : Longevity, Purification, Love, Friendship
Lemongrass : Repel snakes, Lust, Psychic Powers
Lemon Verbena : Purification, Love
Lettuce : Chastity, Protection, Love, Divination, Sleep
Licorice : Love, Lust, Fidelity
Life Everlasting : Longevity, Health, Healing
Lilac : Exorcism, Protection, Beauty
Lily : Protection, Breaking Love spells
Lily of the Valley : Mental Powers, Happiness
Lime : Healing, Love, Protection
Linden : Protection, Immortality, Luck, Love, Sleep
Liquidamber : Protection
Liverwort : Protection
Liverwort : Love
Looestrife : Peace, Protection
Lotus : Protection, Lock-Opening
Lovage : Love
Love Seed : Love, Friendship
Lucky Hand : Employment, Luck, Protection, Money, Travel

Mace : Psychic Powers, Mental Powers
Maguey : Lust
Magnolia : Fidelity
Mahogany, Mountain : Anti-Lightning
Maidenhair : Beauty, Love
Male Fern : Luck, Love
Mallow : Love, Protection, Exorcism
Mandrake : Protection, Love, Money, Fertility, Health
Maple : Love, Longevity, Money
Marigold : Protection, Prophetic Dreams,
Business and Legal Matters, Psychic Powers
Marjoram : Protection, Love, Happiness, Health, Money, Healing
Master Wort : Strength, Courage, Protection
Mastic : Psychic Powers, Manifestations, Lust
May Apple : Money
Meadow Rue : Divination
Meadowsweet : Love, Divination, Peace, Happiness
Mesquite : Healing
Mimosa : Protection, Love, Prophetic Dreams, Purification
Mint : Money, Love, Luck, Healing, Exorcism, Travel, Protection
Mistletoe : Protection, Love, Hunting, Fertility, Health, Exorcism
Molukka : Protection
Moonwort : Money, Love
Moss : Luck, Money
Mugwort : Strength, Psychic Powers, Protection,
Prophetic Dreams, Healing, Astral Projection
Mulberry : Protection, Strength
Mullein : Courage, Protection, Health, Love, Divination, Exorcism
Mustard : Fertility, Protection, Mental Powers
Myrrh : Protection, Exorcism, Healing, Spirituality
Myrtle : Love, Fertility, Youth, Peace, Money

Nettle : Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Lust
Norfolk Island Pine : Protection, anti hunger
Nuts : Fertility, Prosperity, Love, Luck

Oak : Protection, Health, Money, Healing, Potency, Fertility, Luck
Oats : Money
Olive : Healing, Peace, Fertility, Potency, Protection, Lust
Onion : Protection, Exorcism, Healing, Money,
Prophetic Dreams, Lust
Orange : Love, Divination, Luck, Money
Orchid : Love
Oregon Grape : Money, Prosperity
Orris Root : Love, Protection, Divination

Palm, Date : Fertility, Potency
Pansy : Love, Rain Magic, Love, Divination
Papaya : Love, Protection
Papyrus : Protection
Parosela : Hunting
Parsley : Love, Protection, Purification
Passion Flower : Peace, Sleep, Friendship
Patchouly : Money, Fertility, Lust
Pea : Money, Love
Peach : Love, Exorcism, Longevity, Fertility, Wishes
Pear : Lust, Love
Pecan : Money, Employment
Pennyroyal : Strength, Protection, Peace
Peony : Protection, Exorcism
Pepper : Protection, Exorcism
Peppermint : Purification, Sleep, Love, Healing, Psychic Powers
Pepper Tree : Purification, Healing, Protection
Periwinkle : Love, Lust, Mental Powers, Money, Protection
Persimmon : Changing Sex, Healing, Luck
Plot Weed : Protection
Pimento : Love
Pimpernel : Protection, Health
Pine : Healing, Fertility, Protection, Exorcism, Money
Pineapple : Luck, Money, Chastity
Pipsissewa : Money, Spirit Calling

Quassia : Love
Quince : Protection, Love, Happiness

Radish : Protection, Lust
Ragweed : Courage
Ragwort : Protection
Raspberry : Protection, Love
Rattlesnake Root : Protection, Money
Rhubarb : Protection, Fidelity
Rice : Protection, Rain, Fertility, Money
Roots : Protection, Power, Divination
Rose : Love, Psychic Powers, Healing, Love, Divination, Luck, Protection
Rosemary : Protection, Love, Lust, Mental Powers,
Exorcism, Purification, Healing, Sleep, Youth
Rowan : Psychic Powers, Healing, Protection, Power, Success
Rue : Healing, Health, Mental Powers, Exorcism, Love
Rye : Love, Fidelity

Saffron : Love, Healing, Happiness, Wind Raising,
Lust, Strength, Psychic Powers.
Sage : Immortality, Longevity, Wisdom, Protection, Wishes
Sagebrush : Purification, Exorcism

St.Johns Wort : Health, Power, Protection, Strength,
Love, Divination, Happiness
Sandalwood : Protection, Healing, Exorcism, Spirituality
Sarsaparilla : Love, Money
Sassafras : Health, Money
Savory, Summer : Mental Powers
Scullcap : Love, Fidelity, Peace
Senna : Love
Sesame : Money. Lust
Shallot : Purification
Skunk Cabbage : Legal Matters
Slippery Elm : Halts Gossip
Sloe : Exorcism, Protection
Snakeroot : Luck Money
Snakeroot/black : Love, Lust, Money
Snapdragon : Protection
Solomons Seal : Protection, Exorcism
Sorrel Wood : Healing, Health
Southern Wood : Love, Lust, Protection
Spanish Moss : Protection
Spearmint : Healing, Love, Mental Powers
SpiderWort : Love
Spikenard : Love
Squill : Money, Protection, Hex Breaking
Star, Anise : Psychic Powers, Luck
Stillengia : Psychic Powers
Straw : Luck, Image Magic
Strawberry : Love, Luck
Sugar Cane : Love, Lust
Sumbul : Love, Luck, Health, Psychic Powers
Sunflower : Fertility, Wishes, Health, Wisdom
Sweetgrass : Calling Spirits

Tamarind : Love
Tamarisk : Exorcism, Protection
Tansy : Health, Longevity
Tea : Riches, Courage, Strength
Thistle : Strength, Protection, Hex Breaking, Healing
Thistle, Holy : Purification, Hex Breaking
Thistle, Milk : Snake Enraging
Thyme : Health, Healing, Sleep, Psychic Powers,
Love, Purification, Courage
Ti : Protection, Healing
Toadflax : Protection, Hex Breaking
Toadstool : Rain Making
Tobacco : Healing, Purification
Turmeric : Purification
Turnip : Protection, Ending Relationships

Urva Ursa : Psychic Workings

Valerian : Love, Sleep, Purification, Protection
Vanilla : Love, Lust, Mental Powers
Venus Flytrap : Protection, Love
Vervain : Love, Protection, Purification, Peace,
Money, Youth, Chastity, Sleep, Healing
Vetch, Giant : Fidelity
Vetivert : Love, Hex Breaking, Luck, Money, Anti-Theft
Violet : Protection, Luck, Love, Lust, Wishes, Peace, Healing

Wahoo : Hex-breaking, Courage, Success
Walnut : Health, Mental Powers, Infertility, Wishes
Wax Plant : Protection
Wheat : Fertility, Money
Willow : Love, Divination, Protection, Healing
Wintergreen : Protection, Healing, Hex Breaking
Winters Bark : Success
Witch Grass : Happiness, Lust, love, Exorcism
Witch Hazel : Protection, Chastity
Wolfs Bane : Protection, Invisibility
Wood Rose : Luck
Woodruff : Victory, Protection, Money
Wormwood : Psychic Powers, Protection, Love, Calling Spirits


Yarrow : Courage, Love, Psychic Powers, Exorcism
Yellow Evening Primrose : Hunting
Yerba Mate : Fidelity, Love, Lust
Yerba Santa : Beauty, Healing, Psychic Powers, Protection
Yew : Raising the Dead
Yohimbe : Love, Lust
Yucca : Transmutation, Protection, Purification

Herbal Magic For Witches

Druid Temple

Druid Temple (Photo credit: Wondering Grubb)

Herbal magic

Herbs have been used by witches for eons, Myrrh was burned on a daily basis by the ancient Egyptians this was done as an offering to the gods, and there were many stories told about people and gods being transformed into trees.

Irish moss, holly, hazel, daffodil, orange, star anise, poppy, violet, wood rose, strawberry, apple, rosemary, moss and cotton are just some of the plants that are considered lucky, these and others will always be part of a witch’s arsenal.

To protect the home have some white heather in your kitchen. Witches also love to use hydrangea flowers in their magic spells, and for protecting the home sprinkle oregano around the outside while chanting, “I am protected”.  Mistletoe can be worn or placed around the home for protection also. The Druids burned elder for blessings and elder was often hanging over people’s doors and windows. The following are plants used by witches;

Ague root; known as, unicorn root

Arisaema; known as, dragon tail

Bistort; known as, dragonwort

Calliandra eriphylla; known as, fairy duster

Calochortus albus; known as, fairy duster

Calypso bulbosa; known as, fairy slipper

Cat tail; fairy woman’s spindle

Ceratopteris spp; known as, water sprite

Cowslip; known as, fairy cup

Daemomorops draco; known as dragon’s blood

Datura; known as, ghost flower

Devil’s bit; known as, unicorn root

Disporum smithii; known as, coast fairy bells

Dracaena spp; known as, dragon’s blood

Elecampane; known as, elf dock

Elm, known as, elven

Epipogium aphyllum; ghost orchid

Eucalyptus papuana; known as, ghost gum

Foxglove; known as, fairy fingers

Juncus effuses, known as, unicorn

Lavender; known as, silver ghost

Molukka bean; known as fairy’s eggs

Moringa ovalifolia; known as, phantom tree

Mohavea confertiflora; known as, ghost flower

Peristeria elata; known as, ghost orchid

Polpompholyx; known as, fairy aprons

Primula malacoides; known as, fairy primrose

Ragwort; known as, fairy’s horses

Rosemary; known as, elf leaf

Toadflax, known as, dragon bushes

Wood sorrel, known as, fairy’s bells

Zephyranthes; known as, fairy’s lily

On Midsummer’s Day, the 24th June the Druids traditionally cut mistletoe as the plants powers were at their most potent on this day. Many witches still follow this tradition, as it is believed that it has healing and divinatory properties. Another plant to be used as this time is Saint John’s wort which is used for healing. Vervain is a multipurpose plant also harvested on Midsummer and used for divination, healing and protection. The plants mentioned can be harvested at other times of the year, but Midsummer is said to be when they are at their most potent. Some witches harvested chicory on Midsummer’s Day to use for invisibility purposes. Wood betony can be placed under the pillow to stop nightmares, or placed in an amulet to be worn for protection.

Many witches gather thirteen times a year when the moon is full, this gathering is called an Esbat this is also a time for them to practice powerful magic, they would each bring an offering with them. Most witches have an herb garden inhabited by fairies and other spirit creatures, and as they spend time tending their garden they often find that they are inspired to make magic.

Botanomancy which is the practice of divination using herbs is an ancient method of magic practiced by witches, they would burn plants and trees and read the message in the ashes.

The Druids held rituals associated with trees and plants, they used vervain and mistletoe for divination, for healing and for protection. Witches of long ago would sprinkle incense on a fire and watch how the incense smoke drifted to give them a yes or no answer to a question, if the smoke emanating from the incense drifts to the right this is yes, if the smoke drifts to the left the answer is no. If the smoke breaks up this means take care of your finances, if the smoke clusters and moves upwards this is a good sign for new enterprise, and financial gain. If the base of the smoke is very thin and wider at the top you are urged to move forward with care and show caution with money. Choose carefully the people you spend time with. If the smoke of the incense breaks in two it means you should slow down and give yourself some time to meditate, you may be taking on too much and are overwhelmed.

In ancient Greece the petals and leaves of roses were used to foretell the future, a rose with a concave shape is for answering a yes or no question, the diviner holds the rose petal and meditates, then press both hands together in a clapping motion. A burst petal is a yes answer and a whole petal is a no answer.

A form of divination that psychic witches use when a couple want to know their fate, is the taking of two acorns on the night of a full moon, the initials of one partner is written on one acorn, and the initials of the other partner is written on the other acorn. The acorns are placed six centimeters apart then placed in a cauldron filled with water, their movements are observed. If they move towards each other the couple will stay together, if they move apart, the couple will not stay together. If the acorns don’t move at all the message given is to ask the question at a later date as their fate is not yet clear.

There is a superstition that requires you to take a root of ribwort and place it beneath a stone, to then leave it overnight, you do this when the moon is full. If there is marriage for you within twelve months, the initials of the one you are to marry will be found on the plant’s root. Another way of divining your marital future is to pick twelve sage leaves during the evening of Halloween, and on the twelfth leaf you will see the face of your future partner. If no face appears, it means you will not be marrying within the next twelve months.

To find out if your lover has been faithful to you, take a bay leaf during the evening a full moon, prick your lover’s name upon the leaf with a pin, when this is done place the leaf under your pillow before you go to sleep. In the morning look to see if the leaf has turned brown, if it has you will know that your lover is faithful to you. If the leaf is the same colour, there is deception around you.

If you sleep with ivy leaves, mistletoe or myrtle under your pillow, and you are unattached,   you will dream of your future partner in marriage. Or on a Saturday night at midnight you can take seven leaves from a holly plant, tie the leaves in a handkerchief, or a piece of square fabric, and place the handkerchief under your pillow before going to sleep, this will also encourage you to dream of your marriage partner to be.

Wizards often divine the weather by counting the berries on a holly tree, if the tree is abundant with berries the weather will not be good and there will be many storms, if there are few, the weather will be mild.

All witches are adept at tea leaf reading and this art has been practiced for hundreds of years. Make a pot of tea and turn the teapot once to the right and twice to the left, you then pour the tea into a teacup, when you have finished drinking the tea, swirl the cup clockwise and tip the cup upside down on a napkin. The leaves are then examined and the shapes deciphered, such as if you see a heart you know that romance is in the air, if two hearts are together there is to be a marriage ceremony. If a dagger shape is seen this means you should take care of your health, the shape of the moon foretells change to very soon take place in the querants life. The shape of the snake is warning you to be careful of who you spend time with there is deception around you, a bird spells a journey to come, a cat represents someone who is not being honest with you, and a dog represents time spent with a close friend. Dots are telling you that there is money to come, a star, or horseshoe is indicative of luck to come your way. If a triangle or a pyramid is seen something utterly wonderful is to take place in your life, these are extremely fortuitous signs, you can expect great success. Many symbols in teacup reading are symbolic, like any form of divination some things that are divined are symbolic and others are actual, how a reading progresses depends on the ability of the psychic reader. Witches sprinkle tealeaves around the house for luck and protection, and if tea is spilled it indicates good luck. Very strong tea suggests that a new friend is on the horizon. If the top is left off the teapot accidentally it suggests a stranger in your midst.

All witches will tell you that it is bad luck for more than one person to pour from a pot of tea, bubbles on top of your teacup means you will have financial luck. If the bubbles are near the side of the cup you can expect romance. There is a tealeaf reading article in Witcheslore that will give you more details on how to do a tealeaf reading. When making a pot of tea a witch will always tell you to stir the tea clockwise, witches often foretold a child or twins and whether a woman would soon find herself pregnant, an adept tealeaf reader is able to give time with a certain degree of accuracy. Never throw you tealeaves away, always tip them into your garden.

A witch uses mugwort for psychic clarity and to help them connect to the astral realms, when making mugwort tea the goddess Bast is called upon to bless the tea.

For centuries witches have been healing with plants, flowers and herbs, such as using foxglove as an astringent and for a sore throat, it can also be carried on the person or sprinkled around the home for protective purposes. Mugwort tea is useful if you wish to have prophetic dreams, it is also an aid in astral travel, if taken before retiring for the night it is a useful gateway to other dimensions. Dandelion tea helps to call the spirits, and is an aid in foretelling the future as it helps heighten psychic abilities. Peppermint tea can be used in healing spells and if sprinkled around the home keeps away evil spirits, it is also useful when casting happiness spells.

For health and wellbeing, carry any of the following, rosemary, vervain, ginseng root, angelica, the blackberry bush was used for healing in the Middle Ages and it was thought that if rubbed onto a person they would be magically cured of whatever ailed them.

If witches wanted to cure an ailment they strung together thirteen garlic cloves, and wore them for thirteen days and nights. A mixture of thyme and essential oil, if rubbed on the chest, is said to help chest inflammation.  Elder twig has been used by witches over the centuries as an antidote for rheumatism and peppermint tea is often used for nausea. To relieve joint pain, witches have healed using tea made from willow bark.

As witches often cast wart on the nose spells they use dried bean rubbed into the rubbed onto the wart, or they chant the following to help the war disappear.

Wart away wart to go

Be gone be gone

Magic mine power strong

Wart be gone by midnight hour

It will be done

It will be done

It will be done

Magic mine power strong

Wart away

Wart be gone

In ancient times plants were used that could not be used in this day and age, such as the poisonous belladonna plant which many sorcerers used to help them connect readily to the astral plane. Witches often used belladonna in their flying ointments and, they also used belladonna to help them have clearer psychic vision. It was often placed above the front door in peoples home and used for protection. As witches work with powerful energies they always have belladonna hanging over their front door for its exceptionally powerful protection properties.

Many of the old sorcerers, magicians and witches used henbane, it produced vivid imagery and helped with psychic visions, many deeply involved in divination practices used henbane. This like belladonna is a poisonous plant, and was used in flying ointments. Witches made enchantments out of henbane and if the witch was particularly powerful, the enchantment was used to make people fall in love.

A witch’s pantry would not be complete without the mandrake plant with its magical properties, it is used in spell casting and in enchantments, it is suitable for love spells and for protection spells, it can help psychic visions and attract love. It is also used for fertility spells, and when used as a love enchantment it heightens desire. Mandrake was added to ointments in ancient times and used to give witches the ability to fly, it was also used to create an invisibility spell. When using the mandrake there is a mental connection with the witch casting the spell, and only the witch casting the spell can uproot the mandrake plant for magical use. The mandrake has historically been used for dark magic.

The highly poisonous hemlock plant brought many sorcerers to their fateful end as they experimented with this toxic plant. Many witches have used hemlock for the purpose of astral projection and divination.

Wolfbane has been used for centuries in an amulet for protection again a vampire, a wolfbane amulet was used by witches when casting a powerful invisibility spell.

Hemp is an ingredient that has been used to enhance psychic powers, for invisibility and for shape shifting, and to rid people of evil spirits.

Sorcerers and witches alike have used angelica root to ward off evil spirits, and it is especially potent if mixed with lavender and placed in a small bag in the home. Buckeye nuts are used as a lucky charm and were carried by those who wished to improve their financial viability. Hang devils pod above your front door if you wish to keep away evil spirits.

For extremely powerful protection, good health and luck, carry an amulet with salep root oil inside, this good luck charm has been prepared by witches and used by gamblers over the centuries.  Witches smear Wolf’s bane inside an amulet and wear is as a protection against those who would use witchcraft against them.

Garlic was used as a protection during childbirth, and if placed under a woman giving birth, it is said to keep both the baby and mother, safe from harm.

If you want to secure the affections of someone, you can bake a loaf of bread with rye in it, the rye seeds will secure the love of the one you present it to, once the object of your affection has eaten it. Another love food is pimento, when put in food and served to an individual, they will then develop romantic feelings for them. Place an onion in an unused pot and chant to it each day at sunset and as each day passes, your intended romantic partner, will be drawn to you and have romantic feelings for you. You may chant the following;

Growing growing your love does grow

Love blossoms your heart for me

I am the one for you

Merlin watches chants for us

I call and you hear me now

We are to be

And so it is

Growing growing your love does grow

You are to give your heart to me

We are to be

Witches often made an aphrodisiac for those who came to them, it contained the fresh roots of an asparagus, boiled in red wine and if a person and their partner drinks the wine, they will have romantic and sensual yearnings towards each other. Witches were often called upon to make powerful love amulets for people. The witch would place beans in a small container chant her magic and then it was then carried by a man or woman and would arouse sensual feelings. It had more power if both partners carried the enchanted beans on their person. If vervain is gathered during a new moon and placed under the pillow before going to sleep it will ensnare the affections of the one you are thinking about, if there is no special person you can focus on love and draw it to you.

If you wish to make an astrological herb garden you can section a planting area into seven sections, the Sun, the Moon, the planets Saturn, Venus, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter. Plant the following in the Sun section, on a Sunday, do it when the moon is full, saffron, angelica, lovage, rosemary, chamomile, lovage. Plant the Moon section on a Monday when the Moon is new, saxifrage, moonwort and purslane. In the Mars area plant on a Tuesday during a half Moon, horseradish, rhubarb, basil, garlic. In your Mercury area, plant on a Wednesday during a new moon, fennel, lavender, parsley, dill and caraway. For your Jupiter section, plant on a Thursday during a new moon, chervil sage, asparagus and borage. For the section dedicated to the planet Venus begin planting on a Friday, when the moon is full, mugwort, strawberry, vervain and violets. On a Saturday during a half Moon you can plant, mullein, Solomon’s seal, comfrey and bistort.

To build a beautiful garden of love and magic, the following herbs can be planted on a night when the Moon is full, daffodil, hibiscus, gentian, geranium, gardenia, coriander, basil, Adam and Eve, catnip, cherry, gentian, love seed, jasmine, lavender, poppy, valerian, vanilla, yarrow, willow, pansy, peppermint, lemon verbena, love seed, maidenhair, strawberry, thyme, hibiscus and hyacinth.

If you want to draw love into your life, place the root of an orchid plant in a jar, add some rose oil and seal the jar recite the following twice;

Venus planet of love let true love be

Love is mine it is to be

Love will be bound for you and me

This special love is meant to be

So it will be

Intense love there is to be

Overwhelming love is to be

Leave the jar out in the night for three weeks then open it, take the orchid root from the jar and place it next to the bed, before going to sleep touch the root and recite twice for three nights in a row, this is said to bring powerful love into your life. Another powerful love enchantment is the burning of wood aloes on a Saturday night during a new moon, you think deeply of lover coming into your life before the next new moon.

A spell for wealth, take three gold coins and wrap them in gold paper, tie with a gold ribbon and place them in the soil beneath a lucky bamboo plant, do this only when the moon is full, maintain the plant with tender loving care to help it become strong and sturdy. Witches often use the hop plant to draw prosperity and good luck, it was hung in the doorway of the kitchen, many people would go to the witch to have the plant enchanted before using it, a witch’s chant will make the plant more powerful. The hop plant has been used by witches for centuries as a healing remedy, hops was mixed with incense and burnt to help heal maladies and to ward off nightmares, it was also used to treat insomnia. Black candle mixed with salt and burned, was used by sorcerers and witches alike to help people who had difficult financial or legal matters, it was said to help things turn in their favour. Before legal matter, or any undertakings to do with money or the law, the burning of dried galangal was practiced by witches.

If you wish to attract spirits to your garden, you can plant the following, thistle, sweet grass, lavender, dandelion and wormwood, mix these with various flowers and plants and each evening go into your garden and chant to the nature spirits. You may think of someone who has passed away and call on them to visit you.

Spirit light spirit bright

May you enter my garden this night

Come hither laugh and sing

I call you to be

Open arms to embrace

Spirit light spirit bright

May you enter my garden this

Let it be

The following will ward off unwanted spirits, you can burn a sage stick, plant holly around your home, hang fennel in the doorways, burn the root of dried ginseng root, you many carry fennel seed on your person, in a tiny bag tied with a black ribbon, you can also hang St. Johns wort over doorways, or carry it in a small bag tied with a black ribbon. To ward off evil spirits place a bag of cinquefoil, tied with a black ribbon, under your pillow, it will keep the bad spirits away and ensure you have a restful night’s sleep.

To keep your home and family safe you can plant a garden of protection with the following, marigold rose, rosemary, thistle, willow, radish, mugwort, lavender, hazel carnation, cactus, basil, clove, aloe vera, bloodroot, mandrake, raspberry, oak, parsley, mint, lily, mulberry, lilac, ivy, juniper, fennel, wolf’s bane and snapdragon.

If you want to break a hex you can’t go past the hydrangea, as it has natural protection properties, it can be placed around the home, carried in a mojo bag or grown in your garden. If you feel you have been hexed or you are having bad luck you can place the hydrangea in a vase and place seven drops of pure lavender essence keep next to your bed, and if you wish you can chant the following on a Friday evening after 8pm.  Chant twice.

I am released

Be gone from here

I am enchanted

I am serenity

You cease to be

Light surrounds

Be gone from here

So be it

A good way to protect yourself from the evil of others is to sprinkle wormwood around your home , this will help deflect any hexes or magic perpetrated by other witches and send the energy back to them. You can also carry for protection, a mojo bag with wormwood anointed by rose essence,

If you wish to create a garden of nature spirits you can plant the following, and as you are planting imagine the fairies, elves, gnomes, and a myriad of other creatures inhabiting it, you can also use this as a wishing garden, when you wish do it when the sky is dark, if you make your wish during the new moon, the energies will be more powerful at this time. Nature spirits love the following, lavender, vervain, petunias, daisies, foxglove, carnations, pansies, primroses, petunias, foxglove, cosmos, hollyhock, yarrow and petunias. Nature spirits also love apple trees, ash, holly, silver birch and blackthorn. As fairies love the water, mainly so they can gaze at their beautiful reflection, you may wish to include a bird bath in your garden, they would also be drawn to a fish pond. You may wish to use statues of fairies, gnomes, elves, pixies and all manner of other magical creatures.

All witches have the following in their garden, bird of paradise, sunflowers, beech, bamboo, dandelion, hazel, sandalwood, violet and buckthorn, witches often make good luck and wish spells for people, as they stand in this area of their garden.

If you wish to ensure a good night’s sleep, place anise seeds in a bag and tie with a white ribbon, place the bag under your pillow, witches have been using anise to help them have pleasant dreams, for centuries.  As a protection, the leaves of an anise plant may be scattered around your bedroom.

For prophetic dreams and to be protected against nightmares, place leaves from an ash tree under your pillow before going to sleep, be sure to write in your dream book as soon as you wake. Or you can include your dream journal in your book of shadow. Two bay leaves under the pillow have long been used to ensure prophetic dreams. Dried buchu leaves mixed with lavender essence, and put in a small bag with a red ribbon and placed next to the bed, will help you to have prophetic dreams.

If you place a root of the bracken tree under your pillow you will wake in the morning with an answer to a problem you have been having. The bracken, when placed around the home and carried, will offer protection from the negativity of others.

Burn cedar incense as a protection against bad dreams, it also helps to strengthen your psychic powers, if you tie a cedar branch to your bed, or place it under the bed, it offers protection from evil forces and hexes.

For prophecies of love, a bag of cinquefoil under your pillow, or under your bed, will create dreams of the man, or woman you are to be with. For prophetic dreams of any nature, place some heliotrope leaves under your pillow before you go to sleep. Holly leaves can be placed under the pillow and they will induce prophetic dreams, remember to write your dreams down as soon as you wake.

For a restful night’s sleep burn some jasmine incense and place some jasmine flowers under your pillow. Lemon verbena placed in a bag and left under your pillow will also ensure a good night’s sleep.

All witches know that by placing a mandrake root next to the bed, you will be protected from harm, and your psyche will be heightened. Marigold placed next to the bed, or under the pillow, helps to induce prophetic dreams, marigold can also be used for protection. Mimosa works to ensure you will have prophetic dreams and will help to strengthen your psychic ability.

Mistletoe has been used for love for centuries, but if you place it beneath your pillow at night it will help keep always nightmares. Mugwort placed under your pillow will be sure to give you a dream filled night, it is quite potent and induces a vivid dream state, write your dreams down in the morning. Prophetic dreams can also be induced by placing peppermint leaves under your pillow, you may also drink peppermint tea, if it is to your liking.

If a rose is placed under the pillow it is said that you will dream of the one who is to be your partner in life. Place St. Johns wort under your pillow and dream of your future partner. Rosemary under your pillow and next to your bed to be protected from any manner of harm.

Within everyone’s home and garden there can be magic and by understanding the workings of herbs and plants your creative juices can flow, be the witch you have always wanted to be and become empowered by your creativity. Take the time to familiarise yourself with herbs and plants and bring a little magic into your life every day. Always take care to understand the properties of herbs and plants before you cook and ingest them.

Essential Oils and Best oil blends and Meanings

Essential Oil




Blends Well With


Amber Refined 


Most oils.

Anise Star Bring sacred energies of protection and beneficence.  Used to scent a Temple or Sacred Space is will drive away negative energies and invoke the Gods.   Rose, lavender, Orange, and spicy essentials.
Basil Sweet Stimulates the conscious mind, reduces fatigue and is used to clear your mind allowing the correct path to reveal itself.  Basil is also used in spell crafting and Rituals involving money and joy.  Bergamot, geranium, hyssop, neroli, marjoram, Melissa, lavender.
Bergamot Increases physical and magickal energy and increases the flow of money into your life.  It can also help to ensure that you spend wisely and take advantage of offers to earn more.  Clary Sage, Frankincense, Geranium Egyptian, Lavender, Lemon, Neroli, Orange, and Petitgrain.
Birch Sweet Is used in Rituals involving birth, healing, Lunar Workings and invocation of the Great Mother.  None
Camphor Cleanse and purify your home or Temple of all negative energies.  Used in evening meditation to produce dreams of prophecy and divination.  Frankincense and Neroli
Carnation Helps to increase your physical and magickal energy and is also used in magick involving health and love.  This is the only oil that I have that isn’t a true essential oil.  It smells wonderful though, just like carnations.
Cedarwood  Promotes spirituality and deepens your connection with Deity.  Cedarwood is also used in spell working and Ritual involving self-control.  Rosewood, bergamot, boronia, cypress, calamus, cassie, costus, jasmine, juniper, neroli, mimosa, labdanum, olibanum, clary sage, vetiver, rosemary, ylang ylang, and other oriental and flower bases.
Cinnamon Leaf Promotes access to the psychic realm, use with visualization to strengthen the physical body, used in spells to promote wealth.  Balsam peru, caraway, chamomile, frankincense, ginger, nutmeg, rosemary, geranium, black pepper, and all the spices, Coriander, frankincense, and citrus oils.
Citronella Will clear your mind of unwanted negative energies and will energize your thoughts.  Anoint your altar candles with a drop of citronella, to purify and protect your Sacred Space.  Lemongrass, Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Lavender, Peppermint, Cajeput, Vanilla, and Bergamot.
Clary Sage Induces euphoria when inhaled for a few moments.  Encourages vivid dreams  Juniper, lavender, cilantro, pine, carsomon, geranium, sandlewood, jasmine, frankincense, and citrus oils.
Clove Leaf Promotes healing and heightens courage.  Strengthens the conscious mind and helps with retrieving long lost memories.  Rose, lavender, vanillin, clary sage, bergamont, bay leaf, lavandin, allspice, ylang ylang, and cananga.
Cypress Excellent for smoothing transitions of all kinds, particularly the loss of loved ones, friends or the ending of a relationship.  The scent of cypress can bestow comfort and solace.  Benzoin, rosemary, lavender, marjoram, lemon, eucalyptus.
Dragon’s Blood Purification, Ritual magick, love, protection and exorcism. Patchouli, lavender, rosemary and tea tree.
Eucalyptus Used to heal (purify) a room or house of negative psychic energy, especially when people have been engaged in verbal, emotional or physical combat.  Thyme, rosemary, lavender, marjoram, pine, cedarwood, and lemon.
Frankincense Produces a heightened awareness of the spiritual realms and will deepen any religious experience.  Reduces stress by pointing out that our lives are bound up with more than one reality. Promotes higher consciousness and is ideal to use before meditation.  Sandalwood, pine, vetiver, geranium, lavender, mimosa, orange, bergamot, camphor, basil, pepper, cinnamon and other spices. It modifies the sweetness of the citrus blends in an intriguing way.
Ginger Ginger is used in all Rituals involving love and sex.  Ginger also promotes courage, confidence, aggression (remember “Harm None”) and success on all levels.  Also used to bring money into your life.  Blends well with sandalwood, vetivert, patchouli, frankincense, rosewood, cedarwood, coriander, rose, lime, grapefruit, geranium, spearmint, lavender, orange and other spice or citrus oils.
Grapefruit Pink Used in Rituals involving protection and healing.  Helps to strengthen your Spirit.  Lemon, bergamot, orange blossom, rosemary, cypress, lavender, geranium, cardomon and other spice oils.
Lavender Aids in all Rituals and spell crafting involving health, love and peace.  Lavender can dispel depression, and helps to control our emotions. Sprinkled on your pillow it encourages sleep.  Most oils, especially citrus and florals; chamomile, clary sage, geranium, pine, rosemary and patchouli, clove, cedarwood, pine, geranium, labdanum, oakmoss, and vetiver.
Lemon Enhances physical energy and is used to purify your Sacred Space or home.  Lemon Essential Oils is also used in healing or health related Rituals and spell crafting.  Benzoin, chamomile, eucalyptus, fennel, frankincense, geranium, juniper, neroli, and  ylang ylang.
Lemongrass    Lemongrass will stimulate psychic awareness and is also used for personal purification rituals.  Basil, jasmine, lavender, geranium, fennel, orange, labdanum, oakmoss, benzoin, chamomile, lavandin, eucalyptus, elemi, sandalwood, ylang ylang, sage, and other citrus oils
Lime Purification and physical energy. Bergamot, Lavender, Cedarwood, Clary Sage, Lemongrass and Pine
Myrrh Awakens awareness of the spiritual reality behind our everyday existence.  Calms fears and halts questions concerning the future.  Aids in meditation and healing of the physical body.  Frankincense, sandalwood, benzoin, oak moss, cypress, juniper, mandarin, geranium, patchouli, thyme, mints, lavender, pine and spices.
Niaouli Useful in overcomingpsychic attack” and negative energy intended to cause harm.  The scent is invigorating and protective and can stimulate our bodies to heal themselves.  Lavender, pine, and mint oils
Nutmeg Physical energy, magickal energy, psychic awareness and all spell crafting involving money. Oak Moss, Lavandin, Bay Leaf, Peru Balsam, Orange, Geranium, Clary Sage, Rosemary, Lime, Petitgrain, Mandarin, Coriander, and other spice oils.
Neroli Purification, joy and sex. All other oils especially lavender, jasmine, lemon, clary sage, myrrh, and vanilla, spicy oils such as nutmeg, cinnamon, and clove.
Orange Sweet Sweet Orange is ideal for self-purification and for transforming depression into peace or joy.  It will increase bioelectrical energy for magickal workings  Blends well with Grapefruit, Ginger, Tangerine Clary Sage, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Cassia, Clove, and Lavender essential oils.
Patchouli Can arouse sexual desire and increase physical energy.  Patchouli is also used to manifest money.  Basil, geranium, juniper, lavender, neroli, pine, labdanum, vetiver, sandalwood, cedarwood, oakmoss, rose, orange blossom, bergamot, cassia, myrrh, opopanax, clary sage and oriental-type bases.
Peppermint Will rouse the conscious mind and will halt negative thoughts.  It can also be used for self-purification and visualization.  Use peppermint in all spell and ritual work involving Hecate and to invoke Cernunnos the God, add a drop or two to incense and oil mixtures.  Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Spearmint, benzoin, black pepper,  melissa, marjoram, and spice oils. Use in small quantities (1%).
Pine A very versatile essential oil, which is used for healing, purification, protection, physical energy, magickal energy and to manifest money.  Eucalyptus, lavender, other spice oils and other coniferous oils.
Rose Geranium Promotes happiness and protects us from viral attacks by calming the body and psyche and refreshing it at the same time.  Protects from psychic attacks and is used in magick to heal the soul.  Lavender, patchouli, clove, rose, orange, sandalwood, jasmine, juniper, bergamot and other citrus oils
Rosemary Used in Rituals and spell crafting to promote love, long life, and happiness. Sniff the Essential Oil to clear your conscious mind and improve your memory.  Rosemary was traditionally burned in Greek temples as an offering to the goddesses and gods.  Olibanum, lavender, lavandin, citronella, oregano, thyme, pine, basil, peppermint, labdanum, elemi, cedarwood, petitegrain, cinnamon, cedarwood, frankincense, lemon, Spearmint, Geranium, Tea Tree, and Eucalyptus essential oils.
Sage White  Dalmatian Used to improve memory and to tone the conscious mind.  With visualization it can also be used to promote wisdom.  Used in folk magick to bring money.  Do NOT put on skin.  Lemongrass, bergamot, hyssop, lemon, lavender, melissa, peppermint, rosemary, lavandin, rosewood and hyssop.
Tea Tree Helps to fight depression and is a powerful anti bacterial oil.  Lavender, peppermint, wintergreen, rosemary, citrus oils, spice oils, dragons blood, and patchouli.
Vanilla The fragrance of vanilla revitalizes the body, producing bioelectrical energy, which can be channelled into physical exertion or magickal rituals.  It can also be inhaled to manifest a loving sexual relationship.  Sandalwood, vetiver, opopanax, benzoin, balsams and spice oils.
Vetivert – Used in folk magick extensively for both protection and money.  To guard yourself inhale the fragrance while visualizing it sealing your body from negative energies.  To protect your home simmer a few drops in a diffuser.  All oils including sandalwood, rose, violet, jasmine, patchouli, oak moss, lavender, clary sage, mimosa, cassia and ylang ylang.
Ylang Ylang Aids in all Rituals and spell crafting involving peace, sex and love.  The fragrance and energies are soothing and will calm anger and negative emotional states.  With proper visualization is can be a powerful aphrodisiac. Rosewood, jasmine, vetiver, opopanax, bergamot, mimosa, cassie and rose.


Scientific Names:

  • Acacia senegal L.
  • Acacia greggii
  • Mimosa family
  • Fabaceae family

Common Names

ivyCape gum
ivyEgyptian thorn
ivyGum Arabic tree
ivyGum acacia
ivyGum Arabic
ivyIndia gum tree
ivyBablah pods
ivyAcacia bambolah
ivyCat’s Claw
ivyTear Blanket
ivyUña de gato (Spanish name)
ivyDevils claw
ivyParadise flower
ivyLong-flowered catclaw

Description of Plant(s) and Culture

Acacia is a small, spiny, leguminous tree or shrub. After the rainy season ends, the stem begins to exude gum, which is collected from December to June for marketing as gum Arabic. The acacia has alternate, bipinnate leaves and axillary racemes of yellow flowers arranged in globose heads. The fruit is an oblong pod.

There are literally dozens of species of acacia, worldwide. Their descriptions and usefulness varies greatly. Be sure to get the advice of a knowledgeable herbalist before using acacia.

Where Found

Acacia senegal L.: Grows in sandy soil, mostly in tropical Africa

Acacia greggii: a member of the Fabaceae family; it is native to the Southwestern United States and northern Mexico.

Medicinal Properties

Demulcent, mucilaginous

Legends, Myths and Stories

Acacia was a sacred wood for the ancient Hebrews. Moses used acacia wood in building the Ark of the Covenant and the sacred Tabernacle (see Exodus, chapters 25-40).

According to Near-Eastern Christian legend, a thorny species of acacia was used for Christ’s crown of thorns.

Moapa Paiute name for acacia is “Pah oh pimb.” Used for inflammation of the eyes, due to dust; vaqueros and travelers habitually carry acacia seeds and put 4 in each eye on retiring.


Gum Arabic’s main effect is to form a protective, soothing coating over inflammations in the respiratory, alimentary, and urinary tracts. It is helpful for coughs, sore throat, and catarrh, eyewash, diarrhea, and dysentery. Sweetened, it is sometimes used for typhoid fever.

Formulas or Dosages

Gum Arabic is usually dissolved in water to make a mucilage.

Mucilage: a dose is from 1 to 4 tsp.

Syrup: mix 1 part mucilage with 3 parts of a syrup. A dose is from 1-4 tsp


ACACIA is much revered in religious and magical practice. The ancient Egyptians made funeral wreaths of Acacia leaves and the Hebrews planted a sprig of evergreen Acacia to mark the grave of a departed friend. Acacia wood is the Biblical shittim-wood from which Noah’s Ark and the Tabernacle and Altar were made. Jewish legend tells us that the Burning Bush of Moses was an Acacia. Christian legend links an Acacia tree with the Cross and its spiny branches with the Crown of Thorns . The Acacia is an emblem of immortality and of initiation, in the sense that initiation is symbolic of resurrection. Many people burn these leaves as incense or dip them in holy water and sprinkle an altar to communicate with or to memorialize the Dead.


Acacia senegal) Also known as gum arabic, gum senegal and gum acacia; produced by a tree that grows in North Africa. The species of acacia that produces gum arabic and gum acacia are so closely related that one can be used for the other.

Parts Used – flowers, leaves, stems, root, bark, resin, seeds, and essential oil

Magical Uses – (Herb and Oil) Burn for altar offerings or purification; aids psychic powers, meditation, platonic love, psychic awareness; purification; inspiration; wisdom; visions; anointing; protection; prophetic dreams; spirituality; money. A sprig place over the bed wards off evil.

Catclaw Acacia (Acacia greggii) flower) taken ...

Catclaw Acacia (Acacia greggii) flower) taken in Tucson, AZ 5/14/08 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Ritual Uses – In India, the wood is used as fuel in scared fires, and also in building temples. Acacia is an excellent choice to build a small chest or sacred box. It should be handmade and used only to store your ritual tools.. If unable to obtain enough to build the box, the powdered herbe may be used to consecrate the containers you use for sacred items.

Other Uses – The dried gum can be burned as incense, the leaves and wood can be infused to create sacred water for aspurging. This gum is water soluble and when dissolved in boiling water, clarifies and makes a very good adhesive that is used, among other things, to make scented beads and pomanders.
Acacia can be used for blessing any sacred space.